Roleplaying and Fantasy-Related Links
The Big E Graphics: The art of the talented Erik Hilliker, who is
responsible for the current banner.
Claudio Pozas: The website of a very talented artist.
Dimitar Nikolov: The collection of a wonderful artist whose art is showcased
on the site.
Elfwood: An extensive fantasy art site.
Steve Argyle: The gallery of a truly excellent artist, who is responsible for the art
on the front page of the site.
Todd Lockwood: One of the best out there. You will all recognize his art.
Game Publishers
Monte Cook: The home of Malhavoc Press and the site of one of DnD's
Tracy Hickman: The creator of Dragonlance.
Wizards of the Coast: The publishers of Dungeons & Dragons.
Medesha Freelancing: The home of a very talented writer and game designer;
besides doing work for Farland, she's been published in Dungeon and Dragon
Magazines, among other places.
Noble Knight Games: Good source for current and out-of-print products.
Battlegrounds: A great virtual tabletop gaming program.
DM Genie: The best battle and character management RPG program out there. It can do almost anything.
Dream Weaved Worlds: An excellent resource for tiles and maps. Useable with
Dungeons & Dragons Adventures: Free adventures.
Dundjinni: A great mapping program.
RPG Gateway: A huge database of links and home of the Gold Wyrm awards.
Profantasy: The creators of Campaign Cartographer 2 Pro.
RPG Communities and General Sites
Community 3E: A resource for fans.
DnDOnline Games: An RPG forum.
D&D WarCry: An RPG news site.
Dungeons & Dragons Online (Stormreach): The new DnD MMOG.
Dungeons & Dragons Reviews: A site with useful information and, well, reviews
of products.
ENWorld: One of the most popular RPG news and forum sites.
Giant in the Playground: The home of the excellent Order of the Stick comic.
Living Dice: A site dedicated to helping gamers schedule and organize their games.
Myth Weavers: The best RPG forum for play-by-post gaming and the home of the Farland boards.
Realms of Evil: The D&D villain's website.
Stupid Ranger: A great D&D blog with funny comics.
Tolkien-Related Sites
Ardalambion: A very cool study of Tolkien's languages.
The Grey Havens: A cool Tolkien fansite.
Lord of the Rings: The official movie site. An extensive and popular fansite.
Karanblade: A well-designed campaign world.
The Kyngdoms: A nicely designed campaign world.
Realm of Ardona: A campaign world with a friendly touch.
World of Khoras: An extremely intensive, well designed world.
World of Meln: An extremely extensive world.
World of Sulerin: Perhaps the oldest campaign world on the net.
If you have a comment about a link, want to report a dead link, or propose to exchange links, contact me here.
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