An Epic

Valanduil of House Cirana

(In Elven, the emphasis is placed on the second syllable and the name means "Singer in Star Shadow." In human languages the first syllable is usually emphasized.)

Elf, (Farlandic, Galan) Ftr4/Wiz11: CR 15; ECL 15; Size M; HD 4d10 + 11d4; hp 57; Init +7; Spd 30 ft; AC 23, touch 16, FF 20; BAB +9/+4; Grapple +12; Atk: +12/+7 melee (1d3 + 3, Unarmed), +15/+10 melee (1d8 + 7, Longsword +2), +13/+8 ranged (1d8, Longbow MW), +13/+8 ranged (1d4/crit 19-20, Dagger MW); SQ Low-light Vision, +2 to saves vs enchantment, immune to sleep effects; AL LG; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +10; Str 17, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 13.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +14, Craft (Bowmaking) +5, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (History) +9, Knowledge (Nobility) +9, Listen +4, Profession (Fisher) +2, Profession (Sailor) +2, Ride +5, Search +7, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +18, Spot +4, Swim +7; Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Combat Expertise, Dodge, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Negotiator, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skillful, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization.

Wiz Spells Known (4/5/5/5/4/2/1): 0--Arcane mark, Dancing lights, Daze, Detect magic, Detect poison, Disrupt undead, Flare, Ghost sound, Light, Mage hand, Mending, Open/close, Prestidigitation, Ray of frost, Read magic, Resistance, 1--Adroitness, Animate rope, Burning hands, Charm person, Chill touch, Color spray, Comprehend languages, Expeditious retreat, Feather fall, Hold portal, Mage armor, Magic missile, Protection from evil, Shield, Shocking grasp, Silent image, Summon monster i, Ventriloquism, 2--Blur, Bull's strength, Cat's grace, Flaming sphere, Fog cloud, Invisibility, Levitate, Mirror image, Resist energy, Rope trick, 3--Dispel magic, Fireball, Flame arrow, Haste, Hold person, Invisibility sphere, Lightning bolt, Tongues, Water breathing, 4--Dimension door, Dimensional anchor, Fire shield, Greater invisibility, Lesser geas, Lesser globe of invulnerability, Phantasmal killer, Shout, Stoneskin, Summon monster iv, 5--Cone of cold, Dominate person, Mind fog, Permanency, Rary's telepathic bond, Shadow evocation, Teleport, 6--Acid fog, Legend lore.

Possessions: Potion of cure serious wounds, Longsword +2 of celuthiel, Longbow mw, Spell component pouch, Ring of protection +3, Backpack, 40 Arrow, Knife, Dagger mw, Mithril necklace, Signet ring, Traveler's outfit, Gloves and bracer, Elven broach, Pouch of aminas (heward's handy haversack), Scroll of horrid wilting (arc), 25 sq. ft. fishing net, Scroll of mind fog (arc), 14 Trail rations (per day), Continual flame silver piece, Noble's outfit, Silk rope (50 ft.), 6 Parchment (sheet), Oil (1-pt. flask), Bone die, Mass scroll of suggestion (arc), Scroll of solid fog (arc), 10 Fishhook, Flint and steel, Whetstone, Inkpen, Mass scroll of cat's grace (arc), Scroll of alarm (arc), Ink (1 oz. vial), Mapcase and maps, Scroll of disintegrate (arc), Potion of remove blindness/deafness, Scroll of expeditious retreat (arc) (1) resist energy (2), Sealing wax, Cooking pot, Potion of cure light wounds, 5 Wizard's spellbook, Scroll of bull's strength (arc) (2) detect secret doors (1) animate rope (1), Mithril shirt +3, Minor ring of energy resistance (fire), Oil (1-pt. flask), Scroll of slow (arc) (3) tongues (3).

Age: 161 Height: 6' 4" Weight: 190

Valanduil is an Elhan of the Belendale, the Elven lands to the north. He was born in the year 8012 Farlandic Reckoning to Curufin, (his wise father and head of the house Cirana), and the Lady Elenor. It is said in Elhil society that mothers often have the ability to foresee their child's fate or "doom," as the Elhil refer to it. Early on she saw, with the help of Thallas, a powerful Doomseer of the house Cirana, that Valanduil's doom would be to travel far into the human lands to the south and east, spending much of his life with the humans. This prophecy proved true as Valanduil eventually decided to leave his beloved homeland to venture abroad with the hope that with his considerable skill as a warrior and his knowledge of magic, he could help to rid the world of the evil that was every day gaining power.

Valanduil was born and raised in the village of Celethir, deep in the heart of the vast forest called the Belendale by humans. He learned to appreciate music, magic, poetry, and beauty as do all elves growing up in the mystical protection of the Elven refuge to the north. His childhood and adolescence was marked by intense study of magic. As a noble of the house Cirana, swordplay and other warrior's skills were also a part of his daily tutelage. Moreover, he was something of a bookworm growing up, and he became well versed in arcane knowledge. Valanduil could always be found studying magic or swordplay; his other main interest was in river-boating. He spent many a timeless day fishing on the great Daelsir River. The truth of his doom prophecy was shown early on when Valanduil exhibited an interest in history, both elven and human. It had been uncommon for elves of the Belendale to show much interest in human affairs and histories past their cursory interest in histories of all types since the legendary Elhan Aminas fell in the defense of Elder Daven in 7796. Many elves fell in that disastrous battle and some say that human hastiness was the cause of the defeat. Thus for centuries it has been rare for any of the Elhil to show interest in human affairs of any type. Valanduil soon became frustrated with the lack of information available about humankind and their history, (especially recent) and increasingly looked outward and as the wanderlust grew within him, he eventually made the fateful decision to leave the beauty and protection of his beloved homeland and venture south into the human lands to seek his fortune and fulfill his doom. To this day, Valanduil is forever seeking historical knowledge of the Elven and human races.

Thus he journeyed south to Kale where he met Bartarius of Outelion, a Northman warrior from the Barbarian lands that lie far across the Kelerak mountains. Respecting Bartarius for leaving his homeland in order to do good and also for his considerable strength and battle prowess, he soon befriended Bartarius and still today counts him one of his closest friends, though Bartarius is often quite hasty in his actions and decisions, a common human fault. Valanduil and Bartarius became quite famous and each complemented the other well, Valanduil often being able to control Bartarius' fits of near-insanity, and Bartarius often urging Valanduil to act in a timely manner when necessary, a difficult trait for an Elhan to learn. Together with many other powerful allies, the two were able to free Kale from the evil grasp of the Lord of Pride. After rescuing Kale, they set off with their allies to Kelerak and after many a harrowing battle, they were able to free Kelerak from the yoke of the Lord of Lust.

Shortly after encouraging Naglor Osbern to take control of Kelerak from Dragonspur City and work to expunge the vestiges of evil still remaining within Kelerak's borders, Bartarius and Valanduil split ways and Valanduil returned north to seek the counsel of his people. There in the Belendale, he enjoyed the special privilege of being invited to the Summervale, the seat of the king of the Elhil, King Baranwe the tall. There Valanduil received an unheard if honor-- his doom was further clarified by the greatest of Doomseers, the Elvenking himself. King Baranwe advised Valanduil that his fate had become more clear in recent years and that his doom, while still to journey in the human lands amongst the humans, was to search further for information about the most powerful of the artifacts of the Elhil, the Stone of Silence. Valanduil accepted his doom and his king granted him leave to spend as much time as needed in the presence of the sacred swan of the Summervale, descendant of Alfain, the original swan, holder of the might and magic of the Elhil.

As is the way with the Elhil, time (as the humans reckon it) passed quickly for Valanduil in the Summervale and during the seven short years he spent in the presence of the great swan, he met and fell in love with the beautiful Ingwe of the house Valleron. After he professed his love and she in turn, they agreed to wait for each other while Valanduil answered the call of his doom and returned to the troubled human lands. King Baranwe asked Tharivol of the house Meliane, a powerful priest of Tal-Allustiel, to accompany Valanduil on his journey to meet Bartarius and continue fighting the evil. Now he had a new focus to his wanderings and to his surprise, during the seven years that he had been gone, Bartarius had independently become interested and had been searching for the Stone of Silence, though unsuccessfully. Thus they agreed to put their ever-present hate for all things foul and dark and their quest to exterminate all the evil that plagued Farland on hold temporarily to go in search of the artifact.