Monsters Native to Farland
Table of Contents
Spywing Level 1 Artillery |
Grimmen Deceiver Level 6 Controller |
Grimmen Fearmonger Level 6 Lurker |
Wolf Spider Level 6 Skirmisher |
Bazok Skewerer Level 7 Brute |
Bazok Spear Caster Level 10 Elite Skirmisher |
Aldran Giant Level 13 Skirmisher |
Drasp Level 14 Brute |
Aldran Giant
Creatures of nature, Aldran Giants do not follow any single ethical bent, and different bands may be good, evil, or unaligned. Sages believe that these giants were in fact descended from fey that personified the open fields and rocks, and indeed Aldran giants possess noteworthy magical powers as well as physical might. They generally live in remote fields near large trees or rock structures. They are most often spotted in the rolling plains of Zeland, though they have also been seen just south of the Belendale. Although they prefer sleeping in the open and have little care for furnishings, Aldran giants have at least one large box, barrel, chest, or similar container in which they store their valuables. This item is always loosely concealed and sometimes trapped. Aldran giants are tall and slender, with skin ranging from dark grey to light tan, and hair moss green to straw yellow. They are approximately ten feet tall and weigh around about 500 pounds.
Aldran Giant Level 13 Skirmisher Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 800 |
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +11 HP 131; Bloodied 65 AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 22 Speed 8 |
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Ranged 10/20; +18 vs. AC; 3d6+11 damage. |
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Reach 2; +16 vs AC; 3d6+9 damage. |
Lightning Strike (standard; encounter) ◊ Lightning |
The Aldran Giant conjures lightning and hurls it at a foe. Range 20; +18 vs. Reflex; 3d10+15 lightning damage. |
Clinging Vines (standard; encounter) |
The Aldran Giant causes grass and weeds to grow and entangle a target (this ability can only be used in an environment with some vegetation). Ranged 10; +15 vs. Reflex; the target is immobilized until the end of the giant's next turn. On a hit, the Aldran Giant shifts up to its speed and makes a melee basic attack against the entangled opponent. |
Alignment Unaligned
Skills Nature +10 Str 19 (+10) Dex 22 (+12) Wis 9 (+5) Con 19 (+10) Int 12 (+7) Cha 12 (+7) Equipment leather armor, greatclub, 3 spears |

Aldran Giant Tactics
Aldrans have some melee skill but prefer to use magical assault. They open an attack with lightning strikes, then try to immobilze their opponentsa with clinging vines. They stay out of reach of immobilized opponents, skewering or pummeling them.
Aldran Giant Lore
A character knows the following information about Aldran Giants with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Aldran Giants do not follow any single ethical bent, and different bands may be good, evil, or unaligned.
DC 20: Aldran giants have at least one large box, barrel, chest, or similar container in which they store their valuables. This item is always loosely concealed and sometimes trapped.
DC 25: Sages believe that these giants were in fact descended from fey that personified the open fields and rocks.
Encounter Groups
Aldran Giants are often found with natural creatures or fey.
Level 13 Encounter (XP 4200)
◊ 3 aldran giants (level 13 skirmishers)
◊ 1 eiodolon (level 13 controller)
◊ 1 stone giant (level 14 soldier)
Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,000)
◊ 4 aldran giants (level 13 skirmishers)
◊ 1 thunderfury boar (level 15 brute)
◊ 1 vine horror strangler (level 15 lurker)
◊ 2 ambush vine shoots (level 15 minion controller)
A cross between the largest Oluks and trolls, Bazoks look like very large orcs with thick muscles and green, warty skin. They only obey oluk orcs, whom they have been taught since birth to respect, and will destroy any other humanoid that annoys them if oluks are not present to restrain them. They even hate trolls, although they fear them. They have no culture and are generally kept locked in pens between fights. Bazoks are smart enough to resent this.
Bazok Skewerer Level 7 Brute Medium natural humanoid XP 300 |
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +4 HP 98; Bloodied 49 Regeneration 5 (if the Bazok Skewerer takes acid or fire damage, regeneration does not function until the end of its next turn) AC 19; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 17 Speed 6 (8 while charging) |
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Reach 2; +10 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage (crit 2d12 + 10); see also terrifying charge. |
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+10 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 damage. |
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When it charges, the Bazok Skewerer makes an extra longspear attack. |
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant Skills Athletics +16, Intimidate +7 Str 20 (+8) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 12 (+4) Con 18 (+7) Int 6 (+1) Cha 9 (+2) |
Bazok Skewerer Tactics
Bazoks Skewerers begin combat by charging to strike viciously with their longspears. They then stab at whatever foe seems to present the greatest danger, methodically moving from enemy to enemy as their foes fall. Their regenerative ability gives them courage in battle, but they are not completely fearless and have been known to flee, especially if their oluk commanders have been slain.
Bazok Spear-Caster Level 10 Elite Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid XP 1000 |
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +7 HP 212; Bloodied 106 Regeneration 5 (if the Bazok Spear-Caster takes acid or fire damage, regeneration does not function until the end of its next turn) AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 25, Will 20 Speed 6 |
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Ranged 10/20; +15 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage; see also Dual Cast. |
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+14 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage. |
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The Bazok Spear-Caster can shift up to its speed and throw two javelins at different opponents. |
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The Bazok Spear-Caster shifts 1 square, then throws a javelin. |
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant Skills Athletics +14, Intimidate +9 Str 18 (+9) Dex 20 (+10) Wis 14 (+7) Con 18 (+8) Int 7 (+3) Cha 9 (+4) Equipment: leather armor, club, quiver of 6 javelins |
Bazok Spear-Caster Tactics
The slightly smarter Bazok Spear-Casters attempt to use their maneuverability to stay out of reach while they pelt multiple enemies with their spears. They are not above engaging in melee combat with their claws, however, when they run out of javelins.
Bazok Lore
A character knows the following information about bazoks with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Bazoks are usually found with groups of orcs but have no love for trolls.
DC 20: Bazoks fear fire and will also flee from foes that present overwhelming force.
DC 25: Bazoks are more likely to flee if their oluk handlers are killed or driven off.
Encounter Groups
Bazoks are almost always found with orcs and oluk orcs. They are also often seen with ogres or other dark folk, but because of their hatred of trolls, they generally are not found with them.
Level 7 Encounter (XP 1500)
◊ 3 bazok skewerers (level 7 brute)
◊ orc eye of gruumsh (level 5 controller [leader])
◊ 2 orc warriors (level 9 minions)
◊ 1 gnoll huntsmaster (level 5 artillery)
Level 12 Encounter (XP 4000)
◊ 2 bazok spear-casters (level 10 elite skirmisher)
◊ orc chieftain (level 8 elite brute)
◊ minotaur cabalist (level 13 controller [leader])
◊ 5 orc warriors (level 9 minions)
Drasps are horrid abominations with the upper bodies of drow elves and the lower bodies of giant snakes. Their drow features are bloated and twisted, and their speech is distorted by dripping fangs. They are formed when their dark goddess notices and chooses to test an above average drow who has reached mid-level; failing such a test means becoming a drasp.
Drasp Level 14 Brute Large fey humanoid (reptile) XP 1,000 |
HP 172; Bloodied 86 Initiative +12 AC 26; Fortitude 27, Reflex 25 Will 23 Senses Perception +15 Speed 8, Climb 2 (spider climb) dark vision |
Standard Actions |
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Attack: +19 vs AC Hit: 3d8+12 damage |
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Ranged 3; +15 vs Reflex Hit: The target is restrained and takes ongoing 10 damage while restrained. Escaping from the constriction requires a successful DC 25 Acrobatics check or a successful DC 27 Athletics check. The drasp may only restrain one target at a time but may use its other attacks and abilities while a target is restrained. |
Minor Actions |
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Attack: +16 vs Fortitude Hit: 1d10+2 damage and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). |
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Attack: Ranged 10; +16 vs Reflex Hit: Until the end of the Drasp's next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment. |
Skills Dungeoneering +15, Stealth +17 Str 24 (+14) Dex 21 (+12) Wis 16 (+10) Con 22 (+13) Int 13 (+8) Cha 9 (+6) Alignment Evil Languages Mordularian, Blackspeech, Undercommon Equipment leather armor, greatsword |

Drasp prefer to attack from ambush, attempting to restrain a target immediately and then concentrate its greatsword and bite attacks on the restrained target until it is dead.
Drasp Lore
A character knows the following information about Drasp with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Drasp are a cross between a giant snake and a drow elf.
DC 20: Drasp hate all living things, drow and non-drow alike.
DC 25: Drasp are the result of Salystra's curse against powerful drow elves who have failed her test.
Encounter Groups
Drasp are often found with snakes and other reptiles.
Level 15 Encounter (XP 5400)
◊ 3 drasp (level 14 brutes)
◊ 1 coldeye basilisk (level 15 soldier)
◊ 1 salamander archer (level 15 artillery)
Grimmen resemble thin humanoids with pale skin, grayish hair, fanged, sharp teeth, and sulphur-yellow eyes. Legends said that they were summoned ages ago by the Dweller itself to manipulate and wreak havoc in human societies. Grimmen are a race of fiend-like creatures that prefer to mingle and dwell among humanoids. By blending in amongst them they can usually do more damage and gain more trust to betray them. They possess magical powers that aid them in deceit and battle, and they possess a unique ability to rise from the grave when slain in combat.
Grimmen Fearmonger Level 6 Lurker Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 250 |
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +4; darkvision HP 40; Bloodied 20; see also rise for blood AC 20; Fortitude 15, Reflex 18, Will 19 Speed 6; climb 4 (spider climb) |
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Range 15/30; attack +11 vs. AC; 2d6+7 damage; if the Grimmen Fearmonger misses with this attack while hiding, it remains hidden. |
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Attack +11 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage. |
Combat Advantage |
The Grimmen Fearmonger's attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage against any target it has combat advantage against. |
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Close blast 3; attack +8 vs. Will; the grimmen fearmonger's form seems to temporarily change into something terrifying. On a hit, the target is pushed 2 squares and immobilized (save ends). The grimmen fearmonger gains combat advantage against any target immobilized by grimmen's fear. |
Rise for Blood |
If the grimmen fearmonger is reduced to 0 hit points, it rises on its next turn (as a move action) as an Undead Grimmen Fearmonger. It has 20 hit points, and its keyword changes to undead. It gains immunity to disease and poison, resist 5 necrotic, and vulnerable 5 radiant. |
Alignment Chaotic evil
Skills Bluff +12, Stealth +10 Str 8 (+2) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 12 (+4) Con 10 (+3) Int 12 (+4) Cha 18 (+7) Equipment leather armor, longsword, shortbow |
Grimmen Fearmonger Tactics
Grimmen Fearmongers prefer to lurk in the shadows and snipe from hiding. If their enemy is able to come to grips with them, they do not hesitate to use their Grimmen's Fear ability to terrify their foes so they can deliver lethal strikes. Nor do they fear death, for they know that if they are slain, they will rise and continue their mission of spreading evil. They relish the fear their unexpected resurrection instills in their foes.
Grimmen Deceiver Level 6 Controller Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 250 |
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +6; darkvision HP 40; Bloodied 20; see also rise for blood AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 19 Speed 6; climb 4 (spider climb) |
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+11 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the grimmen deceiver's next turn |
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+11 vs. AC; 2d6+3 damage. |
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Range 6; +9 vs Will; the target chooses between 10 psychic damage or making a basic attack against its nearest ally as a free action. |
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Close blast 5; +9 vs. Will; the grimmen deceiver's form seems to temporarily change into something horrible but fascinating. 1d10+4 psychic damage, and the target is pulled 2 squares. |
Rise for Blood |
If the grimmen deceiver is reduced to 0 hit points, it rises on its next turn (as a move action) as an Undead Grimmen Deceiver. It has 30 hit points, and its keyword changes to undead. It gains immunity to disease and poison, resist 5 necrotic, and vulnerable 5 radiant. |
Alignment Chaotic evil
Skills Bluff +12, Stealth +9 Str 11 (+3) Dex 13 (+4) Wis 16 (+6) Con 13 (+4) Int 15 (+5) Cha 19 (+7) Equipment leather armor, shortsword, shortbow |
Grimmen Deceiver Tactics
Grimmen Deceivers prefer to stay in the bank ranks, guarded by larger allies. Their goal is to turn their enemies against each other and to draw enemies onto the blades or claws of the Deceiver's allies. Like the Grimmen Fearmonger, they do not fear death, for they will rise into a new, evil unlife.
Grimmen Lore
A character knows the following information about Grimmen with a successful Religion check.
DC 15: Grimmen are hellish beings who desire only to sow deceit and death in human societies.
DC 20: Grimmen rely on fear and deceit to sow discord among their foes. They often work in concert with other devils.
DC 25: Once slain, the Grimmen rises as an undead and without missing a beat continues to wreak havoc.
Encounter Groups
Level 6 Encounter (XP 1350)
◊ 1 Howling Hag (level 7 controller)
◊ 2 Barghest savagers (level 4 brute)
◊ 2 grimmen fearmongers (level 6 lurker)
◊ 1 ghoul (level 5 soldier)
Level 9 Encounter (XP 2100)
◊ 1 barlgura demon (level 8 brute)
◊ 2 grimmen fearmongers (level 6 lurker)
◊ 3 chillborn zombies (level 6 soldier)
◊ 2 grimmen deceivers (level 6 controller)
Spywings look like a cross between tiny, deformed red dragons and common lizards. They were created by the draconic Lord of Greed to be his spies and scouts in the wastelands around his kingdoms, as well as the vast caverns within his home of Wawmar. They have since appeared in the service of other Lords of Sin as well. They are nearly perfect spies. A Spywing's body is about 1 foot long, with a wingspan of about 2 feet. They weigh about 1 pound.
Spywing Level 1 Artillery Small natural beast (reptile) XP 100 |
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +6; darkvision HP 25; Bloodied 12 AC 13; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 13 Speed 4; fly 8 (hover) |
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+8 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage. |
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Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. reflex; 1d8 + 5 damage. |
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Area burst 1 within 5; the Spywing pelts an area with fire; +6 vs. reflex; 1d6+2 damage and the target takes ongoing 2 fire damage (save ends). |
Swoop |
If the Spywing flies at least 2 squares and then makes a bite attack, it gains a +2 bonus to damage on that attack. |
Sharp Senses |
The Spywing gains a +2 bonus to perception checks and cannot be surprised. |
Alignment Evil Languages Telepathy 6 with their masters only.
Skills Stealth +9 Str 4 (-3) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Int 6 (-2) Cha 10 (+0) |

Spywing Tactics
Spywings only fight if ordered to by their master or if cornered. They prefer to keep out of reach and use their breath weapon, but if they are hungry or perceive that a foe is weak, they will barrage, then swoop.
Spywing Lore
A character knows the following information about spywings with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Spywings were created by the Lord of Greed to serve as spies. They are still usually found serving an evil master.
DC 20: Spywings can communicate telepathically with their masters. They answer all of their master's questions within their limited intelligence. Spywings, however, have a surprisingly accurate sense of geography and distance.
DC 25: Spywings can be trained to serve, but will only serve evil.
Encounter Groups
Level 1 Encounter (XP 525)
◊ 2 spywings (level 1 artillery)
◊ 1 sturge (level 1 lurker)
◊ 1 spiretop drake (level 1 skirmisher)
◊ 1 guard drake (level 2 brute)
Wolf Spider
Created in the deep delvings and hideous pits below the palace of the Lord of Envy in Orland City, these abominations against nature are the result of crossing a huge wolf with a monstrously large hunting spider. The Drow Lord, jealous of any freedom and desiring to maintain an iron grasp over his populace, gave these horrors to his special hunter contingent the Hounds. The primary use of the Blood Hounds is to hunt slaves attempting to escape from the kingdom of Orland, and these new creatures were particularly suited to this purpose. They are trainable to a certain extent, and their quick speed, debilitating poison, and lethal cunning make them perfect servants to the Hounds. Thus these creatures are also called Slave Hunters, and a pack of them are often unleashed upon the trail of a troublesome slave, leaving their Hound masters to follow along behind and collect the helpless victim-if the Wolf Spiders have restrained themselves from eating him. Wolf Spiders are 10 feet long and weigh 1000 pounds. They have the body of a large spider, albeit covered with a shaggy gray or black hair, but they have the heads of fell wolves. A green ichor drips from their slavering jaws, and perhaps most horribly, their eyes, set in their wolfs' heads, are those of spiders. Wolf Spiders are capable of howling and often do so when first setting out on the hunt; their howl sounds like a wolf choking on liquid. They always end the hunt or enter combat in silence, however. Few can stand the sight of these creatures bearing down upon them.
Wolf Spider Level 6 Skirmisher Large aberrant beast XP 250 |
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +11 Tremorsense 5 HP 72; Bloodied 36 AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 19, Will 18 Speed 8; climb 6 (spider climb) |
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+11 vs Armor Class; 2d6+3 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). |
Combat Advantage |
The wolf spider gains combat advantage against a target that has one or more of the wolf spider's allies adjacent to it. If the wolf spider has combat advantage against the target, it deals an extra 1d6 damage and the target is also knocked prone on a hit. |
Alignment Evil
Skills Stealth +12 Str 19 (+7) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 16 (+6) Con 16 (+6) Int 7 (+1) Cha 11 (+3) |

Wolf Spider Tactics
Wolf Spiders always hunt in packs. They prefer to hide and lay in wait for their foes, then they spring out and try to surround an opponent, biting and snapping, hoping to let their poison do its work. If given enough time (equivalent to a short rest), a Wolf Spider, once per day, can spin a Wolf Spider Web. They lay these traps in their opponents' paths, and when their hapless prey blunders into them, they swarm him. Wolf Spiders are unhindered by Wolf Spider Webs.
Wolf Spider Web Level 4 Obstacle Trap XP 175 |
Sticky webbing suddenly grabs your feet. |
Trap: A sticky web covers 5 consecutive squares. |
Perception |
⊗ DC 22: The character notices the webbing. |
Trigger |
The trap attacks when a creature enters or begins its turn in one of the trap's five squares. |
Attack |
Opportunity Action Melee Target: The creature that triggered the trap. Attack: +10 vs. Reflex Hit: Target is restrained until escape. Aftereffect: Target is slowed (save ends, at a -2 penalty). Miss: Target returns to the last square it occupied and its move action ends immediately. |
Countermeasures |
⊗ Immobilized characters can use Acrobatics (DC 25) or Athletics (DC 20) to free themselves. ⊗ A character can attack a square of web (AC 14, other defenses 12; hp 20; resist all except fire 5). Once a square is destroyed, it cannot attack. |
Wolf Spider Lore
A character knows the following information about bazoks with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Wolf Spiders hunt in packs.
DC 20: Wolf Spiders hunt down escaped slaves, and where there are Wolf Spiders, there are likely to be dark folk hunters on the trail.
DC 25: Fire burns Wolf Spider Webs, and Wolf Spiders fear it.
Encounter Groups
Wolf Spiders hunt in packs and are never found alone. They serve either as the vanguard for a force of dark folk Blood Hounds from Orland, or they accompany these groups directly into combat.
Level 9 Encounter (XP 2000)
◊ 4 Wolf Spiders (level 6 skirmishers)
◊ blade spider (level 10 brute)
◊ hobgoblin warchief, riding the blade spider (level 6 soldier)
◊ 2 Wolf Spider Webs (level 4 obstacles)
Level 10 Encounter (XP 3,000)
◊ 4 Wolf Spiders (level 6 skirmishers)
◊ 1 hobgoblin commander (level 5 soldier)
◊ 1 advanced hobgoblin warcaster (level 5 controller)
◊ 5 hobgoblin legionnaire (level 5 soldier)
◊ 1 worg (level 9 brute)