Elvenking Baranwë the Old
Baranwë the Old, Level 20 Elite Skirmisher Elvenking (Leader) Medium fey humanoid (eladrin) XP 5,600 |
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +17; low-light vision HP 372; Bloodied 186 AC 34; Fortitude 29, Reflex 32 Will 36 Saving Throws +5 against charm effects Resist 10 necrotic Speed 7 Action points 1 |
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+25 vs AC; 2d8 + 17 damage plus 1d8 radiant damage. |
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Requires Longsword; Baranwë makes two Shining Longsword attacks; he can shift up to 2 squares at any time during these attacks. |
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Ranged 20; +23 vs Reflex; 3d8 + 15 damage and the target is immobilized (save ends). |
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The glimmering light of the Elven Swan shines forth from the countenance of Baranwë. Close blast 5; +23 vs Will; 3d6 + 11 psychic damage, and the target cannot attack Baranwë (save ends). All allies in the blast gain a +2 bonus to attacks and a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects until the end of Baranwë's next turn. |
Fey Step (move; encounter) |
Baranwë can teleport up to 5 squares. |
Crown of Elven Kings (varies; varies) ◊ Artifact |
Baranwë uses Elebtale, the Crown of Elven Kings. |
Alignment Good Languages Elven, Kalish, Farlandish, Blackspeech Skills Arcana +23, Diplomacy +23, History +23, Insight +22 Str 22 (+16) Dex 25 (+17) Wis 24 (+17) Con 18 (+14) Int 22 (+16) Cha 27 (+18) Equipment Elven Chain; Longsword of Gil-Lindan; "Curumbar," Longbow; Elebtale, the Crown of Elven Kings |
Baranwë Lore
Baranwë the tall, also called Baranwë the Wise, is 1070 years old. He was born in the year 7101 F.R. to Foros and Ardana, and is of the House Gloran. He succeeded the previous elven king Ioromwë "Oldspeaker" (who was not his father-- primogeniture is not the way of the elves). He was the obvious choice for the kingship after Ioromwë departed for Faerie because of the many useful and heroic deeds he had done for the Elhil since he served as the Captain of the Elven armies under Ioromwë. In this role, the tall elf defended the borders of the Belendale from any sort of encroachment. Among his most notable deeds was a successful assault against a raiding party of trolls and Orcs that had entered the Belendale. This attack was suspicious, and Baranwë undertook to journey into the Enemy Lands to discover what had warranted it. He returned with the fell news that the Dweller in the Wintervale was massing a huge army, and had some terrible weapon at his disposal. The people looked to Baranwë for his aid, and Ioromwë abdicated the throne, hearing the Call of the Sea. The Council of the House Elders unanimously named Baranwë the new Elvenking. He counceled that the Elves raise an army and send it to the aid of whatever human kingdom was first attacked. He began to gather the elves, but his knowledge had come too late: the Dweller initiated his well-planned assault on Farland, attacking each kingdom at the same time and using the might of the Lords of Sin. So fearsome was the onslaught that the elves were forced to change their plan and fortify the Belendale, adopting a defensive posture that would last for the next 400 years.
Baranwë is very wise and intelligent. He has an air of magic and great mystery that seems to cloak him and impress all those who gaze upon it. He has dwelt long by the sacred pool of Melim. He is skilled and knowledgeable in a great many subjects, magic not the least of which. He is extremely long lived for an elf, having resisted the call of the sea for the past 400 years. This longevity gives his opinions much weight, and he is nearly always correct. He is never hasty in his judgements, and always looks at things in the long run. Thus Baranwë's actions may not be readily apparent to a member of a shorter-lived race. He is not, however, omniscient, and he his long years often work against him in the respect that he takes too long to make a decision or to plan a course of action. Baranwë often chides himself for the slow deliberation which caused him to fail to raise an army in time to send any substantial aid to the humans during the Dark Conquest.
Baranwë the tall stands 6'7". He is slender of form, but well muscled. The Elvenking presents a very noble and majestic countenance when he stands and allows all his kingly bearing to show forth, when he "glimmers" with the light of the swan. He has long fine silver hair and gray eyes, and a face that can only be described as beautiful. His voice is like music when he speaks. Baranwë rarely speaks to anyone but the Elhil or their allies. For the past centuries he has been trying to figure out how to help the Land, but he realizes that it is in an awful dilemma. For all his majesty, wisdom, and mystery, he could not do much to help. At least he has managed to keep his people free. Only lately, with the intervention of the Lords of the West, has Baranwë seen any chance of hope. Yet the Call of the Sea is beginning to grow louder in his soul.