Elven Society


Table of Contents

Societal Structure
Interaction with Other Races
Shadow Walkers
Uniqueness of Farland Elhil
Standard of the Summervale
Elhil Names


The Elhil, or elves, as humans call them, are a tall and beautiful race. Elhil (singular Elhan) can stand over six feet tall, especially the males, and some rare individuals have been much taller. While generally similar to humans in appearance, elves have defined features, fair faces, and beautiful speaking and singing voices, making them attractive to other races. Elhil have pointed ears, no facial hair and very little body hair. Most Elhil have brown hair, although many have red, black, or blond hair, with some rare individuals displaying naturally silver hair. Head hair is lush and baldness is unknown among Elhil. Elhil are also resistant to many diseases that affect lesser races. The individual elf tends to be slimmer than most humans and is not given towards the same type of brute strength that is often found among men.

The eyes of the Elhil are preternaturally sharp, and they can see quite well in dim and even dark conditions. They are also adept at spotting things normally not noticed by other races, such as secret doors, creatures at a distance, and signs of approaching danger. Their ears are equally sharp, allowing them to catch sounds that other races would miss.

Unlike men and other races, elves don’t sleep. Instead, for about four hours each night they enter a sort of trance that they call "the reverie," a type of hallucination during which they remain awake but in which they "walk in the halls of memory." Elhil are not completely insensate during the reverie, but are less likely to notice danger. They rest for the remaining four hours of the night, but remain fully awake and alert. During this rest time, they may stand guard or study spells or something similar but may undertake no strenuous activity.

All elves except drow speak Altarian, "High Speech." Drow speak Mordularian.

Elf Traits

Age. Once Elhil reach physical maturity, which they achieve at about the same age as humans, they cease to age, making them effectively immortal. The burdens and cares of the world, however, gather on the shoulders of the Elhil until they eventually find it unbearable and seek to set sail for Faerie, the mystical land of Elhanhome that is said to lie across the Western Seas. The final journey is a popular topic for poems, like An Elhil Song of Longing.

Alignment. Elves are almost always good, although they favor chaotic good and neutral good alignments in equal amounts.

Size. Male elves stand between 5'8" and 6'3" (with some taller) and tend to weigh between 140 and 190 pounds. Female elves stand between 5'6" and 6'1" feet tall and weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. Your size is medium.

Names. Common elven names are detailed here.


All Elhil on Núrion descend from the same race, the Tinnurim, or "those who awoke in Twilight." Out of this race are descended four main groups in Farland: the Altarim "High Folk," the Ranarim "Sundered Elves," the Galan "Glimmer Elves"and the Dulim "Dark Folk" or "Drow." Of these races, only the Drow are substantially different, having long ago adapted themselves to life in the dark caverns and deeps. These Elhil are nearly as tall as their surface brethren and tend towards ebony skin and white or silver hair. They hate the light of the sun and avoid it at all costs, but it is said that their hearts are filled with malice and envy towards their surface kin. Their dark ways are best left to a further treatise.

The three subraces:

Altarim (equivalent to High Elves from the Players Handbook)

The Altarim are the subrace traditionally thought of by the rest of Farland as Elves (though few other races know enough to distinguish Ranarim and Galan from Altarim). The Altarim of the Belendale live in bower-communities or tree-top fletches scattered throughout the vast woodland. Though technically ruled by the Galan of the Summervale, they are a free-spirited and independent people who are satisfied to spend their centuries in the Hinterlands tending their forests and gardens.

Galan (Glimmer Elves)

Thranduil by Zeilyan

The capital of the Elhil is the hidden Summervale, or Gloralion in High Speech. It is the very antithesis of the heart of evil in Farland, the Wintervale. The Elhil named it thus to signify the undying opposition of good to evil. This secret city is the home of the Galan or "Glimmer Elves." Dwelling so close to the Holy Swan of the Elhil, the Galan have basked in its magical energies for millenia, and it has changed them. They have grown more high-minded and proud than the typical Elhil; their concerns are no longer so much for the forests and the open skies that are beloved of the rest of their race; they care most for the pursuit of knowledge and the attainment of aesthetic perfection.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1 (your choice).

Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

Touched by the Swan. You have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.

Let the Power Shine Forth. You can muster the light of the holy swan that shines within you to help you influence others or to show you the path. If you chose to increase your wisdom, you can gain advantage on a single Wisdom check of your choice; if you chose to increase your charisma, you can gain advantage on a single Charisma check of your choice. You cannot Let the Power Shine Forth again until you have finished a short or long rest.

Ranarim (called Sunder Elves, equivalent to Wood Elves from the Player's Handbook.)

The Ranarim are an extremely isolationist group of Elhil. They have dwelt in their protected forest, the Luvam Wood, for millenia, cutting off all contact with other races, even other Elhil. In fact, their race has dwindled down to a small group of stiff-necked Elhan, and time has left their subrace behind. It seems that their race is basically fading away. Indeed, the Ranarim have become masters at hiding. Recently, however, a splinter-group of Ranarim have come to view this isolationist policy as counter-productive, and this group, against the orders of their leaders, have re-established limited contact with the elhil of the Belendale. Some of these Ranarim separatists have even appeared as diplomats and adventurers in the liberated kingdoms.


Elhil history is long and storied. The Elhil awoke at the dawn of the world, and they are said (at least by their own historians) to be responsible for teaching both magic and speech to the other races. It is true that the Elhil are particularly talented at both. The Elhil originally dwelt in the great forest called the Sarumvest, at the foothills of the Khazak Mountains. Their capital city was Alustel, nestled on the shores of the great lake Aelnin where dwelt the Holy Swan Alfain.

While the humans fought to climb out of barbaracy, the Elhil developed a society to rival any ever to be in Farland. Of much help in this respect was Talkana Moondaughter, who was said to be the most beautiful and one of the most talented Elhil who ever lived. Her disappearance is lamented by the famous bard Galdin Palantar in the Lay of Talkana Silumiel. Then came the sundering and the continual wars with the Wintervale, and finally the slaying of the Holy Swan; the Elhil knew that their time in the Sarumvest was nearing a close. Eventually the humans did create their own civilization, Aelfar; their resiliency and adaptability made it a powerful one. After the Elhil mistakenly slew the King of mighty Aelfar, they were driven from the Sarumvest and forced to undertake the Great Migration, settling in the even vaster Belendale, which they called Ardaranel, "Great Wood." In that place they founded Gloralion, the Summervale, named to signify their self-proclaimed and undying opposition to the Wintervale and all it represents.

There they prospered, timelessly living while the changing ages of men brought new kingdoms and new wars. The Elhil even strove to shepherd what they saw as the lesser races, establishing the great Talranuil, or Shadow Walkers, a peacekeeping force of Elhil rangers. Using their magic and an artifact called The Stone of Silence, the Elhil were long successful at this task.

But ultimately, the Dweller in the Vale succeeded where it had long failed, somehow using powerful magic to create Seven Deadly Lords, each representing what the human Church of Heshtail saw as a deadly sin. These lords wielded great power, commanding all evil creatures in their domains with a "dark will," an extension of the evil will of the Night Walker himself. Slowly Farland was conquered, and the Elhil were forced to adopt a policy of isolation, even more complete than their formerly separationist attitude. They closed their borders, slaying any and all that entered the green-leafed Belendale. Soon the Elhil became a memory to the men of Farland and a curse on the lips of the humanoid conquerors.


Out of the long march of years came several heroes revered by the Elhil. It is true that the Elhil revere all of the warriors and maidens that contribute to the peace of the Elhil, but a few are honored above all.

Two from the recent past are Menelrim Kelthalantar ("far-returner"), who brought the line of the white Swan back to the Hinterlands but was slain by fire giants, and Palanthar, the founder of the Shadow Walkers.

Menelrim is credited with saving the society of the Elhil in the Hinterlands after their forced migration across the continent. He is one of the few Elhan ever to have returned from Faerie, and he brought back two eggs from the line of the Holy Swan Alfain. With the return of their symbolic birds, the Elhil regained once again the will to remain in the Hinterlands, which had been wavering.

Menelrim was a great fighter and sorcerer, but was nonetheless a humble Elhan. Having spent time in Faerie in the halls of Tal-Allustiel, he shone with an unquenchable inner radiance. The golden-haired Menelrim served again as king of the Elhil for a brief span of time after his return from Elhanhome, but he abdicated the throne in favor of his son, who had ruled in his absence, in order to journey abroad in the Hinterlands and help the Elhil cause. This great hero was not undefeatable, however, as he fell in combat and passed forever from the ken of the Elhil of Farland.

Palanthar, a dark haired Elhan who glimmered with the radiance of the swans, was known for his stoicism. Perhaps this was because he accepted his doom. His mother is said to have prophesied:

He will wander long in twilight
Forever guarding, never resting
And a mighty legacy will result from his suffering
As a great field of wheat springs from the fallen grain.

The prophecy predicted both the founding of the Talranuil, the Shadow Walkers, and Palanthar's ultimate fall. Few Elhil, however, did as much for the race as Palanthar.

Societal Structure

Outsiders would see Elhil society as near-anarchy. This term is, however, inapplicable, as Elhil almost never commit crimes or do things to harm society, for they see what the long-term results of such behavior are, and they must consider their own good a century from now. The rulers of the houses, as well as the King in the Summervale, are almost entirely concerned with outside threats rather than internal problems. This situation, however, has made the Elhil particularly vulnerable to the historical situations in which they have faced internal strife and even civil war. When this occurs it is usually because of the rare Elhan that proudly craves power.

The Elhil either live in small family units or in communities, much like humans. Elhil society is structured around "houses," extended family units and relations. An Elhan generally identifies himself to other Elhil by his house. For example, an Elhan might say, "Greetings, I am Valanduil of House Cirana." (Elhil generally have a Doom Name that they keep private as well). Houses do tend to be arranged in a hierarchical social order, although the structure of that hierarchy is rough at best. The prestige of Elhan houses is bases on many factors; the foremost factors are what age the house is, what age the elders of the house are, whether the elders of the house have ever been to the gardens of Melim, and whether one or more elders of the house sit on the Elhil council that meets during the Grand Meet of Elhil. In most cases, communities of Elhil are led, or rather directed, by the eldest Elhan of the highest-ranking house. Most Elhil do not see the position of their house as personally derogatory, as these positions are fluid, and the Elhan knows that the positions will change with the passing of the years. For these same reasons, Elhil tend not to denigrate other Elhil who are members of houses that currently have a lower social rank. Moreover, it is often difficult to tell exactly which house is socially "lower," as generally only the position of the highest house is clear. There are also rare cases, however, where kin-strife has occurred because of inter-house prejudices. These situations are usually squelched firmly and quickly, although not violently, by the elders of the top-ranking house. The farsighted attitudes of most Elhan make these conflicts nearly unheard of.

Elhil society has few to no jails and no beggars. To a human it seems like a utopia, and indeed, it is in a way. Yet there are things that mar the perfection. First, there is the practical reality of the Dark Occupation. The human lands are threatened, and thus so are the tracts of Elhil forests. The Elhil must spend much of their energy on defense, limiting the amount of time that the Elhil can spend on the primarily aesthetic activities that give their life meaning. Second, there is a pervasive sadness inherent in Elhil society. Above all things, Elhil hate change; indeed, they tend to resist it at all costs. Because they are so permanent and basically unchanging themselves, Elhil value things that have the same characteristics. Trees and stone structures, as well as imperishable works of art, are among their favorite things. The Elhil recognize, however, that the rest of the world changes at a rate with which they cannot keep pace, and that they are marching towards an inevitable change, as predicted by the prophecy. Some have even called the Elhil embalmers, and this view has some merit. These critics contend that much of the good that the Elhil have done, such as stopping human wars and fighting the Wintervale, has really been out of a desire to prevent change rather than a desire to do good. As to the truth of this last claim, who can say?


The Elhil are skilled craftsman rivaling the dwarves in everything except stonework. Unlike the Khazak, however, the Elhil do not value work for its own sake. They recognize that work is necessary, and the farsightedness of the Elhil make them lay the groundwork for their future comfort by working when they must. Few Elhil are passionate about work. Why, then, are the Elhil such skilled craftsmen? The answer to this can be found by considering what the Elhil are passionate about: art and aesthetics. An Elhan is unsatisfied in any labor unless he has created a beautiful work. An Elhan will not stop practicing or laboring until he has truly created a piece of artwork. Given the amount of time that Elhil have to practice their chosen craft, it is not surprising that even the most mundane items are intricate and beautiful. Moreover, the Elhil view an item's utility as part of its natural beauty; therefore, a decorative but poorly functional item would not be aesthetically pleasing to an Elhan. The object must look good and work well. While Elhil are skilled at nearly all crafts, as mentioned above, they are especially good metal workers, clothiers, painters, poets, sculptors, and builders. An artifact made by Elhil craftsmen is usually recognizable instantly, because it likely has a delicate and unique shape, intricate detailing, and superb functionality.

Interaction With Other Races

King of the Woodland Realm by Saramondo

Elhil have not always been as isolationist as they are now; indeed, they are driven to this racial policy by the realities of the dark conquest. This outlook, however, does not seem to be entirely foreign to the Elhil mindset. While looking on most other races benignly, there has always been an air of aloofness and sometimes even superiority in the Elhil attitude. The Elhil themselves are split on this issue. While most Elhil agree that the vast age, experience, and abilities of Elhil necessitates that they see the world in a unique fashion that often leads to a feeling of aloofness, some Elhil maintain that these qualities do not make the Elhil a better race than men or dwarves. It only means, these Elhil argue, that they are a different race, and it is the duty of each race to use its gifts to make the world a better place (perhaps by halting changes for the worst). Other Elhil, however, claim that the superiority of the Elhil is apparent, and while the Elhil would never seek to exploit this innate advantage, it is natural to recognize it. This remains a point of contention among the Altarim.

Relations between Elhil and men have been somewhat rocky in the past, ever since the Elhil of Alustel accidentally slew the king of Aelfar. The kingdom attacked the Elhil, driving them from their homeland. The Elhil have done their best to forget this blight on their history, but many say that humans are to blame for the current state of the world because they drove the Elhil to a point where they could no longer keep watch on the Wintervale and react in a timely fashion.

Elhil and dwarves have also experienced friction in the past. Dwarves and Elhil have never openly engaged in warfare against each other, but the tension has run high between the two races in the past.

Elhil hate orcs and goblinoids of all sorts and will kill them on site. The anger of the Elhil is especially heated when it comes to orcs. Some races have marveled at this, noting the special measures to which the Elhil go to slay and punish orcs. The Elhil refuse to reveal the reason for this deep-seated animosity.

For the most part, Elhil possess a great store of wisdom and tend to get along well with the races with which they choose to interact, with the exceptions noted above. This is not to say, however, that Elhil are perfect or infinitely wise. Elhil have been known to show great streaks of stubbornness and pride. The legendary and infamous Lord Cirock of House Aradune is one clear example of this fact. Certain Elhil have even been over-curious, even about Dark secrets, and some few Elhil have been hungry for power. But while many Elhil possess some trace of these flaws in their hearts, save perhaps the last two, their wisdom usually constrains them to display these characteristics infrequently.

The Ranarim are different from the Altarim, which the above discussion addressess. The Sundered Elves are an extremely isolationist group of Elhil. They have dwelt in their protected forest, the Luvam Wood, for millenia, cutting off all contact with other races, even other Elhil. In fact, their race has dwindled down to a small group of stiff-necked Elhan, and time has left their subrace behind. It seems that their race is basically fading away. Recently, however, a splinter-group of Ranarim have come to view this isolationist policy as counter-productive, and this group, against the orders of their leaders, have re-established limited contact with the elhil of the Belendale. Some of these Ranarim separatists have even appeared as diplomats and adventurers in the liberated kingdoms.


There are two prevailing religions among the Elhil. The first, and the most common, is the worship of Tal-Allustiel, the deity who protects the Elhil and pronounces the doom, or fate, of each individual Elhan. Elhil who worship this god believe that Tal-Allustiel can best be served by always upholding the noble ways of the Elhil and working to preserve the forests and all that which is Elhil. Indeed, Tal-Allustiel demands it. This religion is loosely organized, like Elhil society, with the priests only gathering once every five to ten years for the Meet-of-Elhil, wherein beautiful silver circlets and magic scrolls are sacrificed to Tal-Allustiel. When there is a special event, like a threat or the election of a monarch, the priests of Tal-Allustiel arrange a Grand Meet of Elhil, where the leaders of all the Elhil houses convene to deal with the issue. The worship of this great god gives meaning to the lives of many Elhil.

The second religion among the Elhil could actually better be described as a philosophy. Said to have been espoused originally by the Elhil philosopher Erestor of House Norovir, it is the viewpoint of a very small but significant minority of Elhil. This position, called Edaidus, states that there is one force in the universe and it is amoral, or rather the basis of the universe is a force that encompasses all moralities and viewpoints, a unity that these Elhil call Edai, or the Great Sphere. This force has limitless facets and each being, indeed each race, tends to seize upon and recognize only a small amount of these facets. These individuals, races, and societies embody these facets as gods, demons, extra-planar powers, and moralities, not recognizing the essential connection and unity between them. Most often these facets are set up in opposition to each other, wars are begun, and each race creates its own particular niche for all time by the gods and demons it creates. The Altarim, by creating Tal-Allustiel and the concept of Doom, have forever decided their role in the order of things, although it could have turned out differently depending on which facets of Edai the Elhil recognized in the beginning of recorded history. This is, of course, a controversial and shocking notion, as it claims that the gods of good and evil, Tal-Allustiel and Heshtail, and Vornoth, are one and the same being, and all these beings are denigrated as merely a facet of a larger truth. These Elhil believe that if a person or a race hates another person or race, they only do so because they hate something within the other that is part of themselves. What is not part of ourself, they state, we do not hate. Thus the ages-old rivalries are accounted for, say the Edaidians. Elhil who hold this philosophy live similarly to the more traditional Elhil who worship Tal-Allustiel. They do not shirk military duty and fulfill their responsibilities within Elhil society. At all times, though, they bear in mind the essential oneness of everything, including that of the Summervale and the Wintervale.


The Elhil lifestyle consists of some work, but more revelry. This is not to say, however, that Elhil are carefree merrymakers; in fact, the opposite is true. When the Elhil are reveling, they are celebrating music, song, poetry, and aesthetics. Indeed, it is out of an appreciation for and love of things beautiful that Elhil engage in musical and artistic celebration. But Elhil are not, as mentioned above, lighthearted, frivolous celebrants, for always the doom of change weighs heavily upon them. The Elhil are passionate about the beautiful and celebrate it every chance they get.

Because of this attention to aesthetics, the life of the average Elhan is quite different than that of the average human. Elhil take a great deal of time beautifying their surroundings, and as such their dwellings are clean, well-designed havens. They work when necessary; aided by magic, this work is quickly and lastingly completed. Thus they spend much of their days studying, contemplating memories or ideas, physically exercising, or enjoying nature. When twilight falls, the poetry, music, and song, much of it tinged with sadness, begins; visitors report these nightly revelries as inestimably beautiful. Elhil keep a very loose track of time, and time seems to fly in Elhil lands, the days blending into twilight and night and the nights into seasons until whole years have gone by.


Elhil credit themselves with first bringing powerful magic into the world with the introduction of the sacred swan Alfain. Indeed, many Elhil see the Elhil race as the embodiment of magic. Elhil claim that magic is simply artistry, a way to delivery art more quickly, effortlessly, thoroughly, and completely from its physical restrictions. Perhaps this is why Elhil wizards (but not sorcerers) are called Spellsingers, casting their spells by singing the magical words in their peerless Elhil voices. With magic, Elhil can create food, change whole areas of their lands, beautify whole cities, hide the ways into their secret homes from their enemies, and even seemingly slow the flow of time in order to preserve the beautiful. Elhil also use magic to ease the burdens of their daily lives in order to have more time to devote to art. Thus, Elhil particularly excel at illusion, conjuration, and alteration magics.

Yet magic that destroys, changes, and enforces one's will on the will of others exists, even among the Elhil. The Elhil claim that such magic is necessary in defense, and thus they have had to study it and learn to master it in order to protect their lands from change at the hands of those who would speedily alter the world to suit their will. Magic as power rather than art is abhorred among the Elhil, at least so they claim. Yet it is interesting that many scholars claim that magic as power and domination is also an Elhil invention, dating far back into the mists of time, long before the human societies ever blossomed. Of this charge the Elhil refuse to speak.


Druid Warrior, by Nhur

The path of an Elhan's life is usually foretold, and this prediction invariably comes to pass. Elhil believe as a race they are bound up with the fate of the planet and magic on the planet. As such, they have a role to play in the fate of the world, one over which they have no control. His mother upon his birth often pronounces an Elhan's Doom. If she does not, most Elhil villages have a Doomsayer, who at some point in the Elhan's life, often upon his coming of age, will pronounce the Elhan's Doom. From this prediction, the Elhan is given a Doom Name that he keeps private. Elhil hold that the later an Elhan's Doom is pronounced, the more important and often the more tragic his path will be. The pronouncement of a Doom is usually cryptic and difficult, but offers some guidance to the Elhan, who generally seeks to fulfill his Doom, rather than avoid it. This decision is a result of the ages-old teaching of the Elhil that if one flees his Doom, it will undoubtedly find him all the sooner. A dog being tied to a cart can either walk willingly behind it or be dragged. Either way, they teach, the final destination is the same.

The Elhil teach that Doom is counter to the life of humans, which is free. While humans do not embody magic and are not intrinsically tied to the fate of the world, they are unfettered and may choose their own life and their own path; many Elhil envy the "young race" because of this, calling it the "free Doom." The Edaidians state, however, that the Elhil have constructed their Doom philosophy and chose to be bound by it. If they wanted, they could be as free as humans. Yet many of the Edaidians also bow to their Dooms, their intellectual opponents state.

Because an Elhan's Doom is often sad or tragic, many unparalleled poems have been written about it, like the one below.

The Lament of Ingwë and Valanduil

Ingwë: Fi tralia (Here I bide).
The golden light calls
Elhil to their morning songs
But I do not sing.
Fi hosaria linen (Here I am silent).

Valanduil: Taria haron nenel (I seek far and wide).
Even in morning the shadow falls.
The time away is too long
My soul feels the sting
A lir rastial (And my heart is rent).

Ingwë: Fi tralia (Here I bide).
Midday holds no joy
For I do not hear your voice.
My heart is sunk in gloom
A Fi hosaria linen (And here I am silent).

Valanduil: Taria haron nenel (I seek far and wide). D
ay they seek to destroy.
Thus I have no choice,
For foretold was my doom.
A lir rastial (Yet my heart is rent).

Ingwë: Fi tralia (Here I bide).
As night falls swiftly,
I know I wait in vain,
For your task is impossible.
Hosariatha arned linen (Forever I will be silent).

Valanduil: Ellen Tiria haron nenel (Still I seek far and wide).
Darkness comes over me.
I travel long in pain.
From afar I feel your pull.
Lir arned rastiatha (Forever my heart will be rent).


Elhil are feared opponents. In ages past, Elhil did in fact gather in armies, where they dressed in superbly crafted armor and fought with long swords, bows, and great swords. Mounted warriors, resplendent in shining banded or plate male with winged helmets rode griffins into battle, dealing death from above. Always prefacing the strike of the Elhil is powerful destructive magic, which also judicially aids the troops during battle and retreat if it is necessary.

Those days are long past. While some believe that the Elhil are still capable of fielding a large army for mass warfare, but perhaps only as their swansong, the military might of the Elhil lies in their skill, stealth, and magic. Since they are not numerous, they favor guerilla tactics. Having a rapport with the animals of the woods, and some even say with the trees and fields, the Elhil never lack for scouts and spies. Once they have determined the position of their enemies, they strike with superior archery, swordplay, and overwhelming magic, then flee, the cloaks and boots they wear somehow causing them to disappear utterly into the terrain. The Elhil choose when and where to come to grips with their foes and when to melt back into the shadow and twilight. Elhil are superb archers and fearless warriors; above all, they know the value of patience and will not throw away their long lives. But when the time comes to make a sacrifice, they do not hesitate to do so.

Shadow Walker

"I walk in shadow so that others may walk in the light."

The Shadow Walker is a defender of Elven lands, skilled in scouting, reconnaissance, and defense. Shadow Walkers are a brotherhood of twilight and shadow, ranging abroad in secret service to the Elven homeland. The Shadow Walkers account for much of the military and societal information the elves have about the outside world, and they are often the first, and sometimes last, line of Elven defense.

To take this ranger archetype, you must have been trained by other Shadow Walkers. For that reason, Shadow Walkers who are not elves are virtually unknown.

Shadow Armor

At level 3, as a reaction which you take when you are hit by an attack, you gain the ability to cloak yourself in an armor of semi-substantial shadow. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack. If an enemy misses you with an attack while you are wearing your Shadow Armor, you gain advantage on your next attack against that enemy. You cannot use your Shadow Armor again until you complete a short or long rest.

Master of Shadow

Shadow Walker; Elf by Marta Emilia

At level 11, you gain additional control of shadow. You have the following two abilities:

Create Shadow. You can create a 10-foot radius area of dim light (shadow) on a point that you can see within 60 feet. Non-magical lights are dimmed, but magical lights function normally in this area. The duration of this effect is concentration, up to 1 minute.

Shadow Walk. You gain the ability to enter the Penumbra, the Plane of Shadow, as an action and use its reality-warping effects to move great distances at speed. You, your mount, up to four companions, and their mounts, can travel overland at twice the normal speed for up to four hours. While you travel in the Penumbra, you are not detectable on the material plane. Since you are on the border of the Penumbra, you are generally in no danger from its inhabitants. You can't Shadow Walk again until you have completed a long rest.

Shadowed Weapon

At level 15, you can wreathe a melee weapon in dangerous shadow, creating a shadowed weapon. For the next minute, your weapon deals an extra 2d8 necrotic damage. When you hit an enemy with the shadowed weapon, it must succeed on a constitution saving throw or be blinded. The DC of this saving throw is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. A creature blinded by the shadowed weapon makes another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save it can no longer be blinded by your shadowed weapon. You can't create another shadowed weapon until you have completed a long rest.

Uniqueness of Farland Elhil

In the beginning of time, all of the greater gods created lesser gods for themselves as servants and helpmeets, but the god Tal-Allustiel refrained. Instead he created the race of Elhil in place of a lesser god. As such, they stand midway between the world of mortals and immortals. They live forever and may join their god while they are yet alive, but they are doomed always to serve his will.