Gnomish Society

Table of Contents
Racial Characteristics
Types of Gnomes
Caste System and Political Structure
Gnomish Names
Racial Characteristics
Gnomes, or Tendenarruk [ten- den- ARE- uck] (the self-given name for the now nearly extinct gnomish race), are curious little creatures ranging from 3 to 4 feet in height and anywhere from 40 to 60 pounds. Gnomes display a remarkable variation, and there have been many scholarly debates among historians as to their classification as a single race. There are three more or less distinct racial types of gnomes (more below.) Physical characteristics such as height and weight vary considerably between the types. Variation among individual gnomes is common, especially when comparing gnomes from different racial types, but variation is also common within these types. Gnomes, like Dwarves, usually boast substantial facial hair, though there are those gnomes who are without this attribute. Ears are slightly elongated and come to a bit of a point. This ear shape is not as pronounced as in the halfling race and some gnomes have ears that are shaped much like human ears. Eye color also varies but tends to be among the paler colors, light blue, green, or gray. Hair color is often gray, dull silver, or pale blond. Anomalies are not uncommon, as it is difficult to make generalizations of the race as a whole due to individual variation.
The longest living gnomes are the ruling caste, the Bal gnomes. They can live on average 500 years. The shortest lived gnomes are the Sag and Pal gnomes, or sun gnomes, who live only an average of 300 years. As with many other attributes of the gnomes, age varies widely among the sub-races as well as among individuals.
Gnomes as a race tend to look down upon travel of any sort and they wish nothing better than to stay home near the hearth among friends and family. Gnomes are industrious and hard-working. Gnomes are also ingenious strategists but tend to be better at thinking than acting. Most gnomish schemes have been carefully worked out until the time when such a plan would have any practicality has long passed. It has happened more than once that gnomish emissaries have journeyed outside of the safety of their kingdom to inform the races of their advice on great battles or missions only to find that the event has already occurred.
Types of Gnomes
There are three types of gnomes: the slightly larger and stockier nobility, called the crown gnomes or Bal gnomes (as they claim to have descended from the Gnome ancestor Bal), the tunnel gnomes, and the sun gnomes. The three types are easily distinguishable by the difference in body type. Though all three racial types claim a common ancestor in Barlifandorf, one of the gnomish gods, upon close inspection, they appear quite different.
The ruling class of the Tendenarruk came always from the physically largest type, the Bal gnomes. They call themselves crown gnomes to outsiders. Average height for these gnomes is around four feet tall. Average weight hovers around 60 pounds. The Bol gnomes tend to be quite stout and resemble small dwarves to the non-gnomish eye. Indeed many suggest that Dwarven blood runs strong in these gnomes. Legend has it that they are descendants of the great Dwarven hero known to the gnomes as Sigilbal. The gnomes claim that she was responsible for the founding of the great kingdom of Wawmar (the dwarves deny this). For some unknown reason she was struck with wanderlust and traveled the lands for many years, until she fell in love with a stalwart young gnome. Thus she came to live with the gnomes in the very beginnings of gnomish society and married that gnome, who happened to be of the Bal caste. The rest of the caste leaders, seeing the superiority and nobility of the descendants of Sigilbal, asked this caste to rule the gnomes, and this caste has remained the ruling caste for all of gnomish history. This group cultivated diplomatic and political skill and historically contained almost all of the most famous and heroic gnomish warriors.
The tunnel gnomes, as they refer to themselves, are physically smaller than the Bal class, but still larger than their cousins the sun gnomes. They are mostly miners by profession but also are well known for their inventions and illusions. It is these gnomes that are most common in the gnomish homeland of Sheltinnobortanu. Gnomes of the Dam and the Ka castes as well as the merchant caste called Damsa that evolved out of the Dam caste are all members of this physical type.
The last physical type of gnome are the sun gnomes. They live mostly in small homesteads and enclaves outside of the main mountain home of Sheltinnobortanu. It is these gnomes that are most widely known by outsiders, as they have the most contact with non-gnomes. When gnomes are associated with practical jokes and pranks, it is these gnomes who are largely responsible. These gnomes are most likely to work for outsiders and were considered prized servants for their loyalty during the height of the kingdom of Aelfar. The castes of Pal and Sag are members of this physical type.
Sheltinnobortanu, or Bald Mountain as non-gnomes call it, is the gnomish capital and only gnomish community in Farland. The entire small mountain is a warren of tunnels and burrows. Most races would find these tunnels stifling, cramped, and uncomfortable, but the gnomes find them supremely homely and defensible. The tunnels are especially small so as to make it nearly impossible for a troll to enter (gnomes hate trolls). The location of the mountain itself is secret, but rumor has it that it is located somewhere in the Kale Mountains. Bald Mountain is rich with gems, which the gnomes love to mine and work into artistic objects. The place is still subject to troll attacks, however, as these sadistic beings seem to have an unreasoning hatred of the poor gnomes. While the gnomes can easily outwit the feeble-minded trolls, the unrelenting and vicious attacks have all but whittled away the gnomish race, until they are now facing extinction. There is one large hall deep below the surface and it is from there that the ruling council makes its decisions. This hall is rather majestic, especially in comparison to the rest of the mountain. In this area the caste of Bal largely live. The Ka caste lives typically below this great hall, or ruling hall as the gnomes refer to it. They are primarily involved in the mining of the gems abundant in the depths. Typically the Dam caste lives nearest to the surface. It is their traditional duty to serve as guardsmen for the gnomish homeland. In order to fulfill their guard duties to the best of their ability, these resourceful gnomes have devised all manner of ingenious traps and mechanisms to protect the five main entrances from invasion.
Aside from the main hall, there is very little order to the layout of the mountain home of the Tendenarruk. Corridors twist and turn about and even double back upon themselves in some places. It is also not uncommon for a passage to cut through the living space of a gnome family. The ruling hall and the main roadway from there to the mines and the main entrances are wide and well constructed. They show evidence of Dwarven handiwork to the practiced eye. Outside of this main thoroughfare, passages and rooms are haphazardly constructed and supported. At the same time, while jumbled, the structures and seemingly impossible passages are quite ingenious and indicate amazing forethought and planning. Gnomes quite obviously place great value on the larger plan than on minute details. Cave-ins are rare indeed, so the strange construction must serve its purpose.
Age of Immortals
9950-Gnomes set-up trade routes with both the dwarves and the elves, ending their millennia-long policy of isolationism.
10, 123-War breaks out between the Dwarves of Wawmar and the Gnomes who live scattered loosely south of the Sarumvest near the River Kelarant
10,124-The Pal and Sag castes side with the Dwarves thinking the Bal caste has wrongfully attacked the Dwarves. The Bal, Dam, and Ka castes retreat deep west to the region of the Balathil Mountains. The five castes are split and the two factions have no contact for more than a thousand years. The war is resolved the next year.
11,210-The Bal, Dam, and Ka castes encounter orcish raiders from the north and send to the Pal and Sag castes for help. Reunited, the gnomes are able to eliminate the orcish threat. The Pal and Sag castes agree to move west to join their brethren.
12, 601-Gnomes aid the elves and dwarves when they invade the Drow city of Morclaenthaur ("Black Lake of Bondage"), led by the elf Fingalion.
12, 602-- The elves, dwarves, and gnomes barely manage to overcome the drow and destroy the city of Morclaenthaur. The drow priestess Melegurtha Serpentmaid kills Fingalion in the final onslaught. She then leads the remainder of her people deep into the unexplored Underdark. A regiment of the Gnomish infantry of the Sag caste along with their families vow to stay permanently behind in the Underdark, to keep the surface people apprised of the movements of the evil under the ground. Contact is lost shortly thereafter with these gnomes and they are assumed lost. They are eventually forgotten. The elves suspect that these gnomes may be the origin of the legendary deep gnomes said to dwell far before the surface.
Age of Men
3000-By this time, gnomes especially of the Pal caste are revered and highly desired by the wealthy of Aelfar as servants and financial advisors. Through this work, the gnomes come to see the great wealth that can be made through trading with the humans. They establish a trade in spices from the southern continent in exchange for gems from the Balathil Mountains. They are able to procure great wealth during this period from their trade in spices. This was the heyday of gnomish society. Herein is the birth of the Damsa caste.
4529-Publius, wielding the fabled crown of Aelfar, a powerful relic, attacks the evil army, which is encamped and occupying the remains of Aelfar, but is driven back. For the next 20 years, the War of Vengeance is waged between the Evil forces of the Dweller and the fledgling kingdom of Farland, which is aided by the Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes.
c. 6675- Trolls move into a misty valley on the north side of the Kale Mts., lead by the troll-demon Hothmor. The gnomes, who already inhabit the area, wage war on the trolls.
6699-In a valiant battle, the gnomish hero Lastorbol slays the Troll Lord Hothmor with the aid of an enchanted hammer. He is himself slain moments later by the Troll-Demon's bodyguards. The trolls redouble their attacks against the gnomes.
6750-As the attacks become more disastrous to the gnomes, almost the entire Sag caste agree to venture far to the south in search of a new world where gnomes can live in peace far from trolls and other enemies.
6757-A message, the last ever received, comes from the gnome expedition to the south telling of strange black skinned barbarians, ferocious beasts, and baking sands of death.
6801-- The gnomes are forced to flee to a more secure home in the Kale Mts., ceasing hostilities towards the trolls.
6810-The Dwarves of Wawmar send a diplomatic expedition along with a contingent of stonemasons to help the gnomes construct their new homeland. The Bal caste attempts to pay these Dwarven craftsmen less than originally agreed and fighting breaks out. Once again the Pal caste and the remnants of the Sag caste side with the Dwarves. Much blood is shed.
6811-Finally diplomatic missions from Wawmar are able to settle the disagreement. The gnomes pay the Dwarves what was agreed upon. The Pal and Sag castes are banished from the new homeland. Tensions flare between the castes.
7099-- Gnomes in Mt. Sheltinnobortanu in the Kale Mts. invent the most powerful gnomish artifact- the Scabbard of Protection.
7693-- Trolls from the Valley of Mists attack the gnomes, capitalizing on their continuing internal tension. The gnomes are overrun and suffer disastrous losses. The trolls are able to steal the Scabbard of Protection.
7695-Civil war erupts within Sheltinnobortanu as leaders of the Pal caste suggest venturing south to search for the Sag caste, and the Bal caste lobbies strongly for an all out attack on the trolls. The stronger Bal side prevails and a much weakened gnome army composed of every old gnome, female, and child that can carry a weapon sallies forth to wipe out the trolls. Their numbers are too few and after several days of fighting, the trolls win the battle. No survivors are reported.
8170- historians have had no report of gnome sightings for almost 1000 years. Gnomes are supposed by the Elves to no longer exist.
Khuckduck Gemcutter, the god of gnomes is really no other than Dhurli Ironbeard, lesser god of Dwarves. This is known by the highest clergy, but is kept secret from the average member of gnomish society and even low level clergy. The church is quite anxious to keep this information secret. There is a general feeling that this knowledge would be dangerous to gnomish society. All gnomes worship Khuckduck Gemcutter at least in name, but no Tendenarruk ceremonies or religious festivals are held in his honor. The Bal caste, however, is more accepting of the god Khuckduck than the other castes. For the most part gnomes do him lip service but remain true in their hearts to the lesser deity of the Tendenarruk, Barlifandorf.
Tendenarruk thus almost entirely worship the gnomish god Barlifandorf. One Gnomish legend holds that gnomes are descendants of a union between the Dwarven lesser god Dhurli Ironbeard and a demon temptress. The daughter of this union, the legend claims, is none other than Barlifandorf, the Gnomish lesser deity, although if this legend is true, Barlifandorf does not possess the power of a true lesser deity. The gnomes would disagree. Although part demon, her heart is pure, they say, and she is a goddess of goodness. As the gnomes are by and large a good race, this legend is at the very least controversial. It has survived the ages and continues to hold sway over gnomish society. None but the gods know the truth of the matter, but a famous religious scholar and priest of the Elhil, Halfir of House Arefor, left behind pertinent world histories dated from the year 9780 E.R. Therein he claims that after centuries of study of the gnomes, a most curious race, to have communed directly with his lord Tal-Allustiel and to have confirmed the truth of this legend.
In the beginnings of time, the goddess Barlifandorf had five daughters. They and their husbands spawned the five castes of the Gnomes. The five ancestors were Bal and her husband Bol, Dam and her husband Dom, Ka and her husband Kor, Pal and her husband Pol, and Sag and her husband Sog. The origin of these husbands is a product of much religious and scholarly debate. Many claim that Bol was Dwarven, and Pol was a halfling, perhaps even Bunga Proudfoot himself, although this latter is unlikely. Advocates of this mixed blood theory within the Gnomish race claim that others of the husbands are actually the children of these two first marriages. Some such traditionalists claim that there are really only two ancestors, Bal and Pal. Another legend of gnomish creation suggests that Barlifandorf's brother impregnated each of the original daughters, and thus started a longstanding gnomish tradition of inbreeding.
Tendenarruk society is for the most part matrilineal; it is important for many religious scholars, priests, and historians to know the identity of the father of the five original daughters. This knowledge has been lost in the mists of time, but legends abound. According to most tales, Barlifandorf is a single unmarried gnome who is not fond of sexual relations. Indeed her priests frown upon sexual intercourse and all take a vow of celibacy when joining the church. It is not uncommon for gnomes who are not clergy to take this vow upon themselves in deference to their love for their god.
Gnomes celebrate six major holidays throughout the year. They occur the first of every other month. The first five are named for the five ancestors, Bal, Dam, Ka, Pal, and Sag, and the sixth is a celebration of the new year. The Damsa sub-caste has also claimed this last holiday as sacred to them. During the first five of these holidays, sex is forbidden in reverence to the holy celibacy of Barlifandorf and all of her loyal followers. Great feasts are held and rabbits are snared by the hundreds for the feast. Caches of spices are broken out for the occasion and cooks both male and female compete for the spiciest dish.
Caste System and Political Structure
There are six gnomish castes. These are the Bal, Dam, Ka, the merchant caste called the Damsa that evolved out of the Dam caste, Pal, and Sag castes. There is very little if any crossbreeding between castes. It is considered a great wrong to do so. This is the primary reason for the huge amount of variation in appearance amongst individual gnomes. This policy has not been good to the gnomes. After millenia of inbreeding, diseases and disfigurations are quite common, and gnomes are afflicted with terrible life-shortening diseases from birth. Mutations are also not unheard of, and one might possibly see three armed or one legged gnomes about if one was ever permitted to enter Sheltinnobortanu to have a look around.
Dwarven blood is likely strongest amongst the gnomes of the Bal caste. Males wear long beards. They tend to be stout and quite tall for gnomes. Their hair color is normally some shade of brown. Their ears look quite round and have little of the elongation and pointiness that some of their brethren show. Some of the great Tendenarruk warrior heroes have been as tall as four and a half feet! Almost all great gnomish heroes have come from this caste. They are looked to as leaders in times of war and peace, however, and the rulers of the gnomes are primarily from this caste. More important than the selection of rulers, though is the importance of the Bal opinion on matters. The position of the Bal caste leaders on any important matter is almost always the position of the gnomes as a whole. Rarely do any gnomes disagree with Bal decisions. This caste of gnomes are swarthy skinned and have the darkest eye colors. Although it is rare, Bal gnomes sometimes even have black eyes. Individuals with black eyesare considered quite mysterious and powerful by the gnomes. Eye color is very important to gnomes. The gnomes of the Bal caste are often politicians, judges, and warriors when need be. When these occupations are not needed, they mine like many of the gnomes.
The skin color of the gnomes of the Dam caste is yellowish almost to the point of looking sickly to non-gnomish observers. Their eyes are usually a pale brown, and hazel and amber are also common. Some individuals of the Dam caste boast pointed ears while others' ears are rounded, but all Dam gnomes have elongated ears. Their hair is usually a lighter shade of brown or blonde. Their heights and weight are similar to the Ka caste with average height about three and a half feet tall, and average weight running around 50 pounds. Gnomish bards come solely from this caste. Other professions include guards, miners, and strategists. Most guards come from this caste, but the Bal caste assists in this position due to their legendary bravery and ability in battle. Dam caste Tendenarruk are also no strangers to illusion. They are said to have woven intricate illusionary screens to hide the entrances to Sheltinnobortanu. They are also quite adept at trap-making, and many ingenious traps also protect their mountain home. Around the year 10,000 E.R. a new caste was formed from members of the Dam caste. This division occurred over arguments among the elders as to the rightness of starting to trade with outsiders, in this case the Dwarves and the Elves. Unable to resolve the argument, the elders split and a good number of the Dam caste formed a sixth caste outlawing intermarriage and became largely successful merchants; this caste was called the Damsa caste. The other gnomes saw the great profits made by the new caste and allowed the division to stand. Thus a sixth caste was born and flourished for as long as Tendenarruk society existed.
The Tendenarruk of the Ka caste are very pale skinned. Their eyes are often darker than normal for gnomes, but not as dark as those of the Bal caste. The Ka gnomes' eyes are usually blue or purple and sometimes pale red. Their ears are elongated but rarely pointed as is common amongst some of their kin. Their hair color is usually pale blond or white. They are of average height and weight for gnomes, usually about three and a half feet tall and 50 pounds. These gnomes are rarely if ever seen outside of the safety of their mountain home. Most gnomes of this caste are miners and usually take great pride in their skill at appraisal. This caste is the most magical of all the gnomes. Many gnomes of the Ka caste have some ability in sorcery. They use their magic to assist them in their mining, but have a special penchant for illusion. Within this caste there is a sub-caste of sorcerers specializing in illusion magic. They are a very mysterious group and are known as the Deep Shadows (at least this is the best translation available).
The Pal caste consists of dark skinned gnomes. Their eyes are most commonly of a pale yellow color, though light brown eyes are not uncommon. These gnomes stand an average of three feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds. They and their Sag caste kin are the smallest of the gnomes. Their ears are elongated and are almost as pointed as that of a halfling. They are slight of build. Their hair is often curly and is usually brown in color. These gnomes are fond of pranks and practical jokes. They have often been employed over the years as court jesters. They have also historically been the first point of contact with the race in general when outsiders like the trolls venture into the area of their homeland. They are quite gifted farmers and are able to bring impossible yields out of the rocky hills and woods surrounding Sheltinnobortanu. The highest yields, of course, come from the rich valleys of the area, but the Sag caste has traditionally farmed the valleys.
The Sag caste gnomes are reddish or auburn in skin color. Their eyes are dull brown or amber. Their hair is also wavy or curly as with their cousins of the Pal caste. Their hair is usually dark brown or even black in some cases. Their ears are also elongated and pointed, though they tend to be less pointy than the Pal caste. They, like the gnomes of the Pal caste, average three feet in height and 40 pounds in weight. They are also farmers like their cousins of the Pal caste. Their diet, however, is the most varied of any of the castes. This is due to the rich soil of the valleys where they farm. It is said that with the magical soil of the valleys near Sheltinnobortanu, the Sag caste gnomes can even grow gems. Likely the cause of this saying is that many of the Sag caste are also miners. This was not always the case. About 10 000 E.R., when the Dam caste was dividing and the Damsa merchant caste was forming, many in the Sag caste thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go see what the wide world was all about. This revolutionary idea required money, so many Sag caste gnomes turned to mining part time to fund their trips to the outside. During the years of the Aelfarian Empire, the Sag caste was very influential in Tendenarruk society by making good use of this practice.
As well as having a sub-racial caste designation, most gnomes also carry membership in a professional caste. These sub-castes are also important. Some professions are confined completely within a single sub-racial caste. For instance all recognized gnomish bards come from the Dam caste. Other castes like the castes of cooks cross sub-racial caste boundaries. Depending on the level of secrecy the caste leaders have traditionally enforced, some of these sub-castes regulate inter-marriage as well, further lessening the pool of applicable marriage partners. Faced with a small pool of available gnomes, many gladly accept religious vows of celibacy as an assured passage to the glorious gem mines in the sky upon their death. Most of the Tendenarruk believe that celibacy is next to godliness.
Most Tendenarruk view all outsiders with suspicion and consider them a threat. They elect to remain tucked deep in their mountain home all of their lives without ever venturing outside. This might be possible if food could be mined like gems, but the Pal and Sag castes that live outside of the mountain home of the gnomes must protect their crops and engage in trading with outsiders in order to keep supplying their brethren inside Sheltinnobortanu with necessities like food. Thus gnomes must sally forth to protect their outside interests and kin against the constant threat of troll attacks. Trolls, called Naraz in Gnomish, are the biggest threat to gnomish existence. The gnomes' small size gives them an advantage against the huge and often clumsy creatures. Gnome alchemists work constantly to improve their potions of oil and fire that help to combat the regenerative properties of trolls. The gnomes are excellent strategists and are constantly working to devise ambushes and sneak attacks. These are largely successful, and the gnomes' superior intellect serves them well against their foes. But the average gnome is no fighter, and when the trolls do happen to catch the gnomes in open battle, the loss of gnomish life is disastrous.
Goblins and kobolds also harry the gnomes from time to time, but these adversaries are less of a threat to gnomish existence, for they are easily dispatched by gnome ingenuity in battle. When the gnomes are forced to meet goblins and kobolds in open battle, the odds are much more even and gnomish warriors are able to do much damage to their foes. Wild monsters and beasts are rare within the area, and if not for the trolls, the gnome homeland of Sheltinnobortanu would be a safe and peaceful place.
Tendenarruk are especially fond of mushrooms and claim to have discovered over 300 different types of edible fungi. They are also fond of rabbit meat and cultivate rabbits all around Sheltinnobortanu. Rabbit meat is considered a delicacy and is said to be the favorite food of Barlifandorf, giving it a holy designation. All festivals feature feasts where rabbit meat is served in great amounts. The gnomes are fond of spices to a fault, and other races trying gnomish cooking usually find it unpalatable and even (in the case of spicy foods) painful.
Everyday fare is usually a soup or stew consisting largely of potatoes and other tubers grown in the valleys surrounding Mt. Sheltinnobortanu. Gnomes also bake a type of coarse unleavened bread made from a strain of winter wheat specially adapted to the mountainous region where they live. Other vegetables are also prized when available. These crops are traded for with the peoples of Kale. The castes of Pal and Sag are also quiet handy farmers and do a thriving business raising potatoes and winter wheat. The gnomish diet is for the most part quite bland and alternative foods are very rare. When spices are available, however, gnome cooks are second to none in creating a work of art for the taste buds, though they often go overboard, according to non-gnomish tastes. The farmers of the castes of Pal and Sag have a diet that is a little more exciting, as they are able to grow other types of vegetables in their gardens. For the most part, though, they stick to potatoes and winter wheat, as they claim these foods are the necessary staples of Gnomish life and favorites of Balifandorf herself.
During festival feasts, Gnomes use their racial ability to lure rabbits from their warrens and capture them by the hundreds. Some gnomes who are not as comfortable with this method of procuring meat raise domesticated rabbits in makeshift cages within their own tunnel homes. A special stew of rabbit meat and many types of mushrooms, potatoes, and spices is prepared, along with platters of plain rabbit meat and Gnomish bread. A strong wheat beer is brewed and consumed freely for these festivals as well. Gnomes in general frown upon drinking beer at other times than festival. As in any society, however, there are those who cannot wait and who do a clandestine business in beer making and selling.
Tendenarruk society is a lawful and good society for the most part. Most gnome individuals follow this pattern. They are aligned strongly with the forces of law and goodness in the universe. However, unlike many that follow such forces, there are few if any written codified laws that govern gnome society. Instead, tradition is extremely important to gnomes, and it is tradition that governs their society. Gnomes have a very clear sense of right and wrong and will always strive to do right. Those who do not follow what is right in the eyes of the gnomes are banished to live outsider the confines of the kingdom of the gnomes. This punishment is disastrous to a gnome. Gnomes live communally and usually are taught a specific craft, task, or profession that is her or his special duty to perform in life for the greater good of the gnomes. For instance, few gnomes actually know how to cook and have ever even thought about how one might go about it. There are those who take care of that aspect of life and none of the others needs to ever worry about how this task is carried out. Gnomish society is very strict, and no individual gnome would lightly cross the teachings of tradition. The ethics of the caste system are also deeply imbedded in the gnomes' psyche. It is unethical to marry or otherwise associate in inappropriate ways outside of one's caste. This has been the way of things since the beginnings of gnomish existence and it has worked so well that gnomes are convinced that this way must be continued on into perpetuity.
If an individual is accused of wrongdoing, the offender is usually dealt with by the elder(s) of her or his family. If that gnome(s) is unable to solve the problem, the elders of the caste are consulted. If that still fails to adequately address the problem, the ruling council of elders selected from all of the castes may agree to hear the case. Public shaming is widely used and is highly effective as a form of discipline at all these levels. Suspension from work is another typical punishment. Gnomes think very highly of their work and when separated from it, they can become quite distraught. Sloth is very uncommon among gnomes. A similar but much worse punishment is that of solitary confinement or even in rare cases imprisonment. As mentioned above the worst imaginable punishment for a gnome is banishment. This fate has come to few gnomes in the history of the race and never has there been a case where this fate has been less than permanent. Most such criminals are never heard from again, and most assume that they simply die of shame up in the mountains.
**From The Other Little Folk written by Laurre of House Arefor, a scribe and scholar of the Elhil and largely adapted from Gnomes written by Halfir of House Arefor in the year 9780 E.R.