The Farlandish Legion

The organization of military units in the Kingdom, and later Empire, of Farland originated in the Far City, and spread as their legions did. It is one of the Farlandish Empire's many legacies to the civilized world. This is the famous legion which allowed the Kingdom of Farland to create the empire of Farland by subjugating much of the continent.
The fundamental unit in an Farlandish legion is the manus * (Farlandish for hand), a group of five men. Mani (Farlandish for hands or a handful) are always paired in a squad of ten men called a decad, usually nine soldiers (Dasi) and a sergeant (Edas). Decadi are always paired in a company of twenty men called a dodecad, led by the more senior of the two Edasi. Four dodecadi are grouped together to form a Centus, led by a captain (Medis, which is also the generic term for an officer) and a deputy (neMedis). Centi are always uniform in composition (all of the Dasi bear the same equipment). A cohort (cohors, singular and plural) is composed of six Centi and commanded by a colonel (Donedis) and a deputy (neDonedis). An infantry cohort (Pe-Cohors) has four Centi of Legionnaires (Light) and either two Centi of Legionnaires (Heavy) or one Centus of Legionnaires (Heavy) and one Centus of Legionnaires (Archer). A cavalry cohort (Eq-Cohors) has three Centi of Cavalrymen (Light) and three Centi of Cavalrymen (Heavy). Cavalry units do not use decadi or dodecadi; their basic unit is the squadron (metad) of ten cavalrymen. Four metadi form a cavalry Centus. Each cohort is staffed by twenty or more war-wizards (or Bellivenicus) equipped with mass damage spells and counter spells, and each is staffed with thirty or more low-powered clerics of Neltak (Bellonium Dialis or Bellonium Unis).
There are three different types of legions (ledasi) in the Farlandish Empire; their postings are determined by the terrain and expected enemy force. Each is commanded by a Marshal (Legatus) and a deputy (neLegatus). Most (approximately 60%) are infantry legions (Pe-Ledasi), composed of eight Pe-Cohors. A few (approximately 10%) are cavalry legions (Eq-Ledasi), composed of eight Eq-Cohors. The rest are composite legions (Ko-Ledasi), composed of four to six Pe-Cohors and two to four Eq-Cohors, most commonly five infantry and three cavalry. (Ko-Ledasi rarely employ archers; Pe-Ledasi almost always do.) Cross-attachments between units are common; a Pe-Ledas will almost always have at least one or two cavalry Centi attached for scouting, flanking, and pursuit. Additionally, when multiple cohors engage in battle, like Centi are often grouped together - all of the archers will be combined in one line, for example.
The following are manpower totals for each type of ledas; they do not include support units (administration, engineer, maintenance, quartermaster, etc.) as those units are attached separately and (with the exception of the engineers) have no battlefield mission.
Unit Type | Dasi | Edasi | Medisi | Horses | Legionaires (Light) | Legionaires (Heavy) | Legionaires (Archers) | Calvary (Light) | Calvary (Heavy) |
Pe-Ledas | 3456 | 384 | 114 | 114 | 2560 | 640 | 640 | 0 | 0 |
Eq-Ledas | 1728 | 192 | 114 | 2034 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 960 | 960 |
Ko-Ledas | 2808 | 312 | 114 | 834 | 1600 | 800 | 0 | 360 | 360 |
Each ledas has a representative animal, usually a fierce one like a lion or eagle. (There is an Eq-Ledas called the Green Stags and a Pe-Ledas called the Brown Badgers, however.) A carved likeness, gilded in gold, sits atop the ledas standard (Pe-Ledan, Eq-Ledan, Ko-Ledan), with the unit's awards and citations hanging below. Each cohors in the ledas has a similar (but smaller) standard (Pe-Cohoran, Eq-Cohoran), gilded in silver. Only the finest Dasi are selected to carry the ledani and cohorani, and the loss of one is considered the worst possible disgrace for a unit.
All legionnaires and cavalrymen wear a colored tunic that hangs to just above the elbow and knee. The color indicates which ledas; the Emperor's Guard is called the Crimson Lion Pe-Ledas of Far City, and is composed entirely of Legionnaires (Heavy). Edasi are denoted by silver striping at the sleeve and hem; Medisi display gold striping. Edasi and Medisi both wear a transverse crest upon their helmets to distinguish them in the battle line. Dasi wear a forward-and-back crest only in dress uniform on formal occasions. A soldier's other equipment depends on his classification.
Legionnaire (Light): | Helmet, breastplate, backplate, ailettes, greaves (all of Lorica**), Tower shield, javelins (2), shortsword, dagger |
Legionnaire (Heavy): | Helmet, breastplate, backplate, ailettes, greaves (all of plate), Tower shield, pike, shortsword, dagger |
Legionnaire (Archer): | Helmet (Lorica), Buckler, shortbow, dagger |
Cavalryman (Light): | Helmet (Lorica), tunic (leather), greaves (Lorica), Small shield, lance, mace, dagger |
Cavalryman (Heavy): | Helmet (plate), Ferrica*** , greaves (plate), Small shield, lance, mace, dagger |
Medis: | Helmet (plate), Ferrica, greaves (plate) Large shield, broadsword, dagger |
*Although most names were changed after the occupation to Dark Speech terms, the original Farlandish names of the legions and their designations were retained by the Lord of Wrath, as he recognized aqnd revered the strict discipline they connotated.
** The Lorica, hardened leather armor embossed with studs and in some cases enforced with chain was developed by the Empire thousands of years ago as an inexpensive but efficient armor system for the ledasi, and is still standard-issue today.
***Ferrica is the Farlandish word for a scale or chain and plate hauberk, equivalent to a breast plate.