The Gods of Farland
Table of Contents
- Lawful Good
- Heshtail
- Khuldul Rockcarver (Dwarven)
- Khuckduck Gemcutter (Gnomish)
- Good
- Bestra
- Bunga Proudfoot (Halfling)
- Kantor
- Tal-Allustiel (Elven)
- Unaligned
- Neltak
- Dekk
- Bel
- Evil
- Vornoth
- Demi-Gods
- Holy Symbols
The following section details the Gods and Demi-Gods of Farland.
Human Gods
Heshtail (Merciful One)
Power of Caelestin, Lawful Good
Heshtail is pictured as a wise old man who carries a staff and a sword. He is also pictured as a venerable healer, carrying bandages and food to the sick. On top of other worship, his followers revere him by holding a midnight vigil once a month where candles are burned on a special star-shaped pallet, which is held by the high priest. No priest of Heshtail will refuse to grant aid to the wounded, nor will they hesitate to slay the fatally ill out of mercy. The worship of Heshtail was very popular before the Dark Times, but now it is expressly forbidden in occupied lands.
Heshtail commands his followers thus:
- Aid the sick.
- Succour the wounded.
- Work to promote justice.
- Fight against evil for goodness and light.
Holy days: New Moon, New Year, Yule (25 of Belos), 15th of Reaanos, Radae worship (7th day of the week)
Holy Month: Heshtalos (5th month)
Ceremonies: Candles are burned on a special star-shaped pallet at midnight on the new moon, Radae worship (7th day), Sun Ceremony at noon on 15th of Reaanos, Ceremony of the wounded during Yule time, Ceremony of Laws (12th of Bestalos), others
Church structure: The temple is arranged according to a very structured hierarchical order. There are two main branches of the temple; they represent the staff and the sword of Heshtail. The first branch is the order of the Faithful, representing those concerned with the day to day operations of the temples themselves. They are ranked from: Low Friar, Friar, Prior, Abbot, Cleric, High Cleric, Bishop, to Potentate. The other branch is the order of the Militant, representing the armed forces of the church. They are ranked: from Attendant, Hospitaler, Templer, Sergeant Faithful, Drapier, Marshal, Seneschal, to Master General. Individual temples are ranked according to Districts, with each district having a Potentate. In unoccupied lands, all the districts are ruled over by the High Potentate. The other minor branch of the church of Heshtail is actually the temple of Reeanan. This temple is technically a part of Heshtail's church, but it has its own structure and is semi-independent.
Tithe and donations: 5% to the sick or poor, 5 % to the temple Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Bestra (Lady of Goodness)
Power of Efferenus, Good

Bestra is pictured as a beautiful woman armed with a shield and a harp. She is kind and nurturing, prayed to by mothers everywhere. Her worshipers hold a yearly feast with the crops that Bestra the Good has allowed to grow. Her clerics tend to wear a cloth of red satin somewhere on their body, to symbolize the love of Bestra. She is also the patron of poets, minstrels and bards everywhere. Her clerics will never fail to do their best to protect a good creature.
Bestra commands her followers thus:
- Revere nature, for it is beloved of Bestra.
- Nothing is greater than love.
- Protect life even if it means giving your own.
Holy days: Wedae worship (1st day), Harvest, Planting, Midsummer, Yule, 1st of Calbros
Holy Month: Bestalos (4th month).
Ceremonies: Yearly feast of Bestra on Harvest day, Dance of Midsummer 20th of Reeanos, Ceremony of the mothers on Yule, Harp ceremony (24th of Heshtalos), Protection service (24th of Calbros), others.
Church structure: The church is structured in a dual way. There is the Order of the Temple, which tends to its daily maintenance. It is ranked: from Holy servant, Healer, Father or Mother, Deacon, to Counselor. The other branch is the Order of Service, which consists of traveling clerics or monks. It is ranked: from Novice, Cellarer, Planter, Healer, Cantor, to Sancristan. The Church of Bestra values pragmatic service more than rank. The church has no over-all leader, but has a High Counsel, made up of each temple's Counselor from the geographical area, which rules it.
Tithe and donations: 8% to temple. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Kantor (The Crusader)
Power of Efferenus, Good
Kantor is pictured as a bearded old man in chainmail, wielding a battle axe. A hawk named Deepsea perches on his shoulder. He wears a great, battered old helm and smells slightly of the sea. His clerics are the most violent of the good clerics, but only in the defense of good, never in aggression. His worshippers do not care for laws, but tend to help their neighbors. Once a year they make a pilgrimage to the nearest large body of water and burn a piece of ash at its shore. The clerics of Kantor are among those who despise the rule of evil the most.
Kantor commands his followers thus:
- Do whatever you can to forward the cause of goodness, even if you must work outside the law.
- Live life to its fullest.
- Never pass up the opportunity to fight evil.
- Kantor smiles on the brave.
Holy days: Suildae worship (5th day), 30th of Thrantos, Yule, Midsummer, 1st of Janoros
Holy Month: Kantalos (1st month)
Ceremonies: Ash Pilgrimage during Kantalos, Ceremony of Storms during 30th of Thrantos (3rd Month), Feast of Fallen Heroes during 1st of Janoros (read a Funeral Prayer of Kantor from this ceremony here), Ceremony of Navigation (first Suildae in Flamgos), others.
Church structure: The Church of Kantor has little over-all organization. Each temple is mainly left to its own devices, handling its own administration and daily business. Only in times of war do the temples of Kantor band together into a Holy Protectorate, electing a High Priest-Marshal to oversee all of the temples in the geographical area. When the crisis has passed, the Protectorate dissolves, leaving the temples to go about doing the good business of Kantor unfettered. The internal hierarchy of each temple differs, although it is generally loose nit. A common arrangement might be: from Servant-brother, Priest, Cardinal Priest, to High Priest.
Tithe and donations: 10% to Church Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Neltak (Lord of Law)
Power of Concordance, Unaligned
Neltak is generally regarded as a large muscular man, bare-chested from the waist up. He carries a large headsman's axe, which he maintains all laws with. His clerics revere Neltak above all others, and as such, are sticklers for the laws of their society. They generally are a benefit to their society because they uphold its laws so well. The religion of Neltak was the state religion of Farland the Great before its occupation. The priests worship Neltak by gathering in a ceremonial "Court of Neltak" once a month, wherein the laws of the sect and of the society are discussed. The head Priest of Neltak in an area always carries a great, ceremonial axe. His worshippers hate thieves, usually. Specialty priests of Neltak are called Guardians.
Neltak commands his followers thus:
- Defend the law, for it is your only bulwark against chaos.
- Property and ownership are blessed.
- Do not lie, and punish those who do.
- Seek justice.
Holy days: Hoarmdae (3rd day), 7th of Neltalos, New Years, Summer Solstice, Vernal Equinox
Holy Month: Neltalos (2nd month)
Ceremonies: Court of Neltak, held on the 7th of every month except Vornos, ritual of Augury on the 14th of Neltalos, Ritual of order on the 21st of every third month, ritual of law on the 7th of every 7th month, Ritual of Justice (3rd of every 3rd month), Ritual of Protection (14th of Calbros)
Church structure: This extremely organized church is divided into four parts. These are, in decreasing order or authority, the Pontifices (the advisors of the Church), the Sacris Facundis (in charge of rituals), the Bellonium (the division of the Church in charge of war), and the Augurs (these are the clerics and Priests). Each individual in each branch is ranked from: Dialis, Unos, Flamen, Divanarum, Ritualost, Pietos, to Maximus. Thus one could be a Dialis Pontifice, a Flamen Augur, a Unos Sacris Facundis, or a Maximus Bellonius. Each rank also has a high and a low level. Thus one could be a High Maximus Pontifice. There is only one High Maximus Pontifice, who resides in the Far City and who presides over the entire church of Neltak.
Tithe and donations: 10% to Church Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Dekk (Lord of Balance)
Power of Concordance, Unaligned
Dekk is pictured as a wizened old sage or wizard, dressed in robes and a cloak. He has a long white beard and is bald. He is often the God of sages and wizards, as well as his personal priests, who are often very much like wizards themselves. Some are often mage/priests. The worshippers of Dekk try to be as neutral in all matters as possible, because they believe that only in such a state can they accurately garner and record knowledge. Their ire is usually aroused only when someone insults their God, who they revere greatly, or when someone needlessly destroys some source of knowledge. Dekk's priests gather to worship Dekk by venerating his great golden scale (one in each major temple) once a month. The priests of Dekk usually value knowledge greatly.
Dekk commands his followers thus:
- Seek knowledge.
- Maintain balance in everything.
- Revere your homeland and nature.
- Magic is the blessing of Dekk.
Holy days: Dwardae (6th day), 1st day of Janoros (6th month), Winter Solstice, Yule, solar and lunar eclipses (both full and partial)
Holy Month: Dekkos (10th month)
Ceremonies: Ceremony of the Golden Scale on the 6th day of the last week of every month, Ceremony of Twilight on the 30th of Janoros, Ceremony of Dawn (1st of Flamgos), Day of Holy Knowing (1st of Janoros), Day of Holy Secrets (30th of Belos)
Church structure: The Church of Dekk is entirely monastic. This monasticism is arranged in a dual structure. It is divided into Holy Transcribers, responsible for ceremonies, rituals, and histories, and Holy Brethren, responsible for everyday operations of the church. The Holy Transcribers are arranged from: Novice, Scribe, Teacher, Refectorian, Librarian, to Sacristan. The Holy Brethren are arranged from: Infirmarian, Cellarer, Kitchener, Almoner, Canter, to Abbot. All of the Holy Monks of Dekk work together in a perfect unison and harmony, and none are above getting their hands dirty in some hard work, as they believe that hard work leads to a clear mind and inner neutral harmony. The church has access to more goods than one would think, due to their monastic lifestyle. This is due to the sub-church of Dekk, the Official church of Janora.
Tithe and donations: 12 % to Church Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Bel (Lord Thief)
Power of Concordance, Unaligned
Bel is pictured as a manlike being. His features are indeterminate, as he is wrapped in a large black or brown cloak. He wields a dagger. His worshippers are very thief-like, and Bel's temples are often havens for thieves. The temples themselves are often built in a purposely chaotic pattern. The clerics of Bel always wear a brown or black cloak, to symbolize the cloak of their God. This is the only religion that is allowed in the dark times. In fact, it is often encouraged. However, priests of Bel tend to secretly resent their masters, as they try to take over their religion too much. These priests are not evil, after all, only very whimsical.
Bel commands his followers thus:
- Get what you deserve.
- Whimsy is the spice of life.
- Never come in the front door when you can sneak in the back.
- Storms are holy.
Holy days: Every 11th day, 11th of Flamgos, Hallowed Eve (12th of Vornos)
Holy Month: Belos (11th month)
Ceremonies: Varies by temple.
Church structure: The Church of Bel has little structure. Each individual temple is left to govern itself. The church individual temples have never been known to band together, although the members of each temple respect priests from other temples. Internally, each temple is loosely arranged according to the power of the priests, from: Friar Servant, Friar, Cleric, Holy Cleric, to High Cleric.
Tithe and donations: 8 % to Church Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Vornoth (Vornok, Vornosh, He-who-walks-in-Darkness, The Walker, The Night Walker)
Power of both evil outer planes, both evil alignments
The walker is a mysterious god worshipped in different forms by many of the evil races. His form is represented as different by every race, but it is always horrible. This worship was expressly forbidden before the Dark Times, although it was practiced in secret. Now it is the Occupied Kingdoms' legal human religion, and the only one that is not hunted out (with the sometimes exception of Bel). Clerics of The Walker often practice blood sacrifices of all races. It is said that the walker exacts some price from all of his clerics, but this is not proven. Nonetheless, the percentage of deformed clerics of The Night Walker is unusually high.
Vornoth commands his followers thus:
- Every creature should worship the Dark One, and it is your duty to make that happen.
- The world belongs to the Walker-in-Darkness, and you may share in his glory if you promote his cause.
- Weakness deserves death.
- Take what is yours. If others cannot keep it, it was never theirs.
Holy days: Khamdae worship (2nd day), Feast of the Fallen, Dark Day, Hallowed Eve (12th day of Vornos), Ceremony of Absolute Majesty
Holy Month: Vornos (12th month).
Ceremonies: Blood sacrifice of a sentient being during the ceremony of Dark Day (1st of Vornos), Releasing of a great swarm of bats amidst holy chants as part of the Ceremony of Absolute Majesty (1st of Heshtalos), Ceremony of the Entombing (1st of Janoros), others
Church structure: Secret (also it varies). At least one constant is that priests who worship Vornoth and not one of his incarnations hold the Dweller in the Vale to be the head of their Church.
Tithe and donations: 10% to temple.
Tal-Allustiel (Elven Power)
Power of Efferenus (Faerie), Good
Tal-Allustiel is revered by almost all of the Elhil. He is pictured as a tall elf whose beauty and majesty are awe-inspiring. Elves worship Tal-Allustiel by always upholding the noble ways of the Elhil and working to preserve the forests and all that which is elven. Tal-Allustiel has no temple; his priests worship him in the most beautiful glades they can find on bright sunny days. His priests only gather once every 5 to 10 years for the Meet-of-Elhil, wherein beautiful silver circlets and magic scrolls are sacrificed to Tal-Allustiel. Specialty Priests of Tal-Allustiel are called by a word in Elven that means "Heart of the Vale."
Tal-Allustiel commands his followers thus:
- As you are one with the planet, maintain it.
- The only thing that is immutable is art and beauty.
- Magic is art; art is magic.
- Evil means the destruction of that which is beautiful; fight it.
Holy days: Glorfinaer (5th day), 1st of Artanal, 1st of Yavekal (10th month), 15th of Silial (9th Month), others
Holy Month: Sulimal (4th month), and Artanal (5th month)
Ceremonies: Thranalhil (Meet-of-Elhil), Manecrist (Ceremony of the Sundering, 17th of Valsal), Vanarian (Ritual of Naming) , Bereuthien (Ceremony of Magic), Namolan (Ritual of Memory), others
Church structure: The Church of Tal-Allustiel is extremely loosely organized. Each Elven village has a temple organization, but the Priests simply meet in glades, meadows or clearings. Many Elven Houses have their own resident Priest. There is an unofficial "High Priest" in each village or settlement. This Priest has unofficial command over the other priests of Tal-Allustiel in the village. There is one High Priest of Tal-Allustiel in the Summervale who is the unofficial head of the Church. The elves feel that an official church or church hierarchy is unnecessary, as each Priest will gladly and willingly serve his superiors, his community or his people to forward the ways of the elves and of Tal-Allustiel.
Tithe and donations: 8 % to Community, Superiors, or House. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Khuldul Rockcarver (Lord of Dwarves)
Power of Caelestin, Lawful good
Khuldul Rockcarver is called God-Under-The-Mountain. He is said to have created dwarves from the Lifestone found at the heart of the legendary Mt. Creation, long since lost. Dwarves worship him by praying before a battle or other strenuous endeavor. Worshippers often dedicate any goblinoids they have killed to Khuldul, as he (and all dwarves) hates them. Rockcarver used to be worshipped by sacrificing excess gold to him when dwarves had their homes, but now he is exalted in the heart of battle. Priests of Khuldul often try to instill spirit and order to the fighting dwarves.
Khuldul commands his followers thus:
- Hearth and home are best in life. Make them strong and defend them.
- Work is enjoyment.
- Skill in craft or endeavour is the utmost goal.
- Deal justice.
- Fight against those that would unjustly take what is yours.
Holy days: Every fourth day, Full moons (All Forges Eve), Soulforge Gathering (every four years), Eclipses, New year
Holy Month: Khuldin (3rd Month)
Ceremonies: Un Kyldin (All Forges Eve), Os Oodin (Soulforge Gathering), Dy Dy Oindin (Consecration of Hearths), Os Tholus (New year Gathering), others
Church structure: The church of Khuldul used to be, in the time before the Lords of Sin, the center of Dwarven life. Before an artist's works were begun, one would give offerings in hope of completing a beautiful work at the end of the endeavor. Likewise, artists would go to the church again and give thanks for the success or ask for guidance in the case of failure. Warriors, mothers, farmers, royalty one and all gave to the temple financially, worshipped at the temple, and gathered for community dialogue there. Now with the loss of traditional homelands for the dwarves, the temple has become less of a focus in life. Khuldul is still worshipped heavily and the priests still hold gatherings regularly, but more energy now must be devoted to the survival of the race and less on ceremony. The church, extremely ordered in past days, has managed to retain much of its structure. The order of the over all church, called Odin Khuldl Os Uri, is arranged in a three part structure. The parts, called "Khuldul's Flame," "Khuldul's Stone," "Khuldul's Blood," respectively represent the bellicose, fiscal and legal, and ceremonial divisions of the church. A fourth part of the church, called "Khuldul's Brother," while officially an arm of the church itself, really represents the church of Dhurli Ironbeard. The priests of each of these divisions are in turn given a title according to rank. These are from: Khuldul's Children, Hands of Khuldul, Strength of Khuldul, Courage of Khuldul, to Khuldul's Wisdom.
Tithe and donations: 10% to church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.
Khuckduck Gemcutter (Gnomish Lord)
Power of Caelestin, Lawful good
Khuckduck is pictured as a giant gnome, and called King Underhill. For some reason, gnomes are highly secretive about him. Many scholars also claim that Khuckduck is in fact Khuldul Rockcarver, but the truth of this has not been confirmed.
Bunga Proudfoot (Halfling God)
Power of Efferenus, good
Bunga is the gracious lord of halflings. They pray to him to protect them from the ravages of the clumsy large folk, and to keep them out of adventures. Halflings worship Bunga by saying a short prayer before every meal (hopefully six times a day). Priests of Bunga are notable peacekeepers and diplomats. They often serve as go-betweens with the outside world. Priests of Bunga are often Sheriffs of their respective shires.
Bunga commands his followers thus:
- Leave danger to the bigger races.
- Food and home are life's greatest enjoyments.
- A small stature hides a stout heart. Be brave and Bunga will bless you.
Holy days: Khamdae (2nd day of week), New Year, Mid-year's Day, Harvest, and Yule (25th of Belos)
Holy Month: Belos (11th month)
Ceremonies: New Year, Mid-Year, and Yule feasts, Harvest festival, Khamdae poetry reverence
Church structure: Hositan religion is extremely folksy and mundane. Unlike humans, halflings have never felt out of touch with nature or the world, and their religion shows it. The church structure is surprisingly lax for a lawful good society, with many feasts and outdoor services. There is a hierarchy of the church, from Brother, Monk Brother, Deaconer, Monk Deaconer, Almist, Monk Almist, to Father (or Mother). Priests in the Church of Bunga are always well-respected in halfling society, and are community leaders.
Tithe and donations: 10% to Church. Players are encouraged to add suitable ceremonies and other details of their own.