Herbs and Drugs of Farland
Table of Contents

Finding Herbs
Creating Herbal Concoctions
Herbs of Farland
Chart of all Herbs of Farland
Adda Root
Archer's Boon
Battle Grog
Bestra's Weed
Borage Wort
Braided Vines
Calbran's Fist
Centurian Leaf
Corpse Leaf
Essence of Lavendra
Flamgart's Eye
Four-leaf Trefoil
Heshtail's Blessing
Janora's Bloom
King's Root
Mage's Cowl
Mandrake Root
Meadow Velvet
Mifron Bean
Moon Blossom
Moss Glow
Night Thimble
Olanum Grape
Pearl Grass
Pumela Frond
Pygmy Dogwood
Red Clover
Rot Gut
Salow Bark
Shade Moss
Sweet Chicory
Thodrun Lily
Tulip of the Highlands
Vorn Creeper
White Berry
Yellow Berry
Yellow Thistle
Herbalism is the practice of using herbs, roots, spices, and other natural ingredients to create concoctions that produce some noteworthy effect. Many herbs exist in the World of Farland, and they often approximate magical effects, although herbs are never magical and their effect cannot be dispelled using magic.
Finding Herbs
Herbs are located throughout the world. To find herbs, you make either an Intelligence (Nature) check or a Wisdom (Survival) check; the amount of time it can take to find herbs varies and is left to DM discretion, but it generally takes at least one hour per check. The following chart lists the difficulty class of the check required to find an herb based on its rarity. A player can only find an herb if he or she is in the correct environment in which the herb grows, and if the herb is actually present (again, DM discretion). For example, if a player decides to look for Cloudspur in a cold mountain environment, the DM decides if any Cloudspur is potentially present. The player than makes a skill check, and if he succeeds on a DC between 16-20 (the exact number is set by the DM), he finds enough Cloudspur to make at least one concoction.
Rarity | DC |
Common | 5-10 |
Uncommon | 11-15 |
Rare | 16-20 |
Very Rare | 21+ |
Creating Herbal Concoctions
You can craft a herbal concoction if you have the proper equipment such as vials, a workspace, and so forth. You must have all necessary ingredients, including the herb itself. You must be proficient with a herbalism kit to create herbal concoctions. For every day of downtime you spend crafting, you can craft one or more herbal concoctions with a total market value not exceeding 25 sp, and you must expend raw materials worth half the total market value. If a herbal concoction you want to craft has a market value greater than 25 sp, you make progress every day in 25 sp increments until you reach the market value of the herbal concoction. Multiple characters can combine their efforts toward the crafting of a herbal concoction, provided that the characters all have proficiency with herbalism kits and are working together in the same place. Each character contributes 25 sp worth of effort for every day spent helping to craft the herbal concoction.
Herbs of Farland
Here is a handy chart of all the herbs of Farland, their effect, their location, and their price.
Adda Root
Herb, rare
A small, dark plant with a black flower, adda grows in soil that has been soaked with blood. It is often found growing on battlefields and similar places. When the root of the adda plant is mashed together into a tincture with a drop of vinegar and nutmeg and consumed as an action, you automatically succeed at the first death save you make within the next 24 hours.
Price to purchase Adda Root Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, uncommon
Agosia is a bright green plant that grows on or near sea dunes. It blooms once a year for one month, displaying beautiful white flowers. It is able to grant something of a second wind. When mixed into a concoction with cumin and rosemary and consumed as a bonus action, it allows a fighter to regain an action surge that has been previously used. This herb does not allow you to use more than one action surge on the same turn.
Price to purchase Agosia Concoction: 40 sp
Archer's Boon
Herb, uncommon
The leaf of a common weed-flower that looks like a relative of the dandelion and is found in arid regions, Archer's Boon gives an uncanny ability to see small targets well. If brewed into a tea with tobacco leaves and cinnamon and consumed as an action, you gain advantage on the next ranged attack you make within 1 minute.
Price to purchase King's Root Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, rare
Baneseed is the seed from various varieties of nettle. When distilled with ragweed and oil made from the body part of a particular type of creature, it can be applied as a bonus action to a melee weapon or 10 pieces of ammo for a ranged weapon. The weapon then deals an additional point of damage against creatures of the type from which the oil was made. The damage is of the same type that the weapon deals and the effect lasts for five minutes once applied to the weapon.
Prickly Baneseed is found in temperate swamps and increases damage against abberations. Flowering Baneseed is found in cold forests and increases damage against beasts. Silken Baneseed is found in hot and arid deserts and increases damage against dragons. Waxy Baneseed is found in temperate hills and mountains and increases damage against fey. Stinging Baneseed is found in volcanic areas and increases damage against fiends. Leafy Baneseed is found in warm grasslands and increases damage against giants. Bitter Baneseed is found in shallow caves and grottos and increases damage against goblinoids. Sweet Baneseed is found in temperate forests and increases damage against humanoids. Mossy Baneseed grows in water and increases damage against monstrosities. Purple baneseed is found in steppes and increases damage against plants. White baneseed is found growing in graveyards and increases damage against corporeal undead (but not vampires). Black Baneseed is found in jungles and increases damage against incorporeal undead (it takes a part of the original corpse of an incorporeal undead to make oil of Black Baneseed).
If Baneseed oil is applied to a weapon that has already had an oil applied to it, both oils cease to function. Baneseed has created something of a market for the body parts of creatures.
Price to purchase Baneweed Concoction: 150 sp
Battle Grog
Potion, uncommon
This reddish grog is specially mixed using the blood or bone of a troll or ogre. Although the mixing process does not enable the finished product to retain many of the properties of the creature's blood, its bravery is preserved. For 1 minute after you use an action to drink this potion, you gain advantage on all saving throws and skill checks made to resist being frightened.
Price to purchase Battle Grog Concoction: 75 sp
Bestra's Weed
Herb, rare
This foul-smelling, green weed is only known to grow in Southern Kale. It can be combined with misteltoe and made into a salve that has healing effects. When you use an action to apply the salve made from Bestra's Weed, you regain 1 hit point. This salve may only be applied once per day or it produces a toxic buildup in the body that causes the user to take 1d4 poison damage per additional application of the salve.
Price to purchase Bestra's Weed Concoction: 15 sp
Borage Wort
Herb, common
A small plant with white hairs and purple flowers, borage wort is widespread and tends to attract bees and encourages honey production in a hive. When brewed into a tea with honey and hawthorn and consumed as an action, it will change your voice in a way you desire. For the next minute, you have advantage on Deception checks you make when you are using your voice to imitate someone else.
Price to purchase Borage Wort Concoction: 20 sp
Braided Vines
Herb, common
This is a common vine in Jila on the continent of Eruna and on Selfhaven Archipelago. The strands of this vine grow in tight clusters which wrap over each other, giving it a braided appearance. They can be eaten as a vegetable and are quite nutritious, but if the Braided Vine is combined into a concoction with chive and clover, it temporally increases muscle performance. When consumed as an action, for one hour, Braided Vine concoction grants advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks, as long as the check is not made as part of an attack action, such as a grapple.
Price to purchase Braided Vine Concoction: 10 sp
Calbran's Fist
Herb, uncommon
This plant has lance-shaped leaves and flourishes in marshes. If mixed in a concoction of alcohol and garlic, it is known for increasing the physical strength of those who eat it, but only for a short time. When you use an action to consume the concoction, you gain advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws for 10 minutes. If you consume any additional doses of Calbran's Fist before you have completed a short rest, you feel nauseous, and the additional doses have no effect.
Price to purchase Calbran's Fist Concoction: 75 sp
Herb, uncommon
A particularly potent form of pepper, capacin can be recognized by its mottled purple and green skin. It grows in dry, hot climates. It is prized by the brave as a spice, but it can be mixed with lemon juice and cherry powder to create a dust grenade that counts as an improvised weapon with a range of 10/20 feet. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2 (1d4) points of acid damage and be blinded until the end of its next turn. On a success, it takes half damage and is not blinded.
Price to purchase Capacin Concoction: 100 sp

Centurian Leaf
Herb, rare
The leaf of the centurian plant has five spikes and a velvety bottom. The centurian plant itself, a stalky bush, only grows in the ruins of churches and temples. When mixed into an oil with bluebell and garlic and applied as a bonus action, it makes you slippery and harder to hit. You gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class until the end of your next turn. Applying more than one Centurian Leaf concoction is ineffective and does not grant you any additional bonus to armor class.
Price to purchase Centurian Leaf Concoction: 75 sp
Herb, uncommon
This spikey green-leafed plant is found near the edges of grasslands and forests. When ground to a paste and mixed with flaxseed oil it can be used to ward off insects. When an action is used to apply the concoction to the skin or clothing, for the next 4 hours it will grant advantage on survival checks made to travel through swampy environments. If applied more than twice a day, it can breakdown fabric or cause rashes on the skin.
Price to purchase Citronellus Concoction: 10 sp
Herb, rare
Called Heilak by the dwarves and Mirena by the elves, this small plant has pale white leaves and grows in cold hills or mountains. When prepared in a mixture of vinegar and tyme, it has medicinal properties. When you use an action to ingest the preparation, you immediately get a saving throw to attempt to recover from one non-magical disease from which you are suffering (if the disease is amenable to recovery in this fashion). Attempts to ingest more than one preparation of Cloudspur per day result in vomiting.
Price to purchase Cloudspur Concoction: 100 sp
Corpse Leaf
Herb, rare
This pale gray leaf grows in cool climes and is only found growing atop graves. When mixed in a concoction of green tea and fennel, it cures fatigue. Lesser orcs, to compensate for the greater endurance of hobgoblins and oluks, will often consume Corpse Leaf when engaging in forced marches. When you use an action to ingest the corpse leaf concoction, one level of exhaustion is removed from you. If you ingest more than one dose of Corpse Leaf within a 24 hour period, you gain one level of exhaustion per additional dose.
Price to purchase Corpse Leaf Concoction: 75 sp
Herb, uncommon
This thorny bush grows on riverbanks and is recognizable by its edible white berries. When it is brewed into a concoction with mint and bay leaves and consumed as an action, it causes the skin on your hands to secrete a sticky substance. You gain advantage on the next three grapple checks you make. After that, the substance wears off.
Price to purchase Dilamin Concoction: 25 sp
Herb, common
Dithafoil is a dark red rose of exquisite beauty that grows wild in cold to temperate lands of medium elevation. It favors shade. When its leaves are mixed into a concoction with common garden mushrooms and goat's milk, it acts as a contraceptive. When you consume Dithafoil concoction as an action, it becomes nearly impossible for you to sire or conceive children while under its effects (which last for 8 hours). Repeated use of Dithafoil concoction has been known to lead to permanent infertility; keep track of the total number of Dithafoil concoctions you consume. Upon the consumption of your 20th Dithafoil concoction, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become permanently infertile. The DC is 5. Each additional time after the 20th that you consume Dithafoil Concoction, you must repeat the saving throw. The DC increases by 1 for each additional concoction consumed. Magic such as the regenerate spell can restore your fertility.
Price to purchase Dithafoil Concoction: 1 sp
Herb, uncommon
A yellowish root that grows in warm to temperate hills, this plant produces an odor that is repellent to dogs. If you mix Dogsbane into a concoction with summer savory and burnet and apply it to your body as an action, a normal dog must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be unable to come within 10 feet of you. If you approach a dog while under the effect of this concoction and the dog is unable to retreat from you, it will howl and act dismayed but otherwise suffers no ill effects. Once you are within 10 feet of the dog, it may attack you or otherwise act as it would normally do. Strangely, this concoction seems to have no effect on wolves. Most humans can't smell Dogsbane Concoction, but rare humans can smell it and also seem to find it unpleasant. Normal rain or a volume of water washes off the concoction and removes the effect.
Price to purchase Dogsbane Concoction: 15 sp
Herb, common
This yellow, star-shaped flower is commonly found growing in full sunlight on warm or temperate hilltops. It is beautiful to behold, but the true properties of this flower are not seen until night. When crushed in a glass vial and shaken with acidic juice, it emits light equivalent to a candle for 8 hours.
Price to purchase Elanor Concoction: 1 cp
Herb, very rare
Elfberries are the beautiful silver berries that grow on the Eldar Bush, a small shrub with silvery white leaves. The Elderbush can only be found in the Belendale or in the Luvam Wood, and legend has it that the elves imported this plant from Tanis, the Fairy Realm. When picked at twilight, mixed with the bark of a red oak, and consumed as an action, it extends the natural lifespan by 1 year. Only 5 Elfberry concoctions can be consumed in a lifetime. Each concoction tastes increasingly bitter. By the 6th concoction, the bitterness is unbearable, and the concoction is invariably regurgitated.
Price to purchase Elfberry Concoction: 200 sp
Essence of Lavendra
Herb, common
This plant is a shrubby perennial related to the common lavender plant. It grows wild in warm places of low rainfall. When mixed with normal lavender and tarragon, it can be concocted into a salve which, when rubbed on the body as an action, will cause any creature attempting to track you by scent to do so at disadvantage. This effect lasts for 1 hour. Applying doses concurrently has no additional effect, but any number of doses can be used in succession.
Price to purchase Essence of Lavendra Concoction: 10 sp
Flamgart's Eye
Herb, common
This bright red blossom grows abundantly in grassy fields with lots of sunshine and medium amounts of precipitation. When the stalk of the plant is mixed with vinegar and lemon, it protects the user against intoxication. When you consume Flamgart's Eye concoction as an action, you can drink twice the amount of alcohol before you are inebriated. This effect lasts for 8 hours. Additional doses have no effect. If taken with Honeycap, it induces vomiting and all effects of both concoctions are lost. If taken more than once in 72 hours, it also induces vomiting, and beneficial effects are lost.
Price to purchase Flamgart's Eye Concoction: 1 sp
Herb, rare
This stalky, green-leaved plant has small purple flowers. It extrudes viscous oil when muddled with salt. It grows best in lowlands that are arid or that have only light rainfall. When its viscous oil is combined with alcohol and vinegar, it creates a foul-tasting potion that aids in disguising your appearance. When imbibed as an action, it grants advantage for one hour on bluff checks made while using a disguise kit to alter your appearance. If more than one dose is consumed in 24 hours, it will cause a distinctive pink rash on the checks that causes disadvantage on Charisma checks, and if used for more than 3 days in a row, the rash may become permanent. In this case, it can only be removed with a lesser restoration spell. Fluxweed reacts badly with Janora's Bloom. If you consume either while under the effects of the other, both beneficial effects are lost and you gain the poisoned condition for one hour.
Price to purchase Fluxweed Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, uncommon
This swamp-growing plant is identifiable by its waxy, dark green leaves. The stalk has prominent, white veins that run up its length. It prefers to grow in standing water. When its leaves are crushed and brewed into a tea with peppermint and bergamot and then consumed as an action, it has the peculiar effect of seeming to increase one's center of gravity. For the next minute, you have advantage on saves to resist forced movement. If the forced movement effect doesn't allow a save, you move 5 feet fewer than you otherwise would when under Foria's effect.Price to purchase Foria Concoction: 50 sp
Fronded Trefoil
Herb, uncommon
Common trefoil, also called green clover, grows abundantly in cool to temperate northern climes or on mountains in warmer climes. It grows like grass but to a short height only, and it sometimes produces flowers. Sometimes, common trefoil produces a fronded mutant, which apparently has some properties that enhance cognition. When Fronded Trefoil is mixed into a concoction with lemon and whiskey and consumed as an action, it grants advantage on your next Wisdom (Insight) check made within 5 minutes. You may take up to three of these concoctions per day, although you must wait a full 5 minutes before imbibing your next concoction. If you take more than three Fronded Trefoil Concoctions in one day, you suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks for the next 24-hours, as you get a splitting headache.
Price to purchase Fronded Trefoil Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, rare
A type of ivy that prefers to twine around tree trunks in temperate regions, especially in the Allinus Valley in the Kingdom of Farland, this plant is prized by sages for the cognitive effect it produces. When mixed into a concoction with pepper and olives and consumed as an action, you can reroll one Intelligence check you made in the last 5 minutes. Taking more than one dose of Hellena in a 24-hour period causes you to suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence checks for the next 24-hours.
Price to purchase Hellena Concoction: 75 sp
Heshtail's Blessing
Herb, uncommon
Also called Kervil, Heshtail's Blessing is a flower that grows in rainy low-land areas and that has a waxy, pink blossom. When dried and added to a concoction containing fennel and mint, its remarkable properties become apparent. Consumed as an action, it steels the will, providing advantage on Wisdom saving throws, but it makes one temporarily weaker, causing disadvantage on Strength saving throws. The effect lasts for five minutes. Additional doses have no effect.
Price to purchase Heshtail's Blessing Concoction: 65 sp
Herb, uncommon
This wild mushroom has a golden color and grows in cool to moderate hills. Unlike most mushrooms, honeycap prefers areas of direct sunlight. Dwarves ferment Honeycap and use it to brew beer. Ironically, when crushed into a paste and mixed with heated goat's milk, a dose of honeycap, consumed as an action, will remove intoxication and make the user sober.
Price to purchase Honeycap Concoction: 5 sp
Herb, uncommon
This small, thorny plant has bright red berries. It grows in temperate, wooded areas. When the berries are dried, they have a hallucinogenic effect that some find pleasant. When you consume a handful of Humblewort berries as an action, you hallucinate for 2 hours. During the 2 hours, you suffer disadvantage on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma checks and saving throws, although you feel blissful.
Price to purchase Humblewort Concoction: 10 sp
Herb, rare
Indria is a grayish moss that grows on rocks in shaded, warm areas. It is known for steeling one's mental resolve; when mixed into a concoction with lovage and catnip and consumed as an action, it provides resistance to psychic damage for 5 minutes. However, during this time, you have vulnerability to necrotic damage.
Price to purchase Indria Concoction: 50 sp
Janora's Bloom
Herb, rare
Also known as Elf Blossom, Janora's Bloom is a beautiful flower with pale green blossoms that grows in heavily forested regions. When mixed into a concoction with juniper berries and lettuce and consumed as an action, it allows you to see invisible things for 5 minutes as if you were under the effect of a see invisibility spell. After the effect ends, you gain the blinded condition for 1d4 rounds as your eyes return to their normal function. Janora's Bloom reacts badly with Fluxweed. If you consume either while under the effects of the other, both beneficial effects are lost and you gain the poisoned condition for one hour.
Price to purchase Janora's Bloom Concoction: 50 sp
King's Root
Herb, uncommon
The bulb of a beautiful aster-like plant that grows in temperate fields, King's Root is named after Keler, the first King of Kelerak, who made liberal use of it. The plant steadies the head and strengthens the arm. If brewed into a tea with mint leaves and chive and consumed as an action, you gain advantage on the next melee attack you make within 1 minute.
Price to purchase King's Root Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, uncommon
This beautiful, water-growing flower, which looks like a water lily, is native to Yrrkune but was introduced into Kelerak by the Lord of Lust. It thrives in temperate climes and needs a very wet environment, like a lake or swamp, in which to grow. As a drug, it was much sought-after during the Dark Occupation, and lotus addicts still roam the streets of Dragonspur. The plant, when mixed with wild honey into a tea-like concoction, produces an extremely pleasant, soporific high that is also very addictive. A dose dulls physical pain and provides a sense of pleasure, warmth, and well-being: you have advantage on Constitution saving throws. Users are also very sleepy and are slow and addled. You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity saving throws, Intelligence checks, and Intelligence saving throws. You also have disadvantage on saving throws to avoid being put to sleep. These effects last for four hours. Lotus is also very addictive. When you take a dose of lotus, you must succeed at a DC 10 Constitution saving throw (without advantage from the drug) for each dose of lotus or become addicted. Each cumulative time the drug is used, the DC of the saving throw to avoid addiction goes up by 1, and the save never goes back down-- once an addict, always an addict. Once addicted, you will feel very compelled to take the drug and must succeed at a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion per day that the drug is not ingested (you will never gain more than five levels of exhaustion from failing to take the drug). If you take a dose of lotus during the addiction cycle, you immediately lose all levels of exhaustion gained from failing to take lotus. If you succeed at three consecutive Constitution saving throws from failing to take lotus, the addiction cycle is broken and you will stop needing to make a Consitution saving throw from failing to take lotus. You will still be susceptible to lotus, however, and if you ever take it again, the cycle will pick up where it left off. Taking more than one dose is dangerous-- two doses have no mechanical effects but increase your sense of pleasure and well-being. Three doses are likely to put you to sleep. If you imbibe more than three doses, you must succeed at a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or die. If you succeed at the saving throw, you are unconscious for 10 minutes and gain the poisoned condition for 4 hours.
Price to purchase Lotus Concoction: 10 sp
Mage's Cowl
Herb, rare
A plant with a tall, erect stem, it is named for the shape of its red flowers. It grows in temperate to warm grasslands. When combined with tarragon and rye, it acts as a strong anesthetic. Consuming Mage's Cowl concoction as an action provides the following benefits, which last for one hour: you gain 5 temporary hitpoints, and if you acquire a lingering injury while under the effect of Mage's Cowl concoction, you gain a +5 bonus to any roll made to determine what sort of lingering injury is acquired. Additional doses of Mage's Cowl have no effect. Mage's Cowl reacts badly with Battle Grog; if you consume a dose of either while under the effects of the other, all benefits of both are lost, and you gain one level of exhaustion.
Price to purchase Mage's Cowl Concoction: 50 sp
Mandrake Root
Herb, uncommon
This herb is the root of the Mandrake plant, which has bell-shaped purple flowers and orange berries. It grows in warm grasslands and the outskirts of warm forests. The root looks vaguely man-shaped. If the root is mashed, brewed into a concoction with bitter almonds,and an entire dose is ingested, it is poisonous: A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 5 (1d10) poison damage and is poisoned for 8 hours. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn't poisoned. However, the poisonous concoction tastes extremely bitter, potentially warning a victim before it takes an entire dose. When stripped of its outer skin, the soft tender center of the root can be boiled into a tea-like concoction with lemons and honey. A creature that imbibes this tea-like concoction has advantage on the first three saving throws it makes against poison within the next 24 hours.
Price to purchase Mandrake Root Concoction (either one): 50 sp
Meadow Velvet
Herb, rare
This flowering plant has soft, velvety green leaves and violet buds. It grows at the edge of swamps in temperate areas. When mixed into a concoction with oil and shade moss and rubbed on the body of a newly-deceased individual (which takes one minute), it arrests decay, keeping the body preserved for one week. The concoction prevents a corpse from smelling and extends the time limit on raising the target from the dead, since days spent under the influence of this concoction don't count against the time limit of spells such as raise dead. This concoction can only be applied to a corpse once; subsequent applications have no effect.
Price to purchase Meadow Velvet Concoction: 75 sp
Mifron Bean
Herb, common
The mifron tree, a short tree that grows in warm, dry climates, produces a fruit much like a cherry. The pit of this cherry looks like a bean, although it is actually a seed. When the Mifron Bean is crushed into a powder, combined with cinnamon, and brewed into a tea, consuming the tea as an action will help keep you awake. After drinking the Mifron Bean tea, for the next 5 hours, you gain advantage on all checks made to avoid natural sleep. The Mifron Bean tea does not prevent magical sleep.
Price to purchase Mifron Bean Concoction: 1 cp
Moon Blossom
Herb, very rare
A pale white or blue blossom that grows in cool, swampy regions, this rare plant has extremely remarkable properties. Priests and paladins before the Dark Times prized it. They swore that it buttressed the spirit and protected against the walking dead. It can be mixed with common mint and brewed into a tea-like potion. When you use an action to drink this potion, you gain resistance to necrotic damage for 10 minutes. You gain 20 temporary hit points that protect you against undead attacks. During that 10 minutes, if an undead hits you with an attack that would reduce your hit point maximum, your temporary hit points are instead reduced by that amount. After the 10 minutes, any remaining temporary hit points disappear. The temporary hit points gained by imbibing moon blossom tea will not protect against damage from any other source except attacks by undead that reduce your hit point maximum.
Price to purchase Moon Blossom Concoction: 500 sp
Moss Glow
Herb, rare
This bright green moss is found in moist, subterranean areas which have been subjected to magical energy. When combined with dandelion wine and oregano and brewed into a concoction, this moss causes the imbiber's eyes to glow with a dim green light and allows him to see without light. When you use an action to imbibe moss glow concoction, you gain dark vision for 4 hours. However, because it causes your eyes to glow, you have disadvantage on stealth checks during this period. Imbibing another dose of moss glow concoction before you complete a long rest has no effect.
Price to purchase Moss Glow Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, uncommon
This common vine comes in three varieties: High Growth Nadria, Swamp Nadria, and Desert Nadria. Each looks essentially similar but differs in the color of its flowers, the location where it grows, and the effect it provides. High Growth Nadria has blue flowers and grows in warm mountains. It can be mixed with oregano into a concoction that can be consumed as an action; the imbiber gains advantage on dexterity saving throws for 10 minutes. Swamp Nadria has white flowers and grows in swamps. It can be mixed with rhubarb into a concoction that can be consumed as an action; the imbiber gains advantage on intelligence saving throws for 10 minutes. Desert Nadria has green flowers and grows in hot deserts. It can be mixed with purple passionflower into a concoction that can be consumed as an action; the imbiber gains advantage on charisma saving throws for 10 minutes. If you consume any additional doses of the same type of Nadria before you have completed a short rest, you feel nauseous, and the additional doses have no effect. When under the effect of Nadria, if you take an additional dose of Nadria (of any type), you become nauseous and lose all benefits from the herb.
Price to purchase all Nadria Concoctions: 75 sp
Night Thimble
Herb, common
The Night Thimble shurb grows wild in warm, dry areas. Some call it Short Stemmed Almond. Most of the year it is not notable in appearance, but in the spring the shrub bears gorgeous yellow flowers. When these flowers are plucked, mixed into a concoction with aloe, and rubbed on the body, it protects against sunburn for one hour.
Price to purchase Night Thimble Concoction: 1 cp
Olanum Grape
Herb, uncommon
This bush can be found in warm lands of mid elevation and is native to the Allinus Valley in Farland. It grows to a height of between 4 and 6 six feet. It has thick, leathery leaves and produces clusters of blue or purple berries that have a pleasant taste. When mixed with plantain and olive oil and brewed into a concoction, it has the strange effect of making one's burdens seem lesser. When you consume this concoction as an action, for the next hour your strength score is considered 2 higher for the purposes of calculating encumbrance. This herb reacts badly with Corpse Leaf Concoction. If you consume either concoction while under the effects of the other, all beneficial results from both are lost and you gain a level of exhaustion.
Price to purchase Olanum Grape Concoction: 15 sp
Herb, rare
A lily pad-like plant that grows in temperate fresh water, this plant makes one heartier. When mixed into a concoction with chili peppers and walnuts and consumed as an action, you gain advantage on the next Constitution save you make within 24 hours. Ossura reacts badly with Red Clover. If you consume one while under the effects of the other, you vomit, lose all benefits from either, and gain the poisoned condition for one hour.
Price to purchase Ossura Concoction: 40 sp
Pearl Grass
Herb, uncommon
This waxy, white grass grows in temperate marshes. If combined into a salve with oil and lettuce, it can be used to remove hair. When applied as an action to a body part of a humanoid, 24 hours later, that body part will be free of hair. One dose of the salve can cover half of a medium humanoid's body. The hair grows back normally.
Price to purchase Pearl Grass Concoction: 2 sp
Herb, common
Many races throughout Farland smoke the dried leaves of plants. Old Norey pipeleaf is found in the hills of Zeland and is known for its charming effects among friends. Old Norey is commonly dried and cured with oregano and nutmeg. When a pipe of Old Norey is smoked, it forms a bond among all that have inhaled the smoke. For five minutes or until the smoke dissipates, all smokers have the charmed condition placed upon them by all the other smokers. Southern Star pipeleaf is typically found growing in Orland and Daven. Due to the heavy weight of its smoke, it is popular for blowing smoke rings, and some wizards have even learned how to integrate it into their prestidigitation tricks. As an action, a caster who is able to cast prestidigitation can inhale the smoke of Southern Star and exhale smoke in the shape of a small animal that hovers within range until the end of his next turn.
Price to purchase Pipeleaf Concoction: 25 sp
Herb, uncommon
A small weed that grows in cold, high elevations, Pomacula only reaches a height of 6 inches. It has a smooth, round stem and oblong, dark green leaves. Apothecaries say that it cools the blood. When brewed into a salve-like concoction with Alfalfa and brandywine and applied to the skin as an action, it heals 4 (1d8) fire damage that was suffered within the last 5 minutes.
Price to purchase Pomacula Concoction: 40 sp
Pumela Frond
Herb, common
These large green fronds are the leaves of the pumela tree (a plant similar to the palm tree), a common tree in tropical and semi-tropical areas. When dried and rubbed with common saw grass, the fronds become highly flammable. They can be applied to a torch, lamp, or lantern as an action. A torch treated with Pumela Frond Concoction will burn for 2 hours, and a lamp or lantern treated with it will burn for 9 hours. Pumela Front Concoction can’t be thrown or used to deal damage to opponents but very readily serves as kindling, making it easy to light torches and campfires in all weather save the heaviest downpours.
Price to purchase Pumela Frond Concoction: 3 cp
Pygmy Dogwood
Herb, uncommon
An undersized relative of the Kelerak-native tree that is more usually found in the northern reaches of Anaria, the pygmy dogwood resembles a sturdy grass, only readily identifiable when it turns bright red in autumn and winter. Unlike its cousin, it has only one use, and only to those who possess arcane skill. Harvested in midwinter with a cold iron blade, the stems must be dried under moonlight to awaken their potential. Then, when crushed to powder and inhaled, it triggers a frenzied state that greatly empowers magical abilities for a brief time, but tends to inhibit rational thought or other activity. When you take Pygmy Dogwood concoction as an action, for the next 5 minutes when you roll damage from casting a spell, you may reroll 1s. However, you suffer disadvantage to Intelligence checks and Intelligence saving throws during that time. If you take another dose of Pygmy Dogwood before you have completed a long rest, you must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage, gain the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and lose all beneficial effects from the herb.
Price to purchase Pygmy Dogwood Concoction: 100 sp
Herb, rare
Radendria is a large, nondescript bush that grows wild in forests. In the fall, the bush blossoms into a glorious, multicolored display. If the blooming Radendria blossoms are picked and brewed into a tea with caraway and peppermint, it has incredible healing properties. If you are suffering a lingering injury that requires magical healing of 6th level or higher to heal, you can ingest the Radendria Concoction as an action and make a DC 10 Constitution save. If you succeed, your injury will heal fully in 2 weeks. This will regenerate nonfunctional appendages but will not regrow those that have been fully lost, such as having been chopped off.
Price to purchase Radendria Concoction: 350 sp
Red Clover
Herb, uncommon
Red clover is a variety of common clover recognizable by the bright red underside of its leaves. It grows in low elevations of cool to moderate climes. When picked under a full moon, combined with sage, brewed in a tea, and consumed as an action, it makes the imbiber luckier. For the next hour, the first three times you roll a 1 on a d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll. Red Clover reacts badly with Moon Blossom; if either is consumed while the other is in effect, the effects of both are lost. Ingesting more than one dose of Red Clover concoction in 24 hours causes vomiting and negates the effects of the concoction.
Price to purchase Red Clover Concoction: 100 sp
Rot Gut
Herb, rare
This disgusting yellow root grows in warm climes and low elevations. The plant itself is a nettle-like variety of weed. When its root is extracted and mixed with essence of mistletoe and the blood of a sentient creature, it creates a vile-tasting concoction that provides a sense of invincibility and numbness. It is often given to the dark races just before important battles because of its powerful medicinal effects. After having imbibed Rotgut Concoction, for the next 5 minutes, if damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is from a critical hit. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead. The DC of this saving throw increases by 2 for each time after the first that damage reduces you to 0 hitpoints. If you take two or more doses of Rot Gut at once, you can make the Constitution saving throw when damage reduces you to 0 hit points even if that damage is from a critical hit, but when the duration expires you vomit for 10 minutes and gain a level of exhaustion. The level of exhaustion can be removed by all normal methods.
Price to purchase Rot Gut Concoction: 75 sp
Herb, uncommon
These light pink roots grow beneath the Sage plant, a rather nondescript weed-like plant with serated, oblong leaves. The Sage plant can be found growing in Southern Daven and Southern Orland. Sageroot is especially prized by doctors and healers, because when it is brewed into an oily concoction with dill and then added to Bestra's Weed salve, it increases the potency of the latter's healing effects: When you use an action to apply salve made from Bestra's Weed that also has Sageroot concoction in it, you regain 3 (1d4 +1) hit points. Sageroot concoction also reduces the toxic buildup from Bestra's Weed concoction, allowing you to apply Bestra's Weed concoction with Sageroot concoction in it twice per day instead of once per day.
Price to purchase Sageroot Concoction: 10 sp
Salow Bark
Herb, uncommon
The salow tree is a deciduous tree that looks much like a willow, except it has broader leaves. It grows in moist soils in cold and temperate regions. If the bark of the salow tree is stripped and ground into a concoction with hemp, it displays anticoagulant properties. If ingested as an action soon after a stroke or heart attack, it conveys a survival benefit. If applied to a weapon, a creature with blood and a functioning circulatory system that is hit by the weapon takes 1 point of bleeding damage at the start of its next 1d3 turns. The effect is not cumulative, so a creature struck more than once by the weapon does not suffer additional bleeding damage until the duration of its first bleeding damage has expired, whereupon it must be struck again to be affected again. The Salow Bark Concoction wears off the weapon after 1 minute.
Price to purchase Salow Bark Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, rare
This bulb grows throughout the continent of Farland. It has bright green shoots and small white flowers. Though it is a commonly found herb, sativum must be picked while the plant is flowering in order to be effective. When the odorus blub is dried, ground, and mixed with wood dust and silver powder, it has been known to repel vampires. When the mixture is sprinkled on one's clothing as a bonus action, it will grant advantage on wisdom saving throws against a vampire's charm action for 5 minutes. Alternatively the mixture can be added to olive oil and applied to a weapon as an action. If within 5 minutes after applying the concoction to a weapon you use that weapon to deal damage to a vampire, the vampire's regeneration does not function until the end of its next turn. After damaging the vampire, the concoction that has been applied to the weapon is expended.
Price to purchase Sativum Concoction: 150 sp
Herb, common
This herb can be found growing near the sea shore and is often found in the dunes on beaches. It grows to about a foot high and has wrinkled leaves around an inch long that are covered in fine white hair. It has small, harmless thorns. When brewed into a tea-like concoction with rosehip and chamomile and consumed as an action, it eases for approximately 24 hours coughs caused by natural illness; it also prevents nightmares during that time.The tea tastes sharp and astringent.
Price to purchase Seathorn Concoction: 5 sp
Shade Moss
Herb, uncommon
Shady moss is a grayish moss that grows in shaded areas, often in shallow grottos. When mixed into a concoction with elderberry and rubbed on your body as an action, it apparently makes you smell pleasing to animals. You have advantage on handle animal checks you make within the next five minutes. Subsequent doses of Shade Moss applied before 24 hours have passed have no effect.
Price to purchase Shade Moss Concoction: 25 sp
Sweet Chicory
Herb, uncommon
This relative of normal chicory is a dandelion-like plant with bright pink flowers. It grows within 100 yards of the sea in temperate areas, and is quite tasty if eaten in a salad. When combined with hazel and poured into the ears as an action, it protects against loud noises. For the next five minutes, you gain resistance to thunder damage and advantage on saving throws to resist effects that cause the deafened condition. During this five minutes, you have disadvantage on perception checks that relate to hearing.
Price to purchase Sweet ChicoryConcoction: 25 sp
Herb, uncommon
Native to the westernmost parts of Kale and the Wild Lands beyond, this bush, a more potent relative of the common sumac plant, can grow to nearly a meter tall. Also known as Urushberry, its distinctive red berries are arranged in spiraled clusters about a thin but sturdy stem. Most sumash varieties are harmless and often find themselves harvested to be ground up into garnish or seasoning, or, in the case of particularly adventurous architects, painted onto marble to provide a rich purple stain that is practically impossible to remove. There are a small number which are not harmless, however, and they are identifiable by their pink or white berries. Rashes and hives are common results of brushing up against a wild sumash of this type, whilst a fire that consumes them can make the toxins airborne and extremely dangerous if breathed in. Those who touch wild sumac must succeed at a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer an allergic reaction that imposes disadvantage on Dexterity checks for the next hour (success just prevents the irritation from being severe enough to be mechanically significant). Those exposed to the smoke of burning sumash must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on Constitution checks for the next hour and can only hold their breath for half the usual duration for the next 24 hours. White sumac in fruit can be carefully harvested and combined with chalk power to produce a dust grenade that counts as an improvised weapon with a range of 10/20 ft. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on Constitution checks for the next hour and can only hold its breath for half the usual duration during that hour.
Price to purchase Sumash Grenade Concoction: 25 sp
Thodrun Lily
Herb, common
This waxy lily is aquatic and grows in fresh water in temperate climes. When brewed into a concoction with pansies and consumed as an action, you gain the ability to hold your breath for twice as long as normal. This effect lasts for 24 hours. Taking additional doses when under the effect of a previous dose has no additional effect.
Price to purchase all Thodrun Lily Concoction: 15 sp
Tulip of the Highlands
Herb, rare
This maroon tulip is distinguished by the fact that ever blossom has one white petal. It grows in cool areas of higher elevation and is especially available in the Highlands of Zeland. When mixed into a concoction with sorrel and anise and consumed as an action, you gain extraordinary speed for 1d4 rounds as if you were under the effect of a haste spell. When the effect ends, you can't move or take actions until after your next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you.
Price to purchase Tulip of the Highlands Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, uncommon
This bright orange rhizome is found in hot, dry climates under a stem-like green plant with bright purple flowers. When the root is dried and ground into a powder, it can be used as an orange dye, but it is especially prized for its medicinal qualities. When combined with olive oil and applied as an action to a disease-causing wound, it will grant advantage on the next saving throw made to end the effect of the disease.
Price to purchase Tumeric Concoction: 75 sp
Vorn Creeper
Herb, common
The Vorn Creeper is a common, nuisance vine that prefers to grow on rocks in shade. The Vorn Creeper has stinging hairs, like a nettle. It relies on winds to scatter its seeds. If mixed into a concoction with horse cane and lilac and consumed as a bonus action, the very bitter draught toughens the skin. Until the end of your next turn, subtract 1 from any bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage you take. Consuming an additional Vorn Creeper concoction while a prior one is in effect produces vomiting and eliminates all beneficial effects from the concoction.
Price to purchase Vorn Creeper Concoction: 25 sp
White Berry
Herb, uncommon
This bush which grows in warm lowlands and swamps is recognizable by its waxy white berries. When mixed with parsnip and whiskey, it provides protection against natural cold. When you consume White Berry concoction as an action, for the next 8 hours, you gain advantage on any constitution saving throws you make because of exposure to extreme cold or frigid water caused by natural conditions.
Price to purchase White Berry Concoction: 10 sp
Herb, uncommon
Yarron is found on river banks. It grows up to 3 feet tall and lacks branches except near the top. It has many small leaflets, giving the plant a delicate, lacy appearance. When combined with elderberry and mixed into a concoction, you can consume it as an action and it will aid in natural recovery. At the end of your next long rest, you regain spent Hit Die equal to half of your total number of them (as normal), and then you regain one more additional Hit Die. Yarron reacts badly to Pomacula. If you took a pomacula concoction in the last 24 hours, the yarron concoction does not function.
Price to purchase Yarron Concoction: 40 sp
Yellow Berry
Herb, uncommon
This bush, a relative of White Berry, grows in cold highlands and is able to be identified by its bright yellow berries. When mixed with pine needles and white wine, it provides protection against natural heat. When you consume Yellow Berry concoction as an action, for the next 8 hours, you gain advantage on any Constitution saving throws you make because of exposure to hot temperatures and extremes of heat caused by natural conditions.
Price to purchase Yellow Berry Concoction: 10 sp
Yellow Thistle
Herb, uncommon
This plant of the daisy family typically has a prickly stem and leaves and rounded heads of yellow flowers. It grows in temperate to cold climes and at low to medium elevations. When mixed in a concoction of chervil and hemp, it heightens the senses: You have advantage on perception checks. The effect lasts for 10 minutes. If you consume any additional doses of Yellow Thistle before you have completed a short rest, you feel jittery, your field of vision becomes yellow, and you gain no additional mechanical effects. Yellow Thistle reacts badly with Moss Glow. If you imbibe it while currently under the effects of Moss Glow, you immediately vomit and lose all benefits from both drugs.
Price to purchase Yellow Thistle Concoction: 50 sp
Herb, uncommon
Zaro looks like the common rose but is distinguishable by its lack of thorns. It prefers to grow in temperate woodlands. When brewed into a concoction with cinnamon and smilax leaves and consumed as an action, it allows a fighter to recover the use of second wind. If more than one dose of Zaro is consumed in 24 hours, the fighter becomes unable to use second wind at all for the next 48 hours. For non-fighters, Zaro concoction acts like coffee and tastes pleasant.
Price to purchase Zaro Concoction: 40 sp