The Palace of Wrath

Table of Contents
General Information
General Information
Upon the Dominium Hill in the Far City, walled and surrounded by expansive grounds, sits the foreboding Palace of Wrath. This palace is an extensive complex built many centuries ago by the kings of Farland and since modified by its emperors and later by the Lord of Wrath. It is built in the style Farland inherited from the Aelfarian civilization, a style characterized by columns and arches. Great rows of columns line the foyer and many of the inner chambers. Almost all of the doors are arched, and the central chamber of the third floor is capped with a large dome. The building is constructed from concrete, and the walls are covered in all but the meanest quarters with tiled mosaics depicting scenes of might and terror. Two great statues, both of the Lord of Wrath, flank the main entrance. The most striking feature of the palace, however, is the Flamespire, the great domed tower that rises toward the heavens like a menacing fist. The walkway that rings this massive tower is enchanted with a permanent wall of flame to keep out assassins; it is nearly impossible to enter the tower from the top without being burned by the fire. This ever-burning ring of flame is like an evil eye that spies on the city at all times, and it gives the tower its name. Indeed, it is said that the Lord of Wrath enjoys strolling about in the flames while surveying his domain, so perhaps the flames are watching. The chambers of this tower are open only to the Lord of Wrath and his closest minions. No one knows what he does inside the Flamespire, but some whisper that here he communicates with the Dweller in the Wintervale itself.
The first floor of the palace consists of kitchens, dining halls, temples, meeting rooms, servant bunk rooms, and the great throne room. The second floor is an extensive maze of libraries, disused art galleries, and bedrooms. On this floor the emperor's own troops, the Crimson Lion Guard, are housed. The third floor consists entirely of the Lord of Wrath's personal chambers. His bed chamber, his personal temple to the Walker, his study, his library, and his personal treasure are on this level.
Below the palace is an ancient dungeon. Wrath has made good use of these floors as well. The first floor of the dungeon consists both of storage and a cell block. The lowest dungeon is the dread area--those who descend to these depths tend not to return. The Lord of Sin uses the cursed chambers of this area both to store his worst prisoners and to do things far more foul and unspeakable.
The Palace of the Kings, which would later become the Palace of Wrath, was built around the year 5000 F.R. The first Emperor, Maximus Maro, extended it greatly, adding on the entire southwest wing. This construction occurred between the years 5727 and 5738. The dungeons were delved between the years 5820 and 5900. The Flamespire, originally called the Tower of the Sentinel, was built by the Emperor Lucius between the years 5950 to 5960. The deepest lower vaults were created and connected to the second level of the dungeon by the dwarves of Wawmar at the behest of the High King Lenus II between the years 6021 and 6035. The palace underwent extensive internal rennovations multiple times during its history. Its ownership was taken over by Nabarus the Lord of Wrath, captain of the Deadly Lords, in the year 7805. An ageless creature, he has ruled it ever since, and he has even taken pride in keeping it maintained, although he has replaced the once inspiring mosaics with somewhat darker-themed murals.