The sixth part of the story "The Adamdar Spring."
New stats for Embla the Risarvinni, a main character in “The Adamdar Spring.”
A new magic item, Embla’s sentient blade known only as "Sword”.
The fifth part of the story "The Adamdar Spring."
New stats for Milon Dukalle, King of Kale.
New art of King Milon Dukalle.
The fourth part of the story "The Adamdar Spring."
A new NPC, Brokk the mysterious dwarf wizard.
A new feat, Whirling Dervish.
Errata to our publications on DriveThruRPG.
New art of the Lord of Gluttony.
New art of the Lord of Envy.
The third part of the story "The Adamdar Spring."
A new spell, draining strike.
New art of the Lord of Pride and the Lord of Lust.
The second part of the story "The Adamdar Spring."
A new magic item, The Pack of Aelendes.
New art of the Pack of Aelendes
New art of the lesser gods of Farland.
The first part of an amazing new story, "The Adamdar Spring."
A new feat, Arcane Adept.
New art of the greater gods of Farland.
A New Planar Item, Black Cedar Staff/ Wand.
A new feat, Punitive Counterspell.
The sixth and final part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale."
A new feat, Intense Concentration.
New art of Valanduil and the Dweller in the Wintervale.
New Planar Items, Avernus Steel.
New art of the Hellish Forges of Avernus.
Our World of Farland Players Guide 2 has now been added to PDF and hardcover bundles, so you can get a discount on all our products at DriveThru RPG!
A new publication full of amazing options for characters, the World of Farland Players Guide 2.
A new song, "Towers of Night".
A new song and poem, "Salazar".
A new spell, Suffocate.
A new monster, the Gargoyle Render.
A new magic weapon, the Gargoyle Blade.
A new poem, "Towers of Night," to go with the free adventure.
The dark plane of Erebus, the Penumbra.
Two maps of shadowy Erebus.
Two new creatures of Erebus, the kishi and the kishi champion.
The popular Crypt of Memory adventure is now available as an add-on for the Roll20 VTT!
The quixotic plane of Tanis, the Feywild.
Two new creatures of Tanis, the hryma and the sluagh.
The fifth part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale."
A new NPC, Aidan of Zel, from "Blizzard and Belendale".
A new spell, arcane portrait.
The chaotic plane of Nemux.
A new spell, mystical umbrella.
The fourth part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale."
A feat, the Vengeful Dancer.
Three new herbs: Archer's Boon, King's Root, and Ossura.
The neutral plane of Concordia.
A new druid circle, the Circle of Patterns.
The third part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale."
A new monster, the Night Giant.
Our World of Farland Players Guide is now available for Fantasy Grounds VTT!
The disturbingly symmetrical plane of Cogiton.
A new monster, the Vespin.
An amazing new adventure for 11th-12th level PCs, World of Farland: Death Rising, available at DriveThruRPG!
A new poem, On the Lonely Sea.
The poem "On the Lonely Sea" set to music.
A new feat, Punisher.
The happy hunting grounds of Aeron.
A map of Aeron.
A new Bard College, the College of Naming.
Our World of Farland Campaign Setting is now available for Fantasy Grounds VTT!
The paradisial plane of Efferenus.
The heavenly plane of Caelestin.
A PDF poster of all the rules for our lingering injuries by damage type.
The second part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale."
A new Druid Circle, the Circle of Stone.
A new background, Denizen of the Deeps.
The first part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale."
Three new herbs: Pumela Frond, Radendria, and Salow Bark.
A new feat, Hard to Kill.
The abyssal plane of Malor.
Four new maps of Malor.
The World of Farland's 20th anniversary celebration and trivia contest! Go here for rules and prizes!
A new spell, time reversion.
A new feat, Retaliator.
A new magic item, the Axe of Kain.
The nether plane of Carcus.
A new fighter martial archetype, the Heart-Sword.
The plane of Barathus or Hell.
A new spell, ice sculpture.
The planes of the World of Farland in detail.
A new spell, Heshtail's cloak.
Three new herbs: Dilamin, Foria, and Zaro.
New art by our staff artist, "Goblin."
A new cleric divine domain, the Water Domain.
A new spell, vision of history.
The poem "An Orcish War Chant" set to music.
A new Wizard School of Magic for PCs, the School of Blood Magic.
Spotlight on the history and practice of Blood Magic.
A new roguish archetype, the Jester
A new background, Exile.
A new spell, imbue with spell.
New art by our staff artist, "Potion Man."
Grammar and symbol pronunciation for Altarian, the Elven Language, plus an expanded lexicon.
A new feat, Poisonous.
The sixth part of the story "Reaping in Kale."
Three new herbs: Agosia, Centurian Leaf, and Vorn Creeper.
A new Fighter Martial Archetype for PCs, Master of Elixirs.
The fifth part of the story "Reaping in Kale."
A new background, Raised by Monsters.
A new spell, storm of arrows.
New information about the Greater and Lesser Gods of Farland.
A new cleric divine domain, the Fire Domain.
A new spell, hidden trap.
The fourth part of the story "Reaping in Kale."
A new feat, Weapon Specialist.
Three new herbs: Elfberry, Night Thimble, and Shade Moss.
The third part of the story "Reaping in Kale."
A new Ranger Archetype for PCs, The Woodsman.
Spotlight on the ranger protectors of Bestraville, The Woodsmen.
The second part of the story "Reaping in Kale."
A new spell, divine archery.
Three new herbs: Adda Root, Borage Wort, and Yarron.
A new campaign supplement, available in PDF and hardcover, The World of Farland: Realms Under Shadow
The first part of the story "Reaping in Kale."
A new spell, claustrophobia.
Three new herbs: Mifron Bean, Pearl Grass, and Sweet Chicory.
A new cleric divine domain, the Travel Domain.
A new spell, memory spectacle.
A new feat, Agile Combatant.
The poem "The Kassa Sailor's Lament" has been set to music.
A new Monastic Tradition for PCs, The Way of the Claw.
Spotlight on the infamous order of goblin monks, The Way of the Claw.
The sixth part of the story "Storms Over Kelerak."
A new map of the Nameless City.
A new NPC, Kiborus, the Cold Master.
A new background, Native of Gloralion, the Summervale.
A new feat, Power of the Summervale.
A new map of the Summervale.
The fifth part of the story "Storms Over Kelerak."
A new map of the Far City.
A new poem about the famous Far City.
Our World of Farland Campaign Setting PDF has been redone.
Our World of Farland Campaign Setting is now available in hardcover.
A new version of the map of Dessingrove.
Spotlight on the famous Order of the Far Knights.
A new paladin oath, the Oath of the Far Knights.
The map of Núrion has been redone, and a new map with latitude lines was added.
The fourth part of the story "Storms Over Kelerak."
A NPC from "Storms Over Kelerak," the orc monk Tamarrick the Reaver.
Three new herbs: Indria, Janora's Bloom, and Tulip of the Highlands.
Our World of Farland Game Master's Handbook is now available in hardcover.
The third part of the story "Storms Over Kelerak."
A new version of the map of the continent of Farland.
A new political map of the continent of Farland.
A new Sorcerous Origin, the Maelstrom Sorcerer.
New invocations for the Sin Pact Warlock."
Our World of Farland Players Guide is now available in hardcover.
The second part of the story "Storms Over Kelerak."
A new NPC, Yedus Anglarond the archmage."
An expanded write-up on Dragonspur City.
A new map of Dragonspur City.
A new poem about the churches of Dragonspur City, "Silver and Tin."
New art, Facing the Darkness.
A new feat, Blood Magic.
New fiction, "Storms Over Kelerak."
A new NPC, Durisea the Strange.
Our first print publication, The World of Farland: War of Immortals Campaign Setting.
The poem "An Elven Song of Longing" set to music.
A magic item, Returning Ammunition.
A feat, Enhanced Reflexes.
A spell, Quick Magic.
A magic item, Opportunistic Weapon.
A new background, Former Minion of Evil.
A spell, the Portable Road.
New art, a warrior of Eruna.
Constellations of the World of Farland.
A new class option, the Sin Pact Warlock.
Daxis, a CR 6 Sin Pact Warlock NPC.
Three more Bard Songs for Inspiration.
Three new herbs: Olanum Grape, Pomacula, and Seathorn.
The map of Alustel has been redone.
New barbarian primal path, the Rage Channeler.
New fiction, the sixth and last part of "The Mists of Daven."
A new NPC, Isolde the halfling rogue from "The Mists of Daven."
New Ghost Pact Warlock Invocations.
New fiction, the fifth part of "The Mists of Daven."
New art, Eternal War.
A new NPC, Sir John Culwyn.
A new spell, Concussive Strike.
A new monster, Roval ún.
Our third publication, World of Farland Campaign Setting.
Three new herbs: Dogsbane, Fronded Trefoil, and Meadow Velvet.
New art of the orc-demon Karoxfang.
A new map of Kale City.
New fiction, the fourth part of "The Mists of Daven."
A new background, Folk Healer.
Our second publication, World of Farland Game Master's Handbook.
The evil hag Dantha'Sule has been converted to 5e.
New art of Dantha'Sule.
New fiction, the third part of "The Mists of Daven."
A musical version of Awa', Orcs, Awa'.
Our first publication, World of Farland Players Guide.
A new monster, the Gulogut.
Three new herbs, Flamgart's Eye, Hellana, and Yellow Berry.
A new magic item Trickshot Ammo.
New rules for Mastercraft items.
The map of Bestraville has been redone.
New fiction, the second part of "The Mists of Daven."
A new monster, Plaguesap Treant.
New art of the Plaguesap Treant.
The map of Budum-Ishi has been redone.
New fiction, "The Mists of Daven."
A new monster, Burned Dead.
New art of the Burned Dead.
The map of Elder Daven City has been redone.
A new NPC, the rogue guildmaster Corfin Ack-Sembar.
Three new herbs, Braided Vines, Mandrake Root, and Sageroot.
A new adventure for level 19th to 20th-level PCs, "Wizard's Isle."
A new monster, Drowned Dead.
New art of the Drowned Dead.
A new NPC, the powerful and evil ruler of Stor-gris, Karoxfang.
A new NPC, Naglor Osbern, lord of Dragonspur City.
The map of Therolan has been redone.
The final installment of Part 2 of the Darmon chronicles, "The Sack of Norville."
The immortal highland hero, Darmon Stuart.
A new magic item, Slayer, the sword of Darmon Stuart.
Three new herbs: Dithafoil, Mage's Cowl, and White Berry.
New art, Dark Centaur.
The maps of Anaria, Western Anaria, and Hildolf have been redone.
A new magic item, the Shield of Kassius.
Three new herbs: Capacin, Heshtail's Blessing, and Red Clover.
A new feat, Herbalist.
The elven king Baranwë the Tall, a powerful eldritch knight.
An adventure for 17th-18th level characters, Hold of the Lich Lord.
Spotlight on Dessingrove, a town in Western Kelerak.
The hero Bartarius, a powerful warrior.
Three new herbs: Elanor, Sumash, and Tumeric.
A description of Halfling society and culture.
Lingering Injuries by damage type.
Three new herbs: Baneseed, Pygmy Dogwood, and Sativum.
The next chapter of the Darmon chronicles, Even Eagles Dream.
An NPC, Marshall Ada, a CR 10 cleric.
A new adventure, Ordeal of the Viper.
Three new herbs: Citronellus, Fluxweed, and Pipeleaf.
The standards and flags of the kingdoms have been redone
An NPC, Daug-Dagoth, a CR 9 Oni-werebear.
Art of Daug-Dagoth.
An NPC, The Winged One, a CR 7 cambion.
Art of The Winged One.
Three new herbs: essence of lavendra, nadria, and thodrun lily.
A new magic item, The Gates of Prowess.
An NPC Lord Payn Ack-Arthur, a CR 13 ranger.
A new spell, Aegis of Night and Day.
Three new herbs: lotus, rot gut, and yellow thistle.
A new poem, A'Legen O' Gagan MacMann
The next chapter of the Darmon chronicles, From the Tops of the Trees.
A new adventure, The Crypt of Memory.
A new monster, the Remnant.
A new spell, Shadow Whip.
A new poem, Awa', Orcs, Awa'.
A musical version of The Lay of Talkana Silumiel.
A new adventure, The Troll Pits of Hextor.
The elven Shadow Walker Lady Galadwen of House Arduval, one of the Lords of the West, has been converted to 5E.
A new monster, the Ravenous Zombie.
New art, "On the Verge of Greed".
A new adventure, Haunted Dwarven Tomb.
The mighty warrior-wizard Valanduil of House Cirana, one of the Lords of the West, has been converted to 5E.
The evil lich Afej the Black has been converted to 5E.
New art of the lich Afej.
The next chapter of the Darmon chronicles, The Not-so-Magnificent Six.
A new adventure, Adventurer Summoning.
The powerful barbarian Malcall Grimson, one of the Lords of the West, has been converted to 5E.
Spotlight on the ancient, long-fallen elven city Alustel.
New herbs native to Farland.
A new adventure, Into the Thieves' Guild.
The Dweller in the Wintervale has been converted to 5E.
The dwarf citadel of Wawmar has been updated with new maps and a new overview.
The next chapter of the Darmon chronicles, A Surprise Visit from an Oluk Wizard.
A new fighter Martial Archetype, the Witch Slayer.
The huge berserker Tollem of Wyvernia has been updated to 5e.
Rules for herbalism and new herbs native to Farland.
New art, Tollem of Wyvernia.
The adventure "Wyvern Attack!" has been converted to 5E.
The Lord of Wrath has been converted to 5E.
The next chapter of the Darmon chronicles, A Mysterious Portent.
New art, Animus, and a new gallery for our staff artist.
The adventure "Dead Tree Vale" has been converted to 5E.
The Lord of Greed has been converted to 5E.
The next chapter of the Darmon chronicles, Awakenings.
The adventure "Strange Shelter" has been converted to 5E.
The Lord of Sloth has been converted to 5E.
The map of Forntol has been redone.
Three of the PC races of Forntol, the Teregnaven, Kassa, and Hilken, have been updated to 5E.
New art of the goddess Janora.
The adventure "The Endless Well" has been converted to 5E.
The Lord of Envy has been converted to 5E.
New Totem Warrior options for the barbarian primal path.
New art of the Lord of Wrath conquering the Far City.
New art of the god Flamgart.
The Lord of Gluttony has been converted to 5E.
New art of the Lord of Gluttony.
The NPC Widfaral, High Priest of Death has been converted to 5E.
New art of Widfaral.
The adventure "The Ties that Bind" has been converted to 5E.
The Lord of Lust has been converted to 5E.
New art of the Lord of Lust.
The adventure "The Quick and the Dead" has been converted to 5E.
The map of the Wintervale and enemy lands has been redone.
The evil assassin Bolg-Gatha has been converted to 5E.
New art of Bolg-Gatha.
The adventure "What Lurks Within" has been converted to 5E.
The map of Eruna, the Sutherlands has been redone.
One of the Lords of Sin, The Lord of Pride has been converted to 5E.
The adventure "Towers of Night" has been converted to 5E.
The map of the Belendale and the map of the Summervale have been redone.
New PC races, hobgoblins and orcs.
New subraces for the goblins and kobolds races.
New spell, Carpet of Flame.
The interactive map section of the site as well as the large map of Farland has been redone.
New PC races, goblins and kobolds.
New spell, Bind Weapon.
An english-to-elven and elven-to-english lexicon.
New fighter archetype, Pikeman, and new warlock pact, Ghost Pact.
New art of the Lord of Envy.
The Palace of Wrath maps have been redesigned and updated.
The entire site has been graphically redesigned. It has also been optimized for tablet and mobile.
A great deal of new 5E content, including spells, class archetypes and paths, monsters, feats, races, magic items, holy symbols, backgrounds. and planes of existence.
A great deal of new art by our staff artist, detailed here.