The Nameless City
Table of Contents
General Information About the City (Medium City)
Who Rules: Kiborus, the Cold Master, chancellor of the city.
Who Really Rules: The Dweller in the Wintervale.
Other Power Centers: Hoth Dorak, oluk orc captain of the docks, who oversees security and transport into and out of the dock area.
Hai Urg, who secures the eastern Steppe Gate.
Captain Khalid Hammerhand, commander of the Black Fleet, who commands the armada of black-sailed attack ships that guard the icy harbor and serve as the navy of the Wintervale.
Master Yen Keng, the Cold Master's wizard, who heads a contingent of dark mages from Yrrkune and Budum-ishi.
Lord Rand, tiefling leader of the importers guild, who arranges the city's business dealings.
Yellsh, goblin leader of the guild of assassins, based in the south-eastern area of the city.
Population: About 20,000 in the city itself. The population is three quarters orcish, with the rest consisting of other dark folk. This does not include undead residents.
Major Products: The Nameless City exports nothing except war and death.
Armed Forces: Hoth Dorak can marshall multiple thousand orcs in a quick span of time, and he always has 1000 heavy oluks at his command, who serve as city guard and defense. The Cold Master, never trusting anyone, maintains his own independent contingent of highly trained oluk shock troops as well as a legion of hobgoblins. The undead of the city, a vast number of evil wandering spirits, also can be summoned by the Cold Master or the Dweller.
The City
This ruined necropolis was once a thriving city whose name is now lost or unspoken. The place always had an evil repute among the Elves, however, and it is now more than ever a reputation that is deserved, for the place is in large measure truly a city of the dead. Almost all of the buildings of the city are in ruins, destroyed during the Battle of Sorrow. Some of the outer buildings in the city are still functional and here the unique living residents of the city dwell and work. These are the Irzuk, the Red-Skinned Orcs of the Vale, who are known for their large noses and keen sense of smell. These strange orcs are actually a breed of dark folk that comes out of the spawning pits of Gorug, but most have taken up residence in the Nameless City, as they have a natural hearty resistance to cold. Thousands of these orcs swarm over the ruined docks of the frozen harbor and through the streets near the Eastern Steppe Gate of the city, conducting the business of their master, the Chancellor of the City, Lord Kiborus, who is called the Cold Master. The orcs never venture into the inner city, however, for there the ghosts and corpses of the old inhabitants of the city--and their victims--still walk. Lord Kiborus also holds the power of command over these shadowy inhabitants.
Hoth Dorak and Hai Urg, both dour oluk orcs, serve as high general and under-general, respectively, of the city's armed forces. These troops are tasked to defend the city from external threats-- of which there are very, very few for fear of gaining the fell attention of the Dweller. The Hoth and Hai are also tasked with keeping order within the city. This latter job is where they spend most of their energy, for there is much intrigue and in-fighting within the city. The Irzuk orcs war with the orcish immigrants from the orc cities to the south, and the important personages in the city (such as Khalid hammerhand, captain of the Black Fleet, and Yellsh, leader of the assassin's guild) are constantly scheming to kill each other in order to gain the favor of the Cold Master. It seems that the city's chancellor encourages this backbiting, for it keeps any upstarts from threatening his own power. He spends his time keeping the Wintervale's hold over the lands to the east and the south.
The Dweller in the Wintervale, who is the real ruler of the city, leaves its ruling, and indeed the ruling of most of its subject lands, to the Cold Master. She never leaves her abode, the Frostspire, the sight that dominates the city. The Frostspire is a huge and featureless tower that rises up hundreds of feet into the mists that perpetually cloak the cold, damp necropolis. The tower is indeed made of pure, translucent ice, ice that seems impervious to the hottest fires, for this spike resisted all attempts by the Leagued Armies to destroy it. There is only one visible means of access to this horrible structure--a great dark opening like a toothless maw that gapes, doorless and seemingly unguarded, in the base of its western face. An intractable, bitter cold emanates from this tower, blanketing the city in a layer of snow and ice that never melts. Here, deep within her frozen tower, the Dweller's hooded eyes are turned ever west. Her attention is bent on the remaining Lords of Sin and the freed kingdoms of Farland. She will stop at nothing to reconquer them.
The Cold Master
Kiborus, Level 26 Solo Soldier the Cold Master (Leader) Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 45,000 |
HP 761; Bloodied 381 Initiative +22 AC 42; Fortitude 40, Reflex 39 Will 39 Senses Perception +20 Speed 8, Climb 4 (spider climb) dark vision Immune disease, poison Resist 20 necrotic, 20 cold Vulnerable 20 radiant Saving Throws +5; Action points 2 |
Traits |
Kiborus' Mark |
The Cold Master deals 4d6 extra damage with his attacks against any target he has marked. |
Weakened by Sunlight |
If the Cold Master begins his turn in direct sunlight, he is weakened. If he begins 10 consecutive turns in direct sunlight, he burns to ash and is destroyed. |
Standard Actions |
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Attack: +33 vs AC Hit: 4d8 + 16 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the Cold Master's next turn. |
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The Cold Master makes three unholy mace attacks. He can make these attacks at any time during his normal move and does not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from a target that he has made an unholy mace attack against in the current round. |
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Attack: Close burst 3; +31 vs Will Hit: 4d6 + 10 cold damage, and the target is stunned until the end of the Cold Master's next turn. Miss: Half damage and the target is dazed until the end of the cold Master's next turn. Effect: Allies that have line of sight to the Cold Master gain a +2 bonus to defenses until the end of the Cold Master's next turn. |
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Attack:Requires combat advantage; +31 vs Fortitude Hit:4d12+16 damage, the target is weakened (save ends), and the Cold Master heals 250 hit points; see also Kiborus' Mark. |
Mist Form (encounter) ◊ Polymorph |
The Cold Master becomes insubstantial and gains a fly speed of 12 but cannot make attacks. He can remain in mist form for up to 1 hour or end the effect as a minor action. |
Minor Actions |
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Ranged 5; +31 vs Will Hit: The target is dominated (save ends, with a -2 penalty on the saving throw). Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends). The Cold Master can dominate only one target at a time. |
Triggered Actions |
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Trigger: The Cold Master is hit by a ranged or area burst attack. Effect: The Cold Master raises his holy symbol of Vornoth, utters a quick prayer, and retorts with a bolt of freezing necrotic energy. Attack: +31 vs. reflex Hit: 2d8+6 cold and necrotic damage and the target is weakened until the end of the Cold Master's next turn. |
Skills Arcana +23, Diplomacy +25, Intimidate +25, History +23, Religion +25 Str 29 (+22) Dex 24 (+20) Wis 25 (+20) Con 21 (+18) Int 20 (+18) Cha 25 (+20) Alignment Evil Languages Blackspeech, Farlandish Equipment chain armor, unholy mace, holy symbol of Vornoth |
The Cold Master's Tactics
In the first round of a fight, the Cold Master will use Vornoth's Rebuke and dominating gaze, then he will burn an action point to make a triple strike attack. He will try to keep at least one enemy dominated per round and will make liberal use of Dark Prayer where appropriate. When able, he will use Blood Drain and will flee in Mist Form if he needs to. He doesn't fear the sunlight like other vampires and will sometimes brave it if he has a pressing reason.
The Cold Master's Lore
Kiborus Fabius of Farland became a vampire in the year 7260 F.R. He was a warrior-priest in the Far City in Farland, but he secretly harbored dark desires in his heart. The Walker knew this and decided to test him: he sent a spirit to possess him and the spirit made Kiborus abduct and murder a young girl. Although he was under the evil spirit's control, in his heart of hearts Kiborus enjoyed the deed. Thus he failed the test. To punish him, an ancient Vampire named Crimson was sent to visit him. After years of servitude, Kiborus slew his creator and found service with The Dweller in the Vale. This Dark Ruler sent him to Daven to recruit The Lord of Gluttony. He slew the then-king of Daven, Dakor V. He later made Saithith. After instructing Saithith about his new undeath state and how to be a successful vampire, Kiborus left. Finally, the eminent vampire took up residence as the Chancellor of the Nameless City.
Lord Kiborus is an average-looking bald, bearded man. His beard is neatly trimmed, and his baldhead gleams. He has pale, shiny skin, but can easily pass for human in less than perfect lighting. His eyes are remarkable, however; they are violet in color and sparkle with a horrible silver light. He rarely shows the fangs that pass for his canines. Kiborus dresses in rich black garb made of velvet, cut in a timeless style, and he wears a diamond at his throat. At first glance, this combination puts one in mind of a priest. The former warrior-priest of Heshtail (now a priest of Vornoth) is very polished and mannerly in his speaking, but he has a fiery temper and is quick to anger. When he flies into a rage, he is murderous.
Average Height: 5' 2"-6' 0" Average Weight: 175-220 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Vision: Low-light Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Perception Track by Scent: You gain a +2 bonus to skill checks made to track creatures that have a scent. Berserker Attack: You can use Irzuk Anger as an encounter power. |
Irzuk Anger Irzuk Orc Racial Power |
When you are struck, your punish your enemies. |
Encounter Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You are hit by an attack. |
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to damage until the end of your next turn. Increase the extra damage to 4 at 11th level and to 6 at 21st level. |
Irzuk orcs are a sub-breed of orcs. They are the Red-Skinned Orcs of the Vale, who are known for their large noses and keen sense of smell. These strange orcs are actually a breed of dark folk that comes out of the spawning pits of Gorug, but most have taken up residence in the Nameless City, as they have a natural hearty resistance to cold. Irzuk tend to be more industrious than other orcs, though their industriousness does not quite get to the level where it rivals that of the oluks. These orcs are also quick tempered, and their strength tends to be fueled by their rage.