World of Farland

The World of Farland

A D&D Setting Conquered by Evil

Magic Items of the Planes of Farland

Table of Contents

Planar Creations
    Avernus Steel
    Black Cedar Staff/ Wand

Planar Creations

Many amazing goods have been crafted in the Outer Planes, and since the denizens of those Planes have had much, much longer to perfect their creations, such items are inevitably intricate, powerful... and perilous. Every Plane has items for which it is known, and such gear always reflects in some way the nature of those that created it and the Plane on which it was created. Those listed below are only some of the items that can be found in the dimensions beyond Núrion.


A devil forging in hell. Made with Dall-E 2. All rights reserved.

Avernus Steel

Weapon or armor (variable), very rare

The forges of Avernus are eternally lit, and whilst usually only devils benefit from this ceaseless labor, some of their creations find their way out of hellish Barathus every so often. A thriving black market exists in Carcus which specializes in equipment made of Avernus Steel (also known as Barathean Steel), and it is regularly sought out by more idiotic mortals who have yet to understand that their ideas of value, particularly when it comes to market economics, are very different to those of the fiends.

When forged of Avernus steel, a weapon has one of the following qualities, which you can use when attuned to the weapon:

When forged of Avernus steel, armor has one of the following qualities, which you gain when wearing the armor and having attuned to it:

Black Cedar Wood staff by S. Baker and Midjourney

Black Cedar Staff/ Wand

Wondrous item, very rare

Barathean black cedarwood is extremely magically potent, and is regularly used by the devils for the manufacture of equally powerful arcane items. A staff or wand made of this wood never loses its power should it run out of charges; and its maximum number of charges is increased by 2. When you roll damage from an effect, spell, or attack caused by the item, you may roll twice and take the highest total-- so using a black cedar staff as a melee weapon is normal-- and the DC for all of its effects is increased by 2.

The luckless fool who destroys a black cedar staff using a Retributive Strike is always transported to the cedar groves of Barathus, escaping the explosion but incurring the wrath of the Godsliver Fiend Mephistopheles. This is because all such staffs are the nominal property of the archdevil Mammon, who demands great compensation from their manufacturer in the event of damage. Mephistopheles subsequently attempts to exact his own punitive damages on whoever destroyed the (by Barathean standards) lawfully loaned item.