Races of Farland
Table of Contents

Common Human Ethnicities
Mountain Dwarf
Hill Dwarf
Altarim (High Elf)
Galan (Glimmer Elf)
Ranarim (Sunder Elf)
Dulim (Drow)
Half-Elf (Elhil Blood or Frelehan)
Half-Drow (Dulan)
Crown Gnome
Tunnel Gnome
Sun Gnome
Urban goblin
Subterranean goblin
Half-Oluk Orc
Rat kobold
Winged kobold
Wyrmsblood kobold
Player Characters
It is up to you, as player characters in the world of Farland, to either attempt to do whatever good you can or to serve the victorious evil forces (which tact your campaign takes is up to the wishes of the players and the DM). The racial choices in Farland are different from most campaigns, and are in some ways more tricky, although they will provide some unique roleplaying opportunities. In any case, how your race is treated depends heavily on where you venture in the continent of Farland, whether your character goes to or lives in the Liberated Kingdoms of Kale, Kelerak, and Daven, or the Occupied Kingdoms of Zeland, Orland, and Farland.
There are several races allowed to players in Farland. In terms of game mechanics, only those mechanics which are different are noted here. Otherwise, the race is as described in the Players Handbook. The rare races are marked with an asterisk (this doesn't mean that players cannot play these races. They just need a backstory that explains the reason their character is out adventuring.) A regional note also follows describing how each race is treated in the liberated and occupied kingdoms, and how common they are in each. Often there is a more extensive description of each race; find it by clicking on the name of the race in the description below.

Races of the Light
The following races are races that are usually not dedicated to serving evil.
Humans are similar to the humans in multiverses everywhere. They come in all the varieties that we know on earth. They serve both evil and good, but tend to have a neutral bent. Most humans are somewhat tolerant of other races, but their evil rulers have taught many humans prejudices toward those of other races, as well as toward magic. Nevertheless, some of the most powerful lords are men.

There are six main human Kingdoms in Farland. These are Farland the Great, Zeland, Orland, Daven, Kelerak, and Kale. The first three Kingdoms make up the East, or what was known in the elder days as the Eastern Alliance and what is now known as the Occupied Kingdoms. The last three make up the Kingdoms of the Far West or what is know known as the Liberated Kingdoms. As of 8170 F.R. the Far West has been liberated from the Lords of Sin, at least nominally. Legend has it that all these kingdoms were born from the fall and sundering of the first human kingdom, Aelfar the Ancient. Thus, all the different human languages have something of a common root.
Human Traits
Age. Humans reach adulthood by their late teens and live less than 100 years.
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Females tend to be shorter and lighter. Your size is medium.
Names. Common human names are detailed here.
Ethnicities. Humans come in many ethnicities and varieties. Choose one of these ethnicities, or discuss a different ethnicity with your DM.
Common Human Ethnicities
The peoples of Anaria, the lands to the North and South of the Kelerak Mountains, are known to the more civilized peoples of Western Farland as the Northern Barbarians. The Northern barbarian peoples are made up of four large, loosely organized tribes. As a people, they call themselves Anar (Ah-nar) "Raiders," because they were known for harrowing and harassing the lands to the South. Three tribes live south of the Mountains and one tribe lives North of the Mountains. The Southern tribes divide themselves by what totem animal they honor. They revere the Elk, the Wolf, and the Cavebear, and call themselves the Hofvarar, Hildolfar, and Rindar. These peoples tend to be tall and strong, with white skin and blond or light brown hair. The tribe that lives North of the mountains, near the Ice Bay, honors the Seal and calls themselves the Einar. Their skin and hair is slightly darker than that of the southern Anar. They speak the human dialect of Kelevan called Anarian.
Frigid Cadocia to the north east is home to humans who subsist through hunting, gathering, and fishing, and they have developed seaworthy ships to hunt whales. Most of the Cadocians live in small communities that move to follow the food source, but there are two cities in the land, although both are small. Cadocians tend to be swarthy-skinned, with dark, straight hair, narrow eyes, and heavy builds. They speak the human language Cadocian.
Haling from the kingdom of Daven, northern Davonians tend to be tall, slender, with oblong faces, strong chins, narrow features, and pale complexions, and they tend to have light eyes and light or blond hair. Southern Davonians tend to be stockier, shorter, broader-featured, shorter-headed, and darker-haired. They speak the human language Kelevan.

Those humans who dwell in the southern continent of Eruna are know as Erunians. Most of the native humans of Eruna are dark skinned because of the baking sun, but Eruna is a huge place, and its human population varies widely, from the tall, nearly black-skinned people known as the Forolans, to the brown-skinned Turuk nomads who inhabit the Cen-Cela desert, to the light browned-skinned, highly civilized Ishians in the north of the continent. The people of Eruna speak many different human languages and dialects.
The kingdom of Farland lends its name to the entire continent, and the people who dwell in the kingdom are known as Farlandish. They are a determined, regimented folk. Physically, they tend to be on the short side but strongly built, with swarthy skin and darker eyes, although blond, pale -skinned Farlanders are not unknown. They speak the human language Farlandish.
The people known as Kalias come from the Westernmost kingdom in Farland, the land of Kale. The Kalias are a rough and ready, frontier-type folk. They tend toward pale skin, medium builds, and brown hair. They speak Kalish or what they call Kalais.
The Kelerites, from the kingdom of Kelerak, are a resilient and inventive folk. The average Kelerite is on the tall side, with a lean to medium build, rather pale and freckled skin, light to medium brown hair, and blue eyes. Yet as in every human population, there is diversity. They speak Kelevan.
The far eastern lands are home to humans who call themselves the Kunese. These peoples are mostly barbaric, and they have no major cities. They willingly serve the Wintervale and even worship the Dweller as a god, along with Vornoth, whom they call Sodring. While these people have not been allowed by the Wintervale to establish cities or develop much of a culture, they still have certain facets of their civilization that are notable. They believe above all in honor, and they will do their utmost to fulfill any oath they take, even to the extent of committing suicide if they fail. Their skin is described by other humans as yellowish; they tend to have have narrow eyes (slightly slanted) and straight, dark hair. They speak the human language Kunese.
Humans from the southern part of the kingdom of Orland tend to have dark hair and eyes and pale skin. They are usually of slender or medium build. Those from northern Orland have the pale skin of their southern cousins but their hair tends to be lighter and their build stockier. They speak Kingdom Common.
Humans that come from the area of the kingdom of Zeland are called Zelish. A proud folk, they tend to be tall and heavy, with pale and freckled skin and brown or red hair. They speak Kingdom Common.
- Languages: Language of the kingdom or place they inhabit, one other language
Liberated and Occupied Kingdoms: There are no differences between how humans are viewed in the liberated and occupied kingdoms.

Upon first occupying the Kingdom of Wawmar, the Lord of Greed used his own blood to breed a race of guardians and warriors to serve him and to occupy his domain. At first this race of humanoid dragons served him faithfully, but over the years, a certain segment of this race grew dissatisfied. Finally, a tribe of Dragonborn rebelled against their Draconic Master and fled into the Wilderness of Northern Zeland and the Deadlands. There they eked out a living among the rough and broken highlands, occasionally trading with the wandering clans of dwarves that also inhabited this area, or serving as mercenaries for the highest bidders. However, they secretely took up worship of the gods of light, and over the centuries they never betrayed their new moral outlook. Many of these good Dragonborn have begun to migrate into the liberated kingdoms, but even there they still dwell apart in nomadic bands, generally working as mercenaries.
Other Dragonborn, though, still retain their evil bent and still dwell within the dread Fortress of Wawmar, serving the terrible dragon therein.
Dragonborn Traits
Age. Dragonborn grow quickly. They are full adults by 15 and live to be about 80.
Alignment. Dragonborn who live in Wawmar tend to be evil. Those who have left the Kingdom of Greed tend toward goodness.
Size. Dragonborn are imposing. They tend to be well over 6 feet tall and weigh around 250 pounds. Males and females tend to be equal in size. Your size is medium.
- Languages: Dragon, either one human language or Dark Speech
Liberated Kingdoms: The wandering Dragonborn that occasionally appear in the liberated kingdoms are tolerated but treated with suspicion.
Occupied Kingdoms: Dragonborn that appear in the occupied kingdoms are generally assumed to be troops of the Lord of Greed-- until they prove otherwise.

Dwarves are a short, stocky, but invariably strong people. They have great powers of endurance, as well as a hardy resistance to cold and heat. Dwarves call themselves Khazak. Elves call them Nowgol. There are two types of dwarves: hill and mountain. They do speak the same language; however the hill dwarves use the Mithhaud alphabet, while mountain dwarves use the Wawmar alphabet. Hill dwarves tend to be slightly shorter than mountain dwarves, as well as darker complected. All dwarves treasure their beards and are loathe to cut them. Both sects of dwarves tend to live underground. They are excellent miners. The goblin races hate dwarves and attempt to kill them; they do not always succeed, as dwarves are fierce fighters. Dwarves are sober, pugnacious, introspective, suspicious, and greedy. They are also a strong force for lawful good. The ratio of males to females is 2:1.
There have been five Dwarven kingdoms or Dwarfholds throughout history. These are, in order of their founding: Liferock, Wawmar, Khallin, Mithhaud (or Mt. Silverload), and Dorlhaud. The first three were primarily mountain Dwarfholds, and the last two were primarily hill Dwarfholds. Both types of dwarves freely lived in all the kingdoms, of course. There have also been other, smaller Dwarven communities, but these are the largest and only true Dwarven nations. However, over the course of history, the six holds have fallen and almost all dwarves have lost their homes and become wanderers.
There have been many famous Dwarven heroes throughout history, and each clan and nation has its own favorite hero.
Dwarf Traits
Age. Dwarves mature slightly later than humans and are considered young until they are 50. They live about 350 years.
Alignment. Most dwarves are lawful, and they tend toward good as well, although neutral and even evil dwarves have been reported.
Size. A mountain dwarf is typically around 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall and weighs around 150 to 170 pounds. Hill dwarves typically stand 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall and weigh about 150 to 160 pounds. Females are essentially the same height as the males, although they tend to weigh slightly less. Your size is medium.
Names. Common dwarven names are detailed here.
Subrace. There are two main dwarf subraces: mountain dwarf and hill dwarf. Choose one of these subraces.
Mountain Dwarves
Mountain dwarves refer to themselves as "Khazak." They prefer humans to call them "Dwerrow." They dislike the name "Dwarf," as it is a name that humans give the Dwarves in reference to themselves. Their hair shades are white, silver, brown, or red. Rarely, it is even blond. Their skin is light. They tend to braid or plait their beards. Mountain dwarves claim they are the first dwarves and all other dwarves are descended from them.
Hill Dwarves
Hill dwarves also call themselves "Khazak," although they prefer humans to call them "Dwamok." Their hair is generally black, gray, or brown. Often they are bald, although their beards remain lush throughout their life. They tend to leave their beards unbraided. Hill dwarf women also have slight beards. Their skin is tan, ruddy, or swarthy.
Liberated Kingdoms: Dwarves may be viewed with suspicion by a few, but mostly they are valued for their craftsmanship and dedication to goodness. They are uncommon because of their low birthrate but are not rare.
Occupied Kingdoms: Dwarves in the Occupied Kingdoms have a tough time. They are not slain on sight or put into slavery, but are mistreated by the goblinoids (because of racial enmities) whenever possible. Still it seems apparent that these races bear the dwarves a grudging respect. Dwarves have also been known to ally themselves with evil on rare occasions, and when they do this they are welcomed by the evil rulers.
Elf (Elhil)

Elhil (singular Elhan), is the term for the immortal fey beings that Dwell in the Belendale, and in smaller numbers in the Luvam Wood. They are a tall and beautiful race. They have less body hair than men do, and no facial hair. Elhil tend to be skilled in magic as well as with swords or bows. There is something mysterious about the Elhil, and they almost always conduct themselves in a fashion that is noble; Elhil tend to have the far-reaching goals of good in mind. Some contend, however, that the Elves' view of good means only absence of change. Outside of the Belendale and the surrounding area, Elhil are so rarely seen that they have almost become legendary.
Elhil society is broken up loosely into families or Houses. An Elhil village is made of a varying number of Houses, very loosely arranged hierarchically. Elhil, of course, prefer to enjoy their long and contemplative lives without the hindrance of many rules, societal or otherwise.
Elf Traits
Age. Once Elhil reach physical maturity, which they achieve at about the same age as humans, they cease to age, making them effectively immortal. The burdens and cares of the world, however, gather on the shoulders of the Elhil until they eventually find it unbearable and seek to set sail for Faerie, the mystical land of Elhanhome that is said to lie across the Western Seas.
Alignment. Elves are almost always good, although they favor chaotic good and neutral good alignments in equal amounts.
Size. Male elves stand between 5'8" and 6'3" (with some taller) and tend to weigh between 140 and 190 pounds. Female elves stand between 5'6" and 6'1" and weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. Your size is medium.
Names. Common elven names are detailed here.
Subrace. Three varieties of elf exist (not including drow): altarim, galan, and ranarim. Choose one of these subraces.
Altarim (equivalent to High Elves from the Players Handbook)
The Altarim are the subrace traditionally thought of by the rest of Farland as Elves (though few other races know enough to distinguish Ranarim and Galan from Altarim). The Altarim of the Belendale live in bower-communities or tree-top fletches scattered throughout the vast woodland. Though technically ruled by the Galan of the Summervale, they are a free-spirited and independent people who are satisfied to spend their centuries in the Hinterlands tending their forests and gardens.
Galan (Glimmer Elves)
The capital of the Elhil is the hidden Summervale, or Gloralion in High Speech. It is the very antithesis of the heart of evil in Farland, the Wintervale. The Elhil named it thus to signify the undying opposition of good to evil. This secret city is the home of the Galan or "Glimmer Elves." Dwelling so close to the Holy Swan of the Elhil, the Galan have basked in its magical energies for millenia, and it has changed them. They have grown more high-minded and proud than the typical Elhil; their concerns are no longer so much for the forests and the open skies that are beloved of the rest of their race; they care most for the pursuit of knowledge and the attainment of aesthetic perfection.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1 (your choice).
Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
Touched by the Swan. You have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
Let the Power Shine Forth. You can muster the light of the holy swan that shines within you to help you influence others or to show you the path. If you chose to increase your wisdom, you can gain advantage on a single Wisdom check of your choice; if you chose to increase your charisma, you can gain advantage on a single Charisma check of your choice. You cannot Let the Power Shine Forth again until you have finished a short or long rest.
Ranarim (called Sunder Elves, equivalent to Wood Elves from the Player's Handbook.)
The Ranarim are an extremely isolationist group of Elhil. They have dwelt in their protected forest, the Luvam Wood, for millenia, cutting off all contact with other races, even other Elhil. In fact, their race has dwindled down to a small group of stiff-necked Elhan, and time has left their subrace behind. It seems that their race is basically fading away. Indeed, the Ranarim have become masters at hiding. Recently, however, a splinter-group of Ranarim have come to view this isolationist policy as counter-productive, and this group, against the orders of their leaders, have re-established limited contact with the elhil of the Belendale. Some of these Ranarim separatists have even appeared as diplomats and adventurers in the liberated kingdoms. "
Liberated Kingdoms: Elhil are looked on with awe and some suspicion, but because of legends will probably be looked up to and revered as well. Their words will carry weight. Elhil are still rare in the free lands, but they are beginning to emerge from the Belendale (and even occasionally from the Luvam Wood) and are growing more common.
Occupied Kingdoms: Elhil are often slain on sight or taken into slavery. It is wise for an Elhan to hide his race if possible in these lands. The Luvam Wood, home of the Ranarim, lies inside the occupied Kingdom of Orland, though the evil has not yet breached its borders.
Half-Elf (Frelehan)

When elhil and humans mingle, the result is a Frelehan, which literally means "elf-friend." Having elhil ancestry up to three generations ago (1/8 elhan) is enough to qualify one as a half-elven for the purposes of these rules. Half-elves tend to resemble good-looking, slightly taller humans. They have a slight air of nobility about them. A half-elf has the curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition of the human race, and the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of the elhil. In Farland they are rare and tend to live among the human race, although there are some half-elves that dwell with the elhil. They may or may not have pointed ears, but do tend to have facial hair, although slightly less than a human.
Half-elves are truly a race without their own history or culture. They have always lived among either their elhil or human relatives. However, many of the human Lords from the old times had Elhil blood. The most famous of these was Zestor Half-Elhan, Lord of Kelerak, also called Wyvern Slayer, who ruled out of Dragonspur City. Queen Sybille the Diplomat is another famous Frelehan.
Half-Elf Traits
Age. Half-elves mature at the same rate as humans, reaching adulthood around 20. They live for around 200 to 220 years.
Size. Half-elves are on average around 1 to 2 inches taller than humans, although they tend to weigh 10-15 pounds less on average. Females are slightly smaller and lighter than males. Your size is medium.
Names. Half-elves are either named by their human or elven parent. Common names of both are detailed here.
Two races. A Frelehan is the result of a human and altarim, galan, or ranarim mating. A Dultan is the result of a human and drow mating. Choose one of these two races.
- Half-Elf Languages: Elven, one human language, choice of one other language.
Half-Drow (Dultan)
Drow elves are not above mating with slaves of other races for their own sexual pleasure. Female drow would never carry the offspring of such a union to term, but male drow may for their own amusement impregnate female slaves of other races. The result is a half-drow. Half drow truly have the worst of both worlds-- they are looked upon by other races as drow and by the drow race as slaves. Still, they have their own unique gifts that might allow them to make something of their low social position.

Half-Drow Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your charisma score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Age. Half-drow mature at the same rate as humans, reaching adulthood around 20. They live for around 200 to 220 years.
Alignment. Half-drow tend toward evil, but some are neutral and a rare few are even good.
Size. Half-drow are about the same size as humans, though they weigh on average 15 to 20 pounds less. Females are smaller and lighter than males. Your size is medium.
Names. Half-drow are either named by their human or drow parent. Common human names are detailed here, and drow names are explained here.
Improved Darkvision. This ability replaces the half-elf ability Darkvision. Your drow blood gives your darkvision a range of 90 feet.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws versus being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Half-Drow Magic. You know the dancing lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the faerie fire spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
- Half-Drow Languages: Mordularian, Dark Speech, choice of one other language.
Liberated Kingdoms: Half-elhan are welcomed in the liberated kingdoms, although they are rare because elhil rarely breed with humans. Half-drow are looked upon as drow and treated with hostility.
Occupied Kingdoms: Half-elhan are exceedingly rare in these kingdoms due to the dearth of Elhil. It is also dangerous for a half-elhan in these kingdoms. They face certain slavery if their ancestry is detected. Half-drow face suspicion and fear, except in Orland, where they are treated as nobility.

Gnomes, or Tendenarruk as they call themselves, are a curious race. There are three more or less distinct racial types of gnomes: the slightly larger and stockier nobility, called the crown gnomes, the tunnel gnomes, and the sun gnomes. Gnomes are also divided into castes. Crown gnomes are of the Bal caste, and tunnel and sun gnomes make up the other castes. Physical characteristics such as height and weight vary considerably between the types. Variation among individual gnomes is common, especially when comparing gnomes from different racial types, but variation is also common within these types. Gnomes, like Dwarves, usually boast substantial facial hair, though there are those gnomes who are without this attribute. Ears are slightly elongated and come to a bit of a point. This ear shape is not as pronounced as in the halfling race and some gnomes have ears that are shaped much like human ears. Eye color also varies but tends to be among the paler colors, light blue, green, or gray. Hair color is often gray, dull silver, or pale blond. Anomalies are not uncommon, as it is difficult to make generalizations of the race as a whole due to individual variation. The longest living gnomes are the ruling caste, the crown gnomes. They can live an average of 500 years. The shortest lived gnomes are the Sag and Pal gnomes, or sun gnomes, who live only an average of 300 years. As with many other attributes of the gnomes, age varies widely among the sub-races as well as among individuals.
Gnome Traits
Names. Common gnome names are detailed here.
Subrace. Three gnome subraces exist: crown gnomes, tunnel gnomes, and sun gnomes. Choose one of these subraces.
Crown Gnomes
The ruling class of the Tendenarruk are the crown gnomes, the Bal caste. The Bal caste gnomes tend to be quite stout and resemble small dwarves to the non-gnomish eye. Indeed many suggest that Dwarven blood runs strong in these gnomes. The Bal gnomes have cultivated diplomatic and political skill and this caste historically contained almost all of the most famous gnomes.
Size. Crown gnomes are the physically largest gnomes. Average height for these gnomes is around four feet tall. Average weight hovers around 60 pounds. Female Bal gnomes are around the same size as the males. Your size is small.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Born Leader. You gain proficiency in the Charisma (persuasion) skill. You know the Friends cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
Tunnel Gnomes (Equivalent to Rock Gnomes from the Players Handbook)
The tunnel gnomes, as they refer to themselves, are physically smaller than the Bal class, but still larger than their cousins the sun gnomes. They are mostly miners by profession but also are well known for their inventions and illusions. It is these gnomes that are most common in the gnomish homeland of Sheltinnobortanu. Gnomes of the Dam and the Ka castes as well as the merchant caste called Damsa that evolved out of the Dam caste are all members of this physical type.
Sun Gnomes (Equivalent to Forest Gnomes from the Players Handbook)
The last physical type of gnome are the sun gnomes. They live mostly in small homesteads and enclaves outside of the main mountain home of Sheltinnobortanu. It is these gnomes that are most widely known by outsiders, as they have the most contact with non-gnomes. When gnomes are associated with practical jokes and pranks, it is these gnomes who are largely responsible. These gnomes are most likely to work for outsiders and were considered prized servants for their loyalty during the height of the kingdom of Aelfar. The castes of Pal and Sag are members of this physical type.
- Languages: Gnome, one human language.
Liberated Kingdoms: Gnomes are rare anywhere, having been decimated by their ongoing war with the Trolls. No gnomes have been reported in the free lands for years.
Occupied Kingdoms: In the occupied kingdoms, gnomes are treated much like dwarves. Still none have been reported for years.

Halflings, or hositan as they call themselves, resemble humans except they are half as tall. They tend to be slightly rotund and they always go barefooted. Their feet are leather-like with hair on the upper parts. Halflings eat often, and they hate adventures, as a rule. They can, however, be very stealthy. There are three types of Halflings: Proudfellows, Stalwarts, and Hairfoot, the latter being the most common of a rare race. In Farland, Halflings have been in hiding since the dark times, and have become rare. Shires almost do not exist, only small villages. Nevertheless, halflings have been known to accomplish great deeds.
Halfling communities and shires have their own independent style of government. A common form is the office of Thain and the office of Sheriff. Halflings dislike armed conflict and will avoid it at all costs. As a rule, they are conservative and conformist among themselves, following rules and laws, but have been known to enjoy causing a little mischief every now and then among the "big people." The only remaining shire is called Westdelving, located in and just south of the Forest of Blorn in Orland. Luckily the evil forces are still unaware of the existence of this shire. The greatest (and only) hositan hero was the former sheriff of Westdelving, Carl Paladin Merribuck, who was known for wielding the magical dagger Stealthheart.
Read more about halfling society here.
Halfling Traits
Size. Halflings on average are about 4 feet tall and weigh around 60 to 70 pounds. Females are slightly smaller and lighter than males. Your size is small.
Names. Common halfling names are detailed here.
Subrace. Three subraces exist: proudfellows, stalwarts, and hairfoots. Choose one of these subraces.
The rarest of hositan, proudfellows are slightly taller and slimmer than the average halfling. Their hair and skin tends to be fair, and they have a natural affinity for elves and fey in general. They prefer to hunt rather than farm.
Size. Proudfellows on average are about 4'2" to 4'5" and weigh around 60 to 70 pounds. Females are slightly smaller and lighter than males. Your size is small.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Darkvision. Perhaps from some trace of fey blood in your lineage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Proudfellow Weapons Training. Your people are hunters. You have proficiency with blow guns, nets, and shortbows.
Stalwarts (Equivalent to Stouts in the Players Handbook)
Stalwarts are a tough, sturdy breed of hositan, broader and stronger than other halflings. Stalwarts tend to prefer prairies and open spaces, and unlike other halflings, they have a love of water. Stalwarts are the only halflings to regularly wear shoes. Sometimes they take pride in growing sparse whiskers on their chins.
Hairfoots (Equivalent to Lightfoots in the Players Handbook)
Hairfoots (or Hairfeet) are the most common of halflings, matching the general halfling description above. They are a peaceful, home-loving folk.
- Languages: One human language and Halfling.
Liberated Kingdoms: More halflings are appearing in the liberated kingdoms, having made the long and dangerous trek from their home in occupied Zeland. They are welcomed in these lands, even if they are looked upon with some amusement by the human masses.
Occupied Kingdoms: Besides their home of Westdelving, Halflings attempt to avoid going into the evil lands. They can be found there, using their skill at being overlooked to subsist, however, and the evil races tend to mistake them for human children.

Orcs as a race are short-lived, but they can breed with any race besides elves. The result is a half-orc. There are half-orc goblins, half-orc hobgoblins, etc. Most of these cross breeds look orcish, but 1/10 are sufficiently like the other race to pass for one, although half-orcs have tell-tale characteristics. Half-orcs of human stock are slightly shorter then humans, but stockier and stronger. Half-orcs are surprisingly nimble as well. They tend to have squinting eyes, sallow faces, slightly enlarged lower canines, and unmistakable ugliness. They are valuable to an evil ruler, as they are more intelligent than orcs and tend toward evil (although a PC half-orc may be any alignment). The human and demi-human races generally dislike them.
Half-orcs are also a race without a heritage. There have been half-orcs as long as there have been orcs. Some half-orcs have distinguished themselves. One of these is the infamous Shagrat Blacktongue, former High Priest of Vornoth and general of The Lord of Lust. Blacktongue fell in the skirmishes that preceded the Battle of the Dragonspur, which occurred only a few years ago as of 8170 F.R.
Half-orc Traits
Age. Half-orcs live longer than orcs but fewer years than humans. They are generally mature by 15 years of age and live 60-75 years.
Size. Half-orcs tend to be shorter than humans but just as broad and heavy, if not broader and heavier. They generally stand between 5 feet and 5'10" and weigh the same as humans. Your size is medium.
Names. Half-orcs have either human or orc names.
- Languages: Language of the kingdom they inhabit, Dark Speech
Liberated Kingdoms: Half-orcs in the free lands are looked upon with suspicion and are often the victims of racial prejudice, although many know that this race is the unfortunate result of the Dark Occupation and the half-breeds themselves are not to blame.
Occupied Kingdoms: Paradoxically, half-orcs also face racial prejudice from the Dark Folk, although they are often valued for their strength and intelligence and can easily make a name for themselves.

Tieflings are crosses between demons or devils and some hapless humanoid. Before the Dark Conquest, Tieflings were essentially unknown in Farland; while they certainly existed, they served the Dweller in her Eastern holdings and did not leave much mark on the histories. Since the Dark Conquest, however, these creatures have become more numerous, largely owing to the Lord of Lust and the Lord of Wrath. Lust, while exercising the sin for which he was named, left in his wake many bastard children, all of whom had fiendish blood. The demons that served the Lord of Lust also had free reign to exercise any of their dark desires, and thus the population of Tieflings in Kelerak swelled. The Lord of Anger, on the other hand, purposefully bred Tieflings to serve him, for he valued them for their abilities. Therefore the Kingdom of Farland also has a notable Tiefling population. In Farland, almost every Tielfing serves the Lord of Wrath, but since the liberation, many Tieflings of Kelerak have shown the inclination, strangely, to aid the forces of Light. Still others have remained neutral, apart from human civilization.
- Languages: One human language, choice of one other language.
Liberated Kingdoms: Tieflings in the liberated kingdoms are viewed with suspicion and fear, but this very attitude generally protects them from molestation. Plus, the actions of helpful Tieflings has done much to rehabilitate their image.
Occupied Kingdoms: Tieflings are also viewed with fear in the occupied lands, but it is generally understood that they serve the Lord of Wrath. Thus they are also grudgingly respected.

Dark Folk Races (Orcs, Oluks, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Kobolds)
The dark folk races, though quite different in many ways, share some commonalities: they all tend to seek power, and they all tend to value cruelty and the infliction of pain. Orcs and Goblinoids are not evil by nature, although they tend strongly towards it, and good or, more commonly, neutral specimens have been known to appear even in the occupied lands. Certain qualities and descriptions fit all Dark Folk. Read more about dark folk here.
All Dark Folk receive the following bonus languages.
Dark Folk Racial Traits
- Languages: Dark Speech, choice of one language
Liberated Kingdoms: In the liberated kingdoms, these races face the same challenges. Although not uncommon because they are left over from the Dark Occupation, they are usually jailed or slain on sight, and thus their plight in these lands is every bit as grim as that of an elf in the Occupied Lands. They do exist in out of the way places, and often band together to stave off death. The only exception to this rule is in the Barony of the Lich Afej the Black (in Western Kelerak), who employs Dark Folk as servants and soldiers. Many of the Goblinoid refugees from the liberation have been obliged to relocate to the Afej Barony.

Goblins have red or yellow skin, flat faces, squashed or elongated noses, pointed ears, wide mouths, and tiny, sharp fangs. They have a foul disposition, but are neither particularly orderly nor disorderly. They have learned to take advantage of their natural sneakiness, ingenuity, and large numbers (they breed quickly and have a short gestation period). Goblins hate sunlight but are not particularly harmed by it.
Goblin Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Goblins are mature by the age of 10 and can live about 50 years.
Alignment. Goblins are almost always evil, but they don't tend toward law or chaos.
Size. Goblins are generally between 3 and 4 feet tall, and they weigh around 50 pounds. Females tend to be smaller and lighter. Your size is small.
Speed. Goblins are small but quick. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Names. Common goblin names are detailed here.
Darkvision. Goblins have keen eyes in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Goblin Proficiencies. Goblins traditionally use specific kinds of weapons and armor. You are proficient with scimitars, shortbows, and light armor.
Nimble Escape. Goblins must move fast to escape their many enemies. You can take the disengage or hide action as a bonus action on your turn. You can't use nimble escape again until you have completed a short or long rest.
Subrace. There are two goblin subraces, based on where the goblin primarily dwells: urban goblin and subterranean goblin. Choose one of these subraces.
Urban Goblin
Urban goblins come from cities, both occupied and free. They are experts at hiding and making due with little, and they are expert scavengers.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Urban Stealth. Urban goblins have to disappear at a moment's notice. You have proficiency in the stealth skill. When you are in an urban environment, you have advantage on stealth checks.
Tenacious. Urban goblins are known for their doggedness. When you fail a saving throw or a skill or ability check, you have advantage on the next saving throw or check you make within 24 hours that uses the same ability.
Subterranean Goblin
Subterranean goblins dwell in dungeons, caverns, or caves. They eke out a living from this harsh and dangerous environment, and they are well-adapted to it.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Dungeon Stealth. Subterranean goblins, living in deadly places, find it wise to disappear quickly. You have proficiency in the stealth skill. When you are in an subterranean environment, like a dungeon, cave, or cavern, you have advantage on stealth checks.
Pious. Subterranean goblins find comfort in serving their dark god, hoping that the god will help them as well. You have proficiency in the Intelligence (Religion) skill.
Improved Darkvision. This ability replaces the goblin ability Darkvision. Your time in dark places has allowed you to develop enhanced darkvision. Your darkvision has a range of 120 feet.
Occupied Kingdoms: The position of Goblins in the Occupied Kingdoms is low, second only to Kobolds. They are often treated with contempt and enslaved right alongside humans. Still, Goblins make good clerics of Vornoth, and in this position and in the position of rogues they are able to achieve true respect.
Half-Oluk Orcs

Oluk orcs are smarter and stronger than their lesser brethren, serving as captains in orcish armies and leaders in orcish societies. They are fierce fighters and sometimes even become clerics and spell casters. Thus the cross between a human and an oluk is a tough, hearty sort-- a fearsome product indeed. A half-oluk is taller, smarter, and stronger than the average half-orc. Their skin is a pallid gray or brown, and their features are clearly orcish, if softened a bit. They generally have more difficulty fitting in to non-dark folk societies than regular half-orcs. Most half-oluk orcs serve evil; half-oluks that serve the light are exceedingly rare.
Half-oluk orc Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your strength score increases by 2, and your constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Half-oluk orcs live longer than other half-orcs. They are generally mature by 15 years of age and live to around 85.
Alignment. Half-oluk orcs are neither lawful nor chaotic on average, and they tend toward evil.
Size. Half-oluc orcs tend to be taller, bulkier, and stronger than humans. They are generally between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 feet tall and weigh between 185 and 240 pounds. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Your eyes pierce the darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Names. Half-oluc orcs have either human or orc names.
Reckless. At the start of your turn, you can gain advantage on all melee weapon attacks you make during that turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until the start of your next turn.
Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Occupied Kingdoms: Throughout the occupied kingdoms, half-oluk orcs hold a position of prominence, only below full-blooded oluk orcs and perhaps hobgoblins. They are sought after because of the strength of their orcish ancestry and the adaptability of their human ancestry.
Hobgoblins look like large, muscular goblins. The larger males have blue or red noses. Hobgoblins are both orderly and warlike by nature and thus make fearsome opponents. They employ strategy and tactics effectively. Their society is dictated by laws, although assassination is not uncommon.
Hobgoblin Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Hobgoblins are mature by the age of 18 and can live about 85 years.
Alignment. Hobgoblins are almost always lawful and orderly, and they are just as often evil.
Size. Hobgoblins males on average are about 6 feet tall, and they weigh around 200 pounds. Females tend to be smaller and lighter. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Names. Common hobgoblin names are detailed here.
Darkvision. Hobgoblins see well in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Born to war. Hobgoblins are trained in weaponry from a very young age. You are proficient with all martial weapons.
Tactical Mind. Hobgoblins cut their teeth on the battlefield. You have advantage on Intelligence checks that relate to battle strategy and tactics.
Subrace. Two hobgoblin "subraces" (really more like castes) are common, and they are based on the training the hobgoblin received as a youth. They are legion-bred and cavalry-bred. Choose one of these subraces.
The legion-bred are the foot soldiers that make up the ranks of the hobgoblin armies that wreak so much havok across Farland. They are born to be soldiers and generally desire little else besides glory in combat.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Martial Advantage. You can deal an extra 2d6 damage to a creature that you hit with a melee attack if that creature is within 5 feet of an ally that isn't incapacitated. You cannot use martial advantage again until you have completed a short or long rest.
Stern. You are proficent with the Charisma (Intimidate) skill.
The cavalry-bred are raised to control and manage the beasts that accompany hobgoblin legions, and they often enter combat on the backs of the beasts they oversee.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Hard to Kill. You can gain advantage on death saving throws.
Beast Trainer. You are proficient with the Wisdom (Handle Animal) skill. If you are mounted and your mount is struck by an attack, you have advantage on your next attack.
Occupied Kingdoms: Second to oluk orcs, Hobgoblins enjoy a high place in the evil lands. Because they do not breed as quite as quickly as the other dark folk, they can only be called truly numerous in the Occupied Kingdom of Farland. Still, they are not uncommon in any of the Dark Lands.
Kobolds are small reptilian goblinoids. They are both cowards and sadists. They have scaly skin which ranges from rust-brown to black, red eyes, small horns, and a tail. Kobolds are known to be proficient and indeed very clever with traps, and they also attack in large numbers. Kobolds hate sunlight and have difficulty operating in it.

Kobold Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Kobolds are mature by the age of 5 and can live about 35 years.
Alignment. Kobolds are almost always evil, but they tend to be orderly about it.
Size. Kobolds generally stand between 2 1/2 and 3 feet tall, and they weigh around 35 to 40 pounds. Females tend to be smaller and lighter. Your size is small.
Speed. Kobolds are quick for their size. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Names. Common kobold names are detailed here.
Darkvision. Kobolds can see well in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Tricksy. Kobolds are good at setting traps. You are proficient with trap-making kits.
Sunlight Sensitivity. Kobolds have difficulty operating in bright light. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Pack Tactics. Kobolds work best in numbers. You may choose to gain advantage on an attack roll against an enemy when an ally who is not incapacitated is adjacent to that enemy. You may not use pack tactics again until you have completed a short or long rest.
Subrace. There are three kobold subraces: rat kobolds, winged kobolds, and wyrmsblood kobolds. Choose one of these subraces.
Rat Kobold
Common kobolds are disparagingly called murgs by other dark folk, which literally translates to "rats." They are also known as scavenger kobolds, and they are tricky trap-makers and general pests. They are skilled at making use of whatever they can scavenge.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Iron Stomach. Rat kobolds must eat what little they can find, and they have become adapted to it. You are proficient in the Survival skill. Your particular metabolism makes you extra hardy in certain instances. You can eat foods that even other dark folk find unpalatable. You also have advantage on constitution saving throws and you have resistance against poison damage.
Winged Kobold
Some rare kobolds are genetic mutants born with functional wings.
Wings. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You must be in a space wide enough to accommodate your wingspan to fly. Your wingspan is equal to twice your height. You cannot fly if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a backpack not specially tailored to your wings. If you take damage while flying, you fall to the ground unless you succeed on a Constitution Save with a DC of 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is higher.
Wyrmsblood Kobold
Some very rare kobolds claim that the blood of dragons runs through their veins. Whatever the truth of this, they do exhibit some rare abilities and tend to have a talent for sorcery.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Innate Magic. You know the Blade Ward cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Charm Person spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Occupied Kingdoms: Kobolds are at the bottom of the pecking order in occupied kingdoms, and even humans are allowed to abuse these foul creatures. They are often used as cannon-fodder or enslaved and mistreated, but they are sometimes known to be sorcerers. It is said in the Dark Lands that one can never tell when a Kobold will be a sorcerer, and thus their masters usually draw the line before they kill them or work them to death. Only this, combined with their natural trickery and quick reproduction, has saved them from extinction even in the occupied lands. Occasionally particularly intelligent kobolds have used the races' reputation as sorcerers to gain respect and even rise to positions of power.
Because of their penchant to crossbreed with other races and to live in isolated tribes, Orcs vary widely in appearance. They are rarely shorter than 4'5" or taller than 6', but they range everywhere in between and the shape of their bodies varies widely. Their skin ranges from green, to brown, to gray and shades in between. Most orcs do have fangs or tusks of some sort, lupine ears, red eyes, claw hands, and an aggressive temperament. They are generally very disorganized and destructive, reveling in cruelty and suffering. Their society is patriarchal, and might makes right on an individual scale and a social one. The only laws that are enforced are done so through direct displays of power and fear. Orcs hate bright light and the sun and can see quite well in darkness. Besides the lesser pest races (Goblins and Kobolds), orcs are the most numerous Dark Race.
Orc Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Age. Orcs are mature by the age of 12 and can live about 50 years.
Alignment. Orcs are usually chaotic and evil.
Size. Orcs vary widely in height and weight. They are rarely shorter than 4'5" or taller than 6', and their weight is proportional to their size. They are generally stockily built and have the posture of an ape. They weigh more than a human of a similar height would weigh. Females tend to be smaller and lighter. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Names. Orc names are detailed here.
Darkvision. Being creatures of dark caverns and the night, orcs can see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Orcs hate the sun but are not harmed by it.
Orcish Weaponry. Orcs favor axes and swords. You are proficient with all hand axes, battle axes, great axes, scimitars, and greatswords.
Aggressive. Orcs revel in violence. As a bonus action, you can move up to your speed toward a hostile creature that you can see. You can't use Aggressive again until you have completed a short or long rest.
Subrace. Besides oluk orcs, three orcish subraces exist: snog, skaruk, and irzuk. Choose one of these subraces.
Named from the Dark Speech word for "slave," snogs are the common orcs bred in the pits of a hoth or Lord of Sin. They are ugly and destructive, and they revel in viciousness and cruelty.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Indefatigable. You have advantage on all Constitution checks relating to forced marching, going without food and water, and going without sleep.
Armored. You have proficiency with light and medium armors.
Skaruk means "wild ones." These Wild Orcs are orcs that are born in the wilderness rather than in a breeding pit. They don't serve a hoth, dark lord, or Lord of Sin, though they often serve a tribal warlord. They are known for their fierce tempers and survival skills.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.

Wild Rage. After you first take damage in a battle, you deal 1 additional damage with each attack for the next minute, until you are knocked unconscious, or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then.
Irzuk orcs are the red-skinned Orcs of the Vale, who are known for their sense of smell. These strange orcs have a natural hearty resistance to cold and most of them can be found in the Nameless City, though they were originally bred in the spawning pits of Gorug.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Tracker. You are proficient with the Survival skill. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks related to tracking by scent.
Cold Endurance. You have advantage on all Constitution checks related to enduring cold weather, and you have resistance to cold damage.
Enhanced Aggression. When you use the aggressive feature, you can move an additional 10 feet more than your speed.
Occupied Kingdoms: Orcs are the foot soldiers of the Lords of Sin. Although average orcs are abused from all sides by hobgoblins, oluks, and stronger orcs, the laws still make their position a favored one, and they pass the abuse they receive on to those weaker than them, like goblins, kobolds, and other weaker orcs.
Other races from the Monster Manual might be allowed at the DM's discretion.