Glossary of Names and Terms
Listed here are unique names and terms of Farland. Pronunciation guidelines follow each foreign word. Capitalized letters indicate stressed syllables.
Pronunciation Guide
Ack: Kelevan word meaning "son of"
Aelfar [ALE-far]: First human kingdom, now defunct
Al-Dustriel [al-DOO-stree-ell]: First and greatest Elven house, now defunct
Anaria [ah-NAR-ee-a]: The barbarian lands to the north of Kelerak
Altarian [al-TAR-ee-in]: The Elven language
Battlerager: Term for a member of the barbarian class that comes from a civilized land
Bazok [BAHZ-ok]: Cross between an orc and a troll
Black Speech: The language of Dark Folk
Book of Seven: Evil artifact by which the Lords of Sin were created and imbued with the Dark Will
Carn: Kelevan word for "castle" or "hold"
College: Farlandish term for a guild
Dark Conquest: The war that ended the self-rule of the seven kingdoms and brought them under the rule of the Lords of Sin
Dark folk: Evil humanoids including orcs, goblins, ogres, and their kin
Dark Occupation: The period of time in which the Lords of Sin have ruled Farland; also known as the Dark Times
Dark Walker: Term for Vornoth the God of evil, also Walker in Darkness
Dark Will: Special property of the Lords of Sin by which they can control, to a greater or lesser extent, all Dark Folk in their domains
Davonian [day-VOH-nee-in]: Pertaining to the kingdom of Daven
Deadly Lords: Another term for the Lords of Sin
Dog: Blackspeech term for an infantry soldier
Driddaren [DRID-ar-in]: Elite knights of Daven
Dulam [Doo-LAHM]: (1) n. drow elf (2) adj. drow elven
Dulim [DOO-lim]: Drow elves.
Duthan [DOO-thann]: (1) Elven term for Half-Elves; literally "elf-son" or "elf-friend" (2) Name granted by elves to members of other races whom they wish to honor especially
Dweller, The: Shortened term for The Dweller in the Wintervale; evil overlord who created the Lords of Sin
E.R.: Elhil Reckoning, the date as measured by the elves
Eastern Alliance: Ancient coalition between Farland, Zeland, and Orland; Farland led the alliance
Elhan [EL-hahn]: (1) n. elf (2) adj. elven
Elhil [EL-hill]: Elves
Elwar [EL-wuar]: The Elven alphabet
Eye, The: Shortened term for The Eye of the Wintervale; a free-lance band of evil mercenaries famous for their power
F.R.: Farlandish Reckoning, the date as measured by scholars of Farland.
Faerie: (1) [Fair-REE] Mythical land where elves sail to when they leave Farland (2) [FAIR-ree] language of Fairy folk, related to Elven
Far Empire: Ancient domain of the Kingdom of Farland which stretched almost across the continent
Far Knights: Famous group of paladins and warriors from the Kingdom of Farland, now outcasts
Farland: (1) Eastern Kingdom, similar to the Roman empire, that gave the continent its name (2) The entire continent on which the kingdom is located
Farlandic: Pertaining to the continent of Farland
Farlandish: Pertaining to the kingdom of Farland
Fas farlandis: "Farlandish Destiny" in Farlandish; the philosophical doctrine that it is the destiny of the Kingdom of Farland to rule and govern all human kingdoms on the continent
Frostspire: (1) Tower of the Dweller in the Wintervale (2) Term for an object or action that is evil or hideous
Gloralion [glor-AHL-ee-en]: Elven name for the Summervale, their capital city
Gurz-Goi [GERZ-GOY]: Blackspeech term for the Far City, capital of Farland
Great Speech: Term for the language of the Kingdom of Farland
Green Throne, The: The King, capital, or government of the Kingdom of Kelerak
Hai [HIGH]: Blackspeech term for captain or ruler of a small area
High Speech: Alternate name for the language of the Elves, also known as Altarian
Hinterlands: English translation of the Elven word for the continent of Farland. The Elven word means "land far from the Western Sea."
Holiday: 10-day sub-month tacked onto the end of every second year to make up for a calendar deficit; also called Tanaros
Hositan [HAHS-i-tan]: Self-given name for the Halfling race
Hoth: Blackspeech term for a general or ruler of a large area
Hounds, The: Elite slave-hunting force of the Lord of Envy
Iluminal [ill-LOOM-en-all]: Elven word for Núrion's moon
Jarl [YARL]: Anarian term meaning ruler or chief
Kalais [kahl-LAY]: Self-given term for a resident of the Kingdom of Kale; also Kalish
Kelevan [KELL-i-van]: Language of the kingdom of Daven and Kelerak
Khazak [KA-zak]: Dwarves
Khazdun [KAZ-doon]: Dwarven language
Kingdom Common: Language of the Kingdoms of Zeland and Orland
Irzuk [ER-zuk]: Breed of red-skinned orcs native to the Wintervale
Liferock: First Dwarf Kingdom and birthplace of the race; Liferock is now defunct
Lords of Sin: The seven evil beings recruited by the Dweller in the Wintervale to conquer and rule the seven kingdoms of Farland
Lords of the West: Band of adventurers who freed and now defend the Western Kingdoms of Kale, Kelerak, and Daven
Mordularian [more-doo-LAR-ee-in]: The Dark Elven language; the language of the Drow
Núrion [NEW-ree-ahn with a trilled R]: Planet on which Farland is located
Old Speech: Language of non-evil, non-humanoids
Oluk [O-luck]: Breed of large orc, more intelligent than a normal orc and unaffected by the sun
Ontological War: The Philosophical doctrine that there is an eternal war between good and evil
Shadowalkers: Group of Elven guardians and spies
Snog: (1) Blackspeech term for a slave (2) Derogatory Blackspeech term for an underling
Spur, The: (1) Huge outcropping of rock, actually an ancient volcanic plug, upon which the Spur Fortress, the Castle of the Kings of Kelerak, is built (2) Slang term for Dragonspur City
Stone of Silence: Elven artifact that prevents a defending army from being defeated
Stor-gris [STORE-grease]: Ancient goblinoid kingdom; literally "new start"in ancient Blackspeech
Summervale: Hidden capital of the Elves located in the Elven woodland Kingdom called the Belendale
Tables: Laws of Zeland
Tendenarruk [ten-den-ARE-uck]: Self-given name for the now nearly extinct gnomish race
Tin Penny: Coin made from a mix of tin and copper, worth less than a copper piece
Titles: Laws of Orland
Towers of Waiting: Ancient burial towers of the Kingdom of Zeland
Twenty Precepts, The: The initial and main laws of the Kingdom of Farland
Wawmar [WAW-mar]: Ancient and most powerful Dwarf-Kingdom, built in a dead volcano
Way of the Claw: Secret goblin society of monks located in the Kingdom of Farland
Wintervale: Evil land covered by a glacier; home of the Dweller in the Wintervale
Woodsmen, The: Semi-famous group of Kelerite rangers, now under the command of Lord Payn
Zelacht [ZEL-oct]: Minor Lord of Zeland