Marshall Ada of Dragonspur

Marshall Ada, level 23
Human, Cleric, Radiant Servant, Saint
Initiative +16
AC 36; Fortitude 32, Reflex 30, Will 42
HP 149; Bloodied 74 Surge Value 37 ; Surges/Day 8
Speed 5
+21 vs AC Disrupting Morningstar +5 2d10+11
+14 vs AC Crossbow 2d8+1
Str 16, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 12, Wis 26, Cha 16.
Starting Ability Scores
Str 12, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 12.
Arcana +17, Religion +20, Insight +24, Diplomacy +19, Heal +26
Cleric: Ritual Caster
Human: Defensive Healing Word
Level 1: Healer's Implement
Level 2: Human Perseverance
Level 4: Combat Medic
Level 6: Restful Healing
Level 8: Implement Expertise (holy symbol)
Level 10: Weapon Focus (Mace)
Level 11: Paragon Defenses
Level 12: Darkfoe
Level 14: Toughness
Level 16: Skill Focus (Religion)
Level 18: Expert Ritualist
Level 20: Improved Initiative
Level 21: Radiant Advantage
Level 22: Punishing Radiance
Bonus At-Will Power: Lance of Faith
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Cleric at-will 1: Invigorating Assault
Cleric at-will 1: Sacred Flame
Cleric encounter 1: Vengeful Flare
Cleric daily 1: Moment of Glory
Cleric utility 2: Armor of Faith
Cleric encounter 3: Sacred Shielding
Cleric daily 5: Spiritual Weapon
Cleric utility 6: Cure Serious Wounds
Cleric encounter 7: Strengthen the Faithful
Cleric daily 9: Divine Power
Cleric utility 10: Shielding Word
Cleric encounter 13: Mantle of Glory (replaces Vengeful Flare)
Cleric daily 15: Holy Spark (replaces Moment of Glory)
Cleric utility 16: Air Walk
Cleric encounter 17: Halo of Peace (replaces Sacred Shielding)
Cleric daily 19: Supernal Radiance (replaces Spiritual Weapon)
Cleric utility 22: Heal
Cleric encounter 23: Spirit Flame (replaces Strengthen the Faithful)
Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Disrupting Morningstar +5, Rebuking Weavemail Armor +5, Bracers of Respite (epic tier), Quickstride Boots (paragon tier), Restorative Gauntlets (paragon tier), Ironskin Belt (paragon tier), Circlet of Indomitability (paragon tier), Amulet of Attenuation +4, Ring of the Zealous (paragon tier), Alliance Band (paragon tier), Crossbow, Holy symbol
Gentle Repose, Create Holy Water, Comprehend Language, Battlefield Elocution, Scroll of Delay Affliction, Delay Affliction, Cure Disease, Raise Dead, Remove Affliction, Consult Mystic Sages, Mark of Justice, Astral Guide, Astral Sojourn
Ada was born on the 23rd of Dekkos, 8140, in the village of Semberton, about 5 km northeast of Dragonspur City. Her father Roger Ack-Peter and mother Luci are a humble couple situated on the market side of town. Ada grew up less fortunate than her peers, but her family was well respected by the villagers for their hard work and dedication. Known for being an exceptionally honest man, Roger Ack-Peter is an accomplished weaponsmith. The passersby often visit her father on market days in order to inquire about his latest commission. They stand about and ask who commissioned this sword or that axe and still wonder at the beautiful engravings he etches in his works. He is a slow and steady worker and he always instilled in Ada the importance of patience and perseverance. Without the desire for wealth, Ada's father worked contentedly with occasional commissions from Dragonspur City and Hoths and well-paid Captains in Lust's armies.
Roger Ack-Peter and Luci had a son, Walter Ack-Roger, who was six years older than Ada. Walter was an apprentice to his father almost from the day he could walk. His father took much pride in having a son who could work by his side and take over the family smithy when the time came. Roger spent every moment instructing his son in the careful ways of weapon making. He always wished, however, that his son would be more attentive to certain intricacies. Walter was extremely bright and quick to learn, but his attention wandered often and he did not pay the close attention necessary for making masterwork weapons. Even at a very young age, Ada always hung close by, taking in her father's every word. She demonstrated an understanding, patience, and dedication beyond her years and was very skillful with her fingers, considering she was just a small child. Ada also had a strong spiritual side, and asked her parents many questions about the forbidden gods. She would cry uncontrollably whenever her family attended the occasional mandatory worship at the Temple of the Dark One, and soon they ceased bringing her. At home, Walter and Ada had a respectful relationship and enjoyed each other's company. They often sat together and Walter would read to Ada before she was taught the alphabet. Walter was always aloof in his quiet way and Ada believed he dreamed more than he would tell.
In the summer of her tenth birthday, Ada also had a dream. She dreamt of an old man with a staff and a sword. He came to her and spoke in soft, comforting tones. He told her she would speak with her brother again. Ada immediately felt a wave of relief wash over her, but awoke confused as to the portent of his words; they soon became clear, however, for she quickly noticed that her brother was gone from the room they shared. It was still fully dark out and Walter never got up that early in the summer to tend the animals and begin their chores. Ada immediately woke her father and mother and they began the search for Walter Ack-Roger. She shared her dream with her parents who were thankful for the hopeful omen but were not as assured as Ada that this was the truth. They made a thorough search of Semberton and questioned everyone who might have seen him come or go. Her father traveled to neighboring villages her brother had visited and then made a thorough and exhausting search of Dragonspur City. The family found not one trace of him and was devastated. Luci cried for many days and stayed up nights watching the door for his return, praying silently to the kind man with the staff and sword. Ada slept by her mother's side during these painful nights as Roger Ack-Peter combed the village and surrounding areas for his son. Ada thought of her dream often, but was never closer to understanding his disappearance.
Roger ack Peter spent more and more time in his workshop. Ada clung close to her father, watching his every move. Luci continued with her daily routine. They were all grieving in their own way, not knowing whether he had been planning this escape or was forcefully taken in the night. Ada began working next to her father, and it was some time before he realized it. Roger had been so absorbed in his grief for his son, who would no longer become an accomplished weaponsmith under his hand, that he barely noticed Ada. Time passed slowly and every day Ada gained more of her father's confidence. They began working closely together and Roger loved to teach his daughter every little intricacy and detail. She worked carefully and precisely and often pre-empted his demands, putting a smile on his face and in his heart. Ada became an apprentice to her father and they enjoyed a very close relationship. Throughout the years, Ada also continued to have dreams about her brother Walter. They were never about Walter himself, but always of an old man who told her that she and her brother would speak again.
The summer before Ada's twentieth birthday in 8160 F.R., exciting news came from Dragonspur City. The Lord of Lust had been overthrown and the Lord High Mayor Naglor Osbern would now rule justly over the city of Dragonspur, working to free the rest of the Kingdom! It then became clear to Ada that she had to tell her father and mother of Heshtail, the Merciful One, for she had somehow long ago realized who the figure in her dreams was. She said that the dreams she was having were of him, and also of a star of many lights and of three horsemen. She told them that she had had the same dreams for all of her memory, but never as vividly as now and not with as much clarity. Luci and Roger were astounded. They had never specifically instructed their daughter in the teachings of Heshtail, but understood that this miraculous knowledge must surely be a sign and that Ada had been specially chosen. Over the next month, Ada continued having dreams of fast riding horsemen weaving through the darkness like wind out of the West. They became more and more detailed. Some nights she could make out one regal but strange figure sitting taller than the others in his saddle; the figure resembled an elf from legend, and he wore the light of goodness on his brow and held a dark stone in his hand. On the 15th of Reos, Ada awoke and knew that she needed to leave Semberton for Dragonspur City. She went to her parents and explained to them that Heshtail had instructed her to travel to the city to seek the disciples of Heshtail at St. Quentin's Church. Her parents were saddened by the news, but understood the power of her dreams and Heshtail's call.
Roger Ack-Peter joined Ada the next morning on the trip to the city. It was a teary good-bye for Luci, and Roger's heart was heavy thinking he might never see his daughter again. Ada and her father traveled down Eagle Road together and upon entering the city followed the winding city roads to the great spire of St. Quentin's Church. During the time of the evil occupation, the worship of good gods was forbidden, and The Lord of Lust had strictly forbid worship of Heshtail in the land and thus many people had forgotten his teachings and steered clear of the church itself; thus the newly refounded Temple housed only a handful of disciples when Ada arrived. Ada approached and demanded to speak with Burcan the White, who had been revealed to her in a dream. The public did not know Burcan the White's true name and for a woman to have received that name in a dream was unheard of. She was accepted with quiet awe and reverence by the few attendants stationed there. Roger Ack-Peter took his leave after meeting with Burcan the White who confirmed that Ada's calling was true and that this was her destiny. The Temple became Ada's new home.
For the next nine years, Ada engaged in the most rigorous spiritual training seen in these times of peace. Burcan the White led Ada on a journey through Heshtail's most holy teachings. Ada spent the years learning from the most sacred books and scrolls of Heshtail. She pored over books about times long ago in the kingdom. Working with Ada, Burcan immediately realized that she was blessed with a most powerful energy. She was remarkably receptive and was adept at channeling the power of Heshtail, and she discovered that she had an incredible talent to heal due to her empathetic nature. She also learned how Heshtail instructs his disciples to defend themselves against negative energy. Burcan taught her the importance of maintaining a healthy body and increasing her strength in order to wield her god's power. She studied the ways of warfare and weaponry. She sent many messages to her family telling of her studies and one special letter to her father included a commission for a masterwork morningstar designed to fight in the name of her Lord. Ada was an exceptional student, driven by faith in her God and desire to spread goodness and justice throughout the world. She excelled beyond belief, and became a pillar of the Church community. For these reasons, Burcan granted her the distinction of the office of Drapier in the Temple.
On the 15th of Reos, after the Heshtalian Feast, Ada was communing with her lord when she was instructed to join the Lords of the West. During her nine years in the Temple, she had gained little knowledge of worldly affairs excepting her work with the poor and the ill in the city during times of plague, sickness and famine. She spoke with Burcan the White who told her of the fame the Lords had recently acquired during their exploits. Burcan counseled Ada to meet with Naglor and do what Heshtail foretells, for it is her destiny to do his will. Meeting with these Lords, Ada recognized the figures from her old dreams, and she was astounded. She pledged to aid this group with all her power, as long as they stayed within the bounds of the laws of Heshtail; her dreams ensured her that they would. Ada thus has given her life over to Heshtail and will do anything in her power to promote truth and mercy, and wreak justice on the evil forces controlling the lands.
Ada's Speech upon receiving the Rank of Marshall
"Thank you honored guests, Lords and Ladies or Dragonspur, and holy devotees of the Great Church of Heshtail. Lord Tobiath Agath, I sincerely appreciate your presence on behalf of King Naglor on such a beloved day. May his decisions forever be guided by the justice of Heshtail.
I have been blessed this glorious day by my Lord Heshtail, the kind-hearted one. To be appointed a Marshall for St. Quentin's Church is an unparalleled honor, and I intend to fully devote myself to fulfilling the duties of this noble office . I accept this honor with humility and gratitude to the Merciful One who has chosen to wield his power through me. Heshtail spoke to me in dreams. I had dreamt of the Lords of the West. There was one figure that sat taller in his saddle, riding along with a dangerous Northman and another Lordly man of the woods. I was called to the Church. I gave myself over to the venerable Burcan the White when I arrived to worship our Lord Heshtail. I must whole-heartedly thank you Burcan, my teacher, my mentor, for bestowing upon me this highest of honors. You instructed my body and soul to channel the holy energy from our Lord to protect our lands from the dark forces. We must band together to fight this evil invading our homes. Heshtail has sent me on a quest of which we are all a part. We all must use what Heshtail has provided us to keep our lands free. I look upon my parents with tears in my eyes. Roger Ack-Peter accompanied me here to my destiny and trusted our Lord to protect me. My parents' faith in me is overwhelming. Luci has taught me the lesson of moral fortitude, and my father has given me the perseverance and responsibility to forge the weapons I wield for my Lord. To shape metal into an instrument of good is a blessing, whether that metal is the literal steel of a weapon or the steel inside the human spirit. It is an honor to stand here before you as a Marshall for the Church and I am thankful Heshtail has allowed for your continued support. I am deeply saddened by the absence of my dear brother Walter, but I have faith in my Lord that I will meet him again. Heshtail has led me this far unfailingly and I will continue to follow the voice that guides me. Heshtail speaks to the reverent. Commune with your Lord and you shall be guided as I have on my quest for goodness to prevail over evil. And as my Lord Heshtail protects me, may he shine his grace upon you. Thank you."