Demi-Gods of Farland
Table of Contents
- Lawful Good
- Reeanan
- Dhurli Ironbeard (Dwarven)
- Barlifandorf (Gnomish)
- Good
- Calbran
- Bucca Tunnelly (Halfling)
- Thranton
- Unaligned
- Aknor
- Janora
- Flamgart
- Evil
- Grlarshh
- Other Deities
- Tanarus and Sulis
- Salystra
- Cults
- Gods
- Holy Symbols
The following section details the Gods and Demi-Gods of Farland.
Human Gods
Reeanan (The Bright, Wise Lady)
- Power of Caelestin, lawful good
Reeanan is pictured as a radiant maiden clad in a robe as bright as the sun. She is the hand-maiden of Heshtail, and he is said to trust her and put great responsibility on her. The Wise Lady is especially popular among Paladins, who revere her wisdom and strength of word. Her clerics worship her by burning a specially prepared bonfire and casting incense into it once a month. Priests of Reeanan hate liars and people who do not keep their word. They are known for their strength of will and their resistance to temptation. They are usually kind people, but hard.
Reeana commands her followers thus:
- Revere the daytime, for it is holy.
- Keep your word.
- Trust in your own wisdom.
Holy days: Radae (7th day of week), New Year, Yule (25th of Belos), 1st of Kantalos
Holy Month: Reeanos (7th month)
Ceremonies: Ceremony of Oaths, Solar Ceremony once a month, Paladin Honorarium, Fortitude Reverence, others
Church structure: The Church of Reeanan is a substructure of the Church of Heshtail, although it is semi-independent. Members of the church of Reeanan will obey members of the church of Heshtail who are higher in rank, and vice versa. They will also go to many of the other church's ceremonies as well. The two Churches can also draw upon each other's resources, although the Church of Heshtail is ultimately dominant. Ranks within the Church, distinguished by differing armbands, are from: Attendant, Oath Protector, Celestial Attendant, Marshal, Celestial Oath Protector, Deacon, to Celestial High Priest. There are many Paladins throughout these ranks.
Tithe and donations: 10% to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Calbran (Lord of Luck)
- Power of Efferenus, good
Calbran is pictured as a hugely muscular man with a crown on his head. Although he is a supreme fighter, he is very peaceful and only fights to defend himself or his queen Bestra. His worshippers are encouraged to be peaceful and strong of will. His clerics worship him by preaching the value of peace to whomever they can. They also hold a ceremony where the symbolic hammer of Calbran is venerated once a week. Priests of The Lord of Luck tend to be slow to anger and often only fight when they are attacked. When they do fight, however, it is with great strength and ferocity, as they trust to luck granted by their Demi-God to bring them through the combat and help them triumph in the ways of pure good.
Calbran commands his followers thus:
- Never fight except to defend yourself or others. Aggression is blasphemy.
- Tend to your strength of body, mind, and heart.
- Peace is the utmost goal. Peace is holy.
Holy days: Wedae (First day), solstice and equinox, New Year, Cycle of the constellation "Calbran's Hammer," others
Holy Month: Calbros (9th Month)
Ceremonies: Calbran's Holy Hammer (every four years the stars of the constellation Calbran's Hammer glow faintly), Ceremony of Peace (immediately after war), Ritual of Luck (before an undertaking), Veneration of Strength, others
Church structure: Like the church of Bestra, the church of Calbran is structured in a dual way. There is the Order of the Luck, which tends to its daily maintenance. It is ranked: from Holy Neophyte, Brother or Sister of Luck, Father or Mother of Luck, Deacon, to Bishop. The other branch is the Order of Peace, which consists of traveling clerics or monks. It is ranked: from Novice, Erant, Peacekeeper, Healer, Almoner, to Abbott. The Church of Calbran values pragmatic service more than rank. The church has two co-leaders, the High Bishop and the High Abbott of the geographical area.
Tithe and donations: 8 % to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Thranton (Lord of Lightning)
- Power of Efferenus, good
Thranton the Lightning Lord is the servant of Kantor the crusader. He is seen as having long hair and a long beard, both wildly jutting out in all directions. He wears chainmail and carries a bow, which does not shoot arrows but lightning bolts. Once a month a great archery contest is held to honor Thranton. He is also worshipped during thunder storms by his loyal clerics. His priests wear deep grey cloaks to symbolize the thunder of Thranton. They tend to favor bows. Thranton is a temperamental lord, quick to anger at the forces of evil and quick to defend good. This is true of his priests as well. The priests of The Lord of Lightning often work in close contact with priests of Kantor.
Thranton commands his followers thus:
- Storms are the blessings of Thranton.
- If you aim to accomplish something, do not stop until you do.
- Never let dust collect on your boots.
Holy days: Hoarmdae (3rd day), Thunder Storms, 29th of each month (Archery Contest), New Years, 3rd of Kantalos others
Holy Month: Thrantos (3rd Month)
Ceremonies: Archery Contest, Ceremony of Thunder, Lightning Veneration, Holy Hawk's Celebration, others
Church structure: The Church of Thranton, like that of Kantor, has little over-all organization. In some areas, the church actually shares a temple structure with that of Kantor, in other areas (unoccupied by evil of course), priests of Thranton have their own temples. A temple of Thranton is always marked by a jagged silver streak across the front portico. Each temple, whether within its own structure or sharing a building, is independent of other temples of both Kantor and Thranton, although they will act as allies. In times of war the temples of Thranton will ally themselves with other temples and with the church of Kantor. They will submit themselves to the leadership of Kantor's High Priest-Marshal who oversees all of the temples in the geographical area. When the crisis has passed, the Protectorate dissolves, leaving the temples to go about doing the good business of Thranton unhampered. The internal hierarchy of each temple differs, although it is generally loose nit. A common arrangement might be: from Cloud-brother, Priest, Thunder Priest, to High Thunder Priest.
Tithe and donations: 10 % to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Aknor (The True, Lord of Skill)
- Power of Concordance, Unaligned
Aknor the True is the demi-god of skill. He serves as Neltak's right hand man. Aknor is an ultimately skilled blacksmith who can forge any item. He is said to have made Neltak's axe. Aknor likes everything in its place. Priests of Aknor gather around his anvil-shaped altar once a week to worship him. He also has two main holy days a year. Priests of Aknor try to be as skillful and as orderly as they can in everything they do. Many devote their extra proficiency slot to mastering a skill. The worshippers of Aknor hate it when someone tries to hide their ethical bent. They tend to like it when people are straightforward in their dealings with them.
Aknor commands his followers thus:
- A place for everything, and everything in its place.
- There is no endeavor more holy than working with your hands.
- A job perfected is a job blessed by Aknor.
Holy days: Radae (7th day), 14th of Neltalos, Yule, Summer Solstice, Vernal Equinox
Holy Month: Neltalos (2nd month)
Ceremonies: Holy Craftsmen festival (1st week of Neltalos), Ceremony of Truth (17th of Bestalos), Feast of Skill (14th of Neltalos), Yule ceremony, others
Church structure: The Church of Aknor is a church of craftsmen. It is quite organized, with two branches, the Makers, and the Venerators. The Makers spend almost all their time making crafts to give glory to their Blacksmith god. They are ordered from Holy Apprentice, Holy Maker, Holy Cleric Maker, Holy Master, to Holy Cleric Master. There are two ranks within each rank, however. These are Primus and Secondus. Thus one enters the church a Holy Apprentice Secondus. The other branch of the church, the Venerators, are more clerical in their duties. They are responsible for enforcing the laws of the church within the church itself, as well as proselytizing and holding rituals. These are arranged from: Neophyte, Initiate, Cleric, Priest, Acumenist, to Holy Priest of Skill. This branch is also arranged according to Primus and Secondus ranks. The Potentate of the Church of Neltak is also the head of the Church of Aknor.
Tithe and donations: 10% plus portion of crafts made to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Janora (Lady of Fate)
- Power of Concordance, Unaligned
Janora is called the Lady of Fate. She is said to be the daughter of Dekk, and is described as a beautiful woman clothed in robes that are like the living night sky. She is said to be blind, but this does not hinder her. Her priests worship her twice a week, as well as gathering once a year to try to predict through the use of astrology what will happen in the coming year. Like priests of Dekk, Janora's specialty priests try to remain as neutral in all things as possible, but they will work to correct the balance. Many priests actually have a relatively active interaction with society, as detailed below. Clerics of the Lady of Fate always keep a dark cloth on them that is adorned with bright points or spots, to represent the star-robe of Janora. Some priests of Janora are called Fatemasters.
Janora advices her followers thus:
- All happens as it is meant to.
- Be bold, for your fate is not in your hands anyway.
- The stars will predict your fate.
Holy days: Hoarmdae (3rd day) and Dwardae (6th day), 1st day of Dekkos (10th month), Lunar and Solar Eclipses, Yule, others
Holy Month: Janoros (6th month)
Ceremonies: Annual Astral Prediction on 28th of Heshtalos, Ceremony of the Roll of the Heavenly Dice, Fate Day (13th of Vornos), Star Ceremony, others
Church structure: The Church of Janora is divided into two factions that disagree about the important issue of the role of the church. The first faction is the official church of Janora. This church is closely connected to the monastery-church of Dekk. This church is indeed the appendage of the church of Dekk that handles dealings with the outside world. This faction sees neutrality as the balancing of probabilities. In other words, sometimes evil may benefit, sometimes good will win, but things balance out into an over-all neutrality once the positives have been subtracted from the negatives. This philosophy translates to an active interaction with many elements of society. The proceeds from these interactions go largely towards benefiting the church of Dekk foremost, with the remainder going back into the church of Janora. This church is structured from: Brother or Sister, Cleric, Star Cleric, High Cleric, Priest, Star Priest, to High Priest. The other faction of the church of Janora is the Fatemasters. This faction believes that the church of Janora should be entirely independent. They try to downplay their connection with Dekk, even going so far as to deny that Janora is a demi-god. Strangely, their philosophy is more one of pure neutrality, which is more compatible with the church of Dekk than is the philosophy of the official church of Janora. The Fatemasters tend to be more withdrawn, spending their time with astrology and attempts to tell the future. Their church is arranged from: Neophyte, Astralist, High Astralist, Stellarist, High Stellarist, to High Fatemaster.
Tithe and donations: 12 % to Church
Flamgart (Lord of Fire)
- Power of Concordance, Unaligned

Flamgart is the servant of Bel the Lord Thief. "He" is pictured as a slender being of indeterminate sex, whose face is wreathed in flames. Flamgart always has a bottle in one hand and a black-jack, flail, or warhammer in the other. "He" is very whimsical and unpredictable. "He" is often thought of as insane. "His" priests worship him by holding the Flamgannal, a celebration where all those present are expected to get drunk and act completely insane. His priests often act this way themselves, with or without the aid of alcohol. They view Holy Ecstasy as a way of communing with their god. Priests of Flamgart tend to wear at least one item of bright red, to symbolize the fire of their God.
Flamgart commands his followers thus:
- You can never step in the same river twice.
- The essence of life is change.
- Do as thou wilt... so long as you do not grow stagnant by doing the same thing for too long.
Holy days: Hoarmdae (3rd day), 1st week of Flamgos, 8th of Belos, Hallow's Eve
Holy Month: Flamgos (8th month)
Ceremonies: Flamgannal during the first week of Flamgos, Ceremony of Pilfering during 8th of Belos, Ceremony of Fear during Hallow's Eve, Greening Ceremony, others
Church structure: The Church of Flamgart is entirely the most disorganized religion on Farland. The Priests of Flamgart have no official hierarchy. The pecking order is simply from the least powerful to the most powerful Cleric (no titles involved), with the everyday worshipper doing the menial labor when they are willing. Moreover, the Priesthood spends much of its time in Holy Ecstasy (i.e. drunk). This is not to suggest that Priests of Flamgart are not serious about their God or their religion; they are, and they believe deeply in the wisdom gained through Holy Ecstasy. They just represent the pinnacle of chaos. In times of need, however, any priest of Flamgart will aid any temple of Flamgart.
Tithe and donations: at will. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Grlarshh (God of Death)
- Power of Barathus, Evil
Grlarshh is pictured as a rotting, skull-faced man wielding a scourge. He is the only Demi-God who does not serve the major God of his alignment. Indeed, Grlarshh and He-who-walks-in-Darkness are enemies and are feuding. The Walker is winning, and as such Grlarshh is slowly withdrawing from Farland; hence his demi-god status. His worshippers are increasingly rare. Indeed they may be the clerics that are in the most danger, as they must contend with the servants of The Walker, as well as the servants of good. What few clerics of The Diseased One remain keep a low profile. These clerics worship Grlarshh by sacrificing someone once a month and dedicating the death to their Lord of Death. Where possible, clerics of Grlarshh used to paint their faces like skulls before the ascendancy of The Walker, but now they just keep a small skull-shaped icon on their person.
Grlarshh commands his followers thus:
- Honor the God of Death and he will keep you safe; Do not and your life is forfeit.
- Disease and pestilence is the way of life.
- Death is holy.
Holy days: Khamdae (2nd day of week), 29th of Vornos (Ceremony of Death), 15th of Dekkos (Dance of Disease), 15th of Kantalos (Ash Remembrance), Hallow's Eve, others.
Holy Month: Belos (11th month)
Ceremonies: Ritual Sacrifice once a month, Ceremony of Death, Dance of Disease, Ash Remembrance, others
Church structure: The Church of Grlarsh is under a lot of strain. They are constantly hounded and hunted. As such, almost all temples are secret, and are located underground or in some other hidden place. The colored robes of the Priests identify the ranks of the church. The robe colors are from: Crimson, Black, Grey and Black, Maroon and Black, to Purple and Black. The titles corresponding to these colors are: Novice, Priest, Priest of Disease, Priest of Death, and High Priest of Death. Members of the Church are generally brought into the fold of their own accord and because of some tribulation in their lives from which they see Grlarsh as having granted them respite. Thus they are extraordinarily loyal to the church and will usually not hesitate even to give their lives for the cause, as they see death as a blessing from their God.
Tithe and donations: 12 % to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Elves do not have a Demi-God. They worship only Tal-Allustiel or the unity they call Edai.
Dhurli Ironbeard (Lord Miner)
- Power of Caelestin, Lawful Good
Dhurli Ironbeard is the Chamberlain in Khuldul Rockcarver's great mountain kingdom. He serves Khuldul faithfully and truly. He is worshipped by his faithful clerics once a month when they venerate a recreation of Dhurli's sacred pick-axe. Priests of Dhurli are always loyal to their friends and to the Dwarven race. They keep the best care of their beards out of any dwarves, usually, and take great offense when anyone insults this beard. They tend to put chains of gold, as well as small gems in their beards whenever they can. Scholars also claim that Dhurli Ironbeard has some connection to Khuckduck Gemcutter, but what that connection is they usually do not say.
Dhurli commands his followers thus:
- Precious metals are holy.
- Faithfully serve those who have lawful authority over you.
- Loyalty is the highest virtue.
Holy days: Every fifth day, Half Moons (All Gems' Glow), Soulforge Gathering (every four years), Eclipses, New Year
Holy Month: Dhurlin (9th Month)
Ceremonies: Un Auldin (All Gem's Glow), Os Oodin, Os Tholus (Day of Seeking), Ceremony of Axes, Beard Decorating Ritual, others
Church structure: The Church of Dhurli, while officially a branch ("Khuldul's Brother") of the larger church of Khuldul, has its own internal structure. The church is arranged into two divisions, with titles which, in Dwarven, mean Holy Pick and Holy Axe. The first branch is responsible for the fiscal operations of the church, while the second is responsible for the Belicose operations. Each of these divisions is ruled over by four High Priests, with ceremonial titles meaning "Steel," "Diamond," "Marble," and "Granite." These eight High Priests of the Church (called the Holy Conclave) are responsible for appointing the 99 Ceremonial Judges of Khazadim. These 99 Judges are a fixture of every dwarfhold, handling religious disputes and court cases concerned with everyday customs of living. Of Course the Judges answer ultimately to the King. Finally, there is one more group that attaches itself to the church of Dhurli. These are the "Dealers of Justice," fanatical berserkers and warrior outcasts loyal to the laws of Dwarven society They seek a life of war in the name of Dhurli.
Tithe and donations: 10 % to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Barlifandorf (Gnome Lord)
- Power of Caelestin, Good
This gnomish demi-god is pictured as a bald, ugly large-nosed female gnome clad in illusionist's robes. Strangely, she has small horns. She is a master illusionist, and serves as court magician to many of the gods. Her worshippers venerate her by worshipping once a year in complete solitude, and fasting for two days. To enter the church a vow of celibacy is required. They also think that riddles are sacred to their God, and as such, they try to solve and collect as many riddles as possible. The Goddess of Illusion is also the patron of gnomish invention, and any inventing tinker gnome venerates her. Most gnome illusionists also worship her, needless to say.
Barlifandorf advises her followers thus:
- Curiosity is the spice of life.
- Seek knowledge to make up for what you lack in brute force.
- Brain beats brawn.
- Things are rarely as they seem; Use this knowledge to your benefit.
Holy days: In Dwarven: Angwan (1st day), Yule, Eclipses of the Sun, Winter Solstice, others
Holy Month: In Dwarven: Marin (1st month)
Ceremonies: Ceremony of Illusions, Ceremony of Solitude, Invention Service, others Church structure: The church of Barlifandorf is strictly hierarchical. It is divided up into three sections, with one section handling the rituals concerning curiosity, one with those of invention, and one with those of intellect. The sections called by Gnomish names meaning "Ministry of Holy Curiosity, Ministry of Holy Inventiveness, and Ministry of Sacred Intellectuality." Each Priest within the separate ministries are given Gnomish titles corresponding roughly with: Warrener, Illusiary, Burrower, Minister, Magiciary, to Holy High Illusiary Burrowing Minister. So the head Priest of the Ministry of Holy Curiosity would be titled "Holy High Illusiary Burrowing Minister of Holy Curiosity." Priests of Barlifandorf often use all applicable titles. Only female gnomes are admitted to the Ministry of Sacred Intellectuality.
Tithe and donations: 10 % to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Bucca Tunnelly (Halfling Lord)
- Power of Efferenus, good
If Bunga Proudfoot is the Sheriff of his heavenly shire, then Bucca is the good-natured thief. He only borrows things, however, and no one ever misses them. He serves Bunga willingly whenever he is in need of his skills. Bucca's clerics are rather thief-like and flippant, but they can be serious when the need arises. They venerate Bucca by worshipping once a week at the meeting to worship Bunga. Whenever a priest of Bunga mentions their God's name, one of Bucca's priests will scream out "And Bucca too!", to the good natured consternation of the worshippers of Bunga. Halfling thieves everywhere generally venerate Bucca.
Bucca advises his followers thus:
- Use humor to deflect blame.
- Stealing is a practical joke.
- Do no real harm.
Holy days: Khamdae (2nd day of week), New Year, Mid-year's Day, Harvest, and Yule (25th of Belos)
Holy Month: Belos (11th month)
Ceremonies: New Year, Mid-Year, and Yule feasts, Harvest festival, Burglary Reverence
Church structure: The Church of Bucca is truly and intrinsically bound up with the Church of Bunga. The two churches share a building, which is officially the temple of Bunga. While this causes friction on rare occasions, it is generally not a problem. The church structure is even more lax than that of Bunga's. The church of Bucca is just as enthusiastic about feasts and outdoor services as the church of Bunga. There is a hierarchy of the church, from Handler, Holy Handler, Gov'ner, Holy Gov'ner, to Holy Burgher. Priests in the Church of Bucca are happily tolerated and even looked to in times of need.
Tithe and donations: 10% to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Tanarus and Sulis (Double manifestation of Primordial Power)
This is the worship of a dual god, representative of the sun and the moon, and the whole primordial force of nature and of Núrion, which is mighty indeed. Natural things are considered holy to druids, specifically mistletoe. Tanarus is the male manifestation, whose symbol is the oak. Sulis is the female manifestation, whose symbol is water. Some theologians say that these two names do not represent specific beings, like Heshtail or Vornoth, but rather the processes of nature, something like the Tao. Others, however, say that Tanarus is the sun and Sulis the moon.
Salystra the Queen of Serpents (Demon-goddess of Dark Elves)
Power of the Maelstrom, evil
This hideous demon is represented as either a giant, bloated black asp or a beautiful drow female. Few besides the dark elves worship her. When priests of Salystra get to a certain level, she tests them. Those who fail become hideous abominations; those who pass are allowed to progress in power. Her domains are evil, magic, and trickery.
Salystra commands her followers thus:
- Power is the utmost goal.
- Conquer the world for Salystra.
- Those who are weaker than you are yours to do with as you will.
Many cults abound, although none grant powers except possibly some cults of a very powerful demon or devil. The details involved in cult worship vary. Most cults exist in primitive societies, but not all. Some examples include, but are not limited to: "Tyrannosaurus" cults, "beast" cults, "basilisk" cults, "sphinx" cults, "slug" cults, "demon or devil" cults such as the cult of Orcus, and "dragon" cults.
These are the only true Gods worshipped on the world of Núrion. All the Gods have been detailed, but the way they are individually worshipped has only been touched upon. Every temple's worshipping style is slightly different. Obviously, a Priest of a certain God is constrained to worshipping primarily that God, but the average citizen tends to pay reverence to whatever God fits the current situation in which he finds himself. Thus, a peasant might pray to Bestra for a good harvest, to Janora when gambling, and to Kantor when fighting. He might even whisper a prayer to Grlarshh when sick in an attempt to placate this evil God so that he will withdraw the illness. Of course most of the Gods are worshipped in secret in occupied lands. In some cases, barbaric humans have clerics that have real power. This is because they worship one of the true gods, whom they venerate under a different name and aspect. This is apparently not displeasing to the Gods.