An Epic Roleplaying Resource

Farland is a unique fantasy RPG campaign setting of grand proportions. This is a world that has been conquered by evil. It has been sundered into seven kingdoms, each ruled by an evil lord who personifies one of the seven deadly sins. These beings, called the Seven Deadly Lords or the Lords of Sin, hold the land in a dark grasp. In the conquered kingdoms, the Lords of Sin enslaved the population and made their primary activity in life the glorification of the Dark God Vornoth. Farland is an evil place but take heart, for not all is lost-- light glimmers in the West. Three kingdoms have recently been freed, and the battlelines are drawn between the East and the West. The clouds of war are gathering...
Farland has a detailed history spanning many millenia, providing a rich, realistic backdrop that many campaign settings lack. Every clue and detail that players discover will lead them to further, nearly limitless aspects of the world, providing an immersive gaming experience.
Farland is thus primarily a free resource for people's pen and paper RPG games, although there are now online games.
On this site, you'll find information about this unique setting, as well as other roleplaying related miscellanea such as adventures, riddles, prestige classes, feats and skills, NPCs, links, and much more.
You are welcome to set your roleplaying campaign in Farland.
Farland is updated at least once a month, so bookmark! New to Farland, to D20, or to roleplaying? Start here.
This version of the Farland website uses the 3.5 Edition rules of D & D. There is also a 4th Edition website and a 5th Edition website.