Mastercraft Items
Table of Contents

Mastercraft Items
Mastercraft Weapons
Mastercraft Armor
Mastercraft Tools
Mastercraft Items
A mastercraft item is an item created with such skill and care that it is clearly superior to a normal item. Not just any craftsmen can create a mastercraft item; only an expert in his or her craft, with exceptional skill and years of experience, can create such an item. Mastercraft items can take the form of weapons, armor, or tools. All mastercraft items are exceptionally durable and can take wear and tear better than a normal item. Although mastercraft items are not magical, magic items are mastercraft items, but their magical description and properties replaces any benefit they grant from being mastercraft.
Mastercraft weapons
Mastercraft weapons are particularly sharp and sturdy. You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with a mastercraft weapon. Your weapon is less likely to break under normal use. Ammunition generally cannot be mastercrafted. If a mastercraft weapon gains a bonus to damage from any other source, that bonus replaces the bonus granted from the weapon being a mastercraft weapon. Mastercraft weapons cost 250 SPs more than the base price of the weapon. A mastercraft weapon can also be silvered, but this costs an additional 100 SPs.
Mastercraft Armor
Mastercraft armor and shields provide the same protection as their normal counterparts but weigh less. Mastercraft light armor, medium armor, and shields weigh half as much as normal. Mastercraft heavy armor weighs three-quarters as much as normal. The strength score required to wear mastercraft heavy armor before one's speed is reduced is one point less than the listed score. Mastercraft armor and shields are less likely to break under normal use. They cost twice as much as their normal counterparts.
Mastercraft Tools
Mastercraft tools are created with such quality that they make it easier for you to use them. You gain a +1 bonus to any check you make with a mastercraft tool with which you are proficient. They are more durable under normal use. Mastercraft tools cost four times as much as their normal counterparts.